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What im trying to do is make custom recipes for my custom furnace


private boolean canSmelt() {

if(this.slots[0] == null){

return false;


ItemStack itemstack = FurnaceRecipes.smelting().getSmeltingResult(this.slots[0]);


if(itemstack == null) return false;

if(this.slots[2] == null) return true;

if(!this.slots[2].isItemEqual(itemstack)) return false;


int result  = this.slots[2].stackSize + itemstack.stackSize;


return (result <= getInventoryStackLimit() && result <= itemstack.getMaxStackSize());






The ItemStack itemstack = FurnaceRecipes.smelting().getSmeltingResult(this.slots[0]); line makes any vanilla furnace recipe possible but I want only custom recipies. How am I able to do that?



Have you seen the mc code? its pretty hard to use and work with....

Really, all you need is a HashMap<ItemStack,ItemStack>.

Please, explain more. I know where the hash map thing is, but what do I do with it? Where do I put it (like do I create a method for it or add it to my mod base class)?


Please learn basic java.

You can put it wherever you want, but the "most OOP" way would be to make a new class for it.

I know basic java, but im new to modding.

You don't have to do this, but it would be great if you told my exactly what to do. If you don't want to, its ok, i'll keep trying to find out myself.


Just because I am bored. Please do not copy paste.


import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkNotNull;

enum MyAwesomeMachineRecipes {

INSTANCE; // enum Singleton pattern

public void addRecipe(ItemStack input, ItemStack output) {
	recipes.put(checkNotNull(input), checkNotNull(output));

public ItemStack findResult(ItemStack input) {
	ItemStack result = recipes.get(input);
	if (result != null) {
		return result;
	// if you don't need metadata-agnostic recipes you can remove this
	return recipes.get(new ItemStack(input.getItem(), 1, OreDictionary.WILDCARD_VALUE));

// use custom HashMap from Trove to support hashCode and equals for ItemStacks
// this implementation only uses the Item and the damage value, if you need NBT sensitive checks you need to
// include that
private final TMap<ItemStack, ItemStack> recipes = new TCustomHashMap<ItemStack, ItemStack>(new HashingStrategy<ItemStack>() {
	public int computeHashCode(ItemStack stack) {
		// not the most efficient hashCode probably
		int result = stack.getItem().hashCode();
		result = 31 * result + stack.getItemDamage();
		return result;

	public boolean equals(ItemStack o1, ItemStack o2) {
		if (o1 == o2) {
			return true;
		if (o1.getItem() != o2.getItem()) {
			return false;
		if (o1.getItemDamage() != o2.getItemDamage()) {
			return false;
		return true;



This doesn't compare ItemStack NBT tags. If you need that, you'll have to add it.

Also: Untested.



OMG! Your the best! I thought you would just say "learn it yourself" or something, but no! You actually did it! +1 Karma


Edit: What do I put in my TileEntity class? For the vanilla recipies I would put: ItemStack itemstack = FurnaceRecipes.smelting().getSmeltingResult(this.slots[0]);


      public int computeHashCode(ItemStack stack) {
         // not the most efficient hashCode probably
         int result = stack.getItem().hashCode();
         result = 31 * result + stack.getItemDamage();
         return result;


Why the 31x in the packing?

I would have figured a bitshift to pack the two values, which would be a 2power multiplier,

but with that 31 you have the low 5 bits all set, but followed with a + instead of an AND to pack.... also, while block Metadata has the 16 limit, cant Items have far more 'damage' subtypes than would fit in a  31x& pack?


I am not using the code, I just want to understand it better.

If you just picked 31x cause it looked good, ok, I can live with that,

but I am wondering if there is some reason, some significance to using 31x that I am missing


Seriously? I give you full, working code and you don't even bother trying to read and understand it? Nope. Not gonna happen.

I have read the whole thing many, many times, even fixed some errors, but still, I can't figure out how to put it in my tileentity class. Its kind of obvious how to add a new recipe tho, I got that.


It should be kind of obvious on how to use it, too. Just call


with your input.

Ok, thanks, I finally got it to work, you can close the topic now

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