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[1.7.2][Not needed now]Making an uncollideable block


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Here's my code:

public class BlockLight extends Block{
public BlockLight(Material par1){
	this.blockParticleGravity = 0.0F;

public boolean isCollidable(){
	return false;

public boolean canCollideCheck(int p_149678_1_, boolean p_149678_2_){
	return false;

public void onEntityCollidedWithBlock(World p_149670_1_, int p_149670_2_, int p_149670_3_, int p_149670_4_, Entity p_149670_5_){
	Minecraft.getMinecraft().ingameGUI.getChatGUI().printChatMessage(new ChatComponentTranslation("ouch", new Object[0]));

public AxisAlignedBB getCollisionBoundingBoxFromPool(World world, int i, int j, int k){
	return null;

public boolean isOpaqueCube(){
	return false;

public boolean renderAsNormalBlock()
       return false;

public int getRenderType(){
	return -1;

public int quantityDropped(Random par1Random){
	return 0;

public boolean canDropFromExplosion(Explosion par1Explosion){
	return false;

And it still collides (i'm getting „ouch“ messages). Any ideas?

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What do you want? Can you go through the block? Is that the problem or is it that it still displays the message even though the collision box is null?

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Can the player go through it? Describe exactly how you want it to work.

Yes, he can. And what do you think I can describe more? I want the damn block not to collide any entity and not to stop my locomotive.

If i helped you, don't forget pressing "Thank You" button. Thanks for your time.

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Just because the onEntityCollidedWithBlock method is called, doesn't mean that anything will happen.


For each entity, vanilla calls onEntityCollidedWithBlock for all blocks that partially overlap the entity's bounding box.  But if you don't override it, it won't do anything.  I don't think this is causing the issue.


As far as I can tell, your block shouldn't collide with anything.

Show us your loco code?  perhaps the problem is there. 





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Can the player go through it? Describe exactly how you want it to work.

Yes, he can. And what do you think I can describe more? I want the damn block not to collide any entity and not to stop my locomotive.


Being mad doesn't help, and it definitely doesn't make others want to help.

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