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I noticed that you can set your language in the Minecraft Client launched from eclipse, but it doesn't change.

The file options.txt in your ForgeInstallFolder is changed but the language seems isn't loaded from the assets/lang folder.


I've tried several ways to get down of this error and found (for me) the solution:


If on Windows go to this directory:


(Change the name 'Baalith' to your actual username on your machine)

The last four letters are depending on your Forge version you are using.


In this folder is a file called: 'forgeSrc-1.7.2-'

1. Open with 7zip or alternative

2. Go into assets/minecraft/lang (by default there is only one file called 'en_US.lang')

3. Copy your lang file (mine is de_DE.lang) from your 'ForgeInstallFolder'/eclipse/assets/lang into this archive.

4. Set your language in the Client to your language and your'e done.


Maybe in future releases the other languages can be loaded directly within mc without changing the jar in the decribed way.


Hope this helps for non/poor english speaking users.


Best regards Baalith


They should be loaded in dev time as long as you specify your assets directory correctly /assets/<modid>/lang/*.lang

I'll look into it when I get back into town.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
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