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[1.6.4]Needs help with spawnd wall direction


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i have an item when right clicked it spawns a wall. but the wall was only facing  one direction. i would like some help to figure out how to turn the wall when the player turns.


i have tried to turn it with player and block coords. but the coord system is a bit wired and i dont get it. here is what i have at the momment:


package Talimagics.items;


import net.minecraft.block.Block;

import net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs;

import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;

import net.minecraft.item.Item;

import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;

import net.minecraft.world.World;


public class taliswall extends Item {


public taliswall(int par1) {







int dirx;

int dirz;

int playx;

int playz;

float fplayx;

float fplayz;


public boolean onItemUse(ItemStack used, EntityPlayer player, World world, int bx, int by, int bz, int side, float px, float py, float pz)


        //clicked bottom of the block

        if (side == 0 && player.isSneaking())


            //decreases the y position to get the actual clicked block



        }else if (side == 0){





        //clicked top of the block

        if (side == 1 && player.isSneaking())


            //increases the y position to get the actual clicked block



        }else if (side == 1){





        //and so on...

        if (side == 2 && player.isSneaking())




        }else if (side == 2){





        if (side == 3 && player.isSneaking())




        }else if (side == 3){





        if (side == 4 && player.isSneaking())




        }else if (side == 4){





        if (side == 5 && player.isSneaking())




        }else if (side == 5){





        //check if player can edit the block.

        if (!player.canPlayerEdit(bx, by, bz, side, used))


            //Item didnt used.

            return false;




            //When the block is air,

            if (world.isAirBlock(bx, by, bz))


                //play Sound at the center of the block.

                world.playSoundEffect((double)bx+ 0.5D, (double)by+ 0.5D, (double)bz+ 0.5D, "dig.stone", 1.0F, itemRand.nextFloat() * 0.4F + 0.8F);


                dirx = bx;

                dirz = bz;

                fplayx = px;

                fplayz = pz;





                playx = (int)fplayx;

                playz = (int)fplayz;


                dirx = dirx - playx;

                dirz = dirz - playz;




                //Sets the Block!

                    world.setBlock(bx, by, bz, Block.glass.blockID);


                if(dirx > dirz){

                world.setBlock(bx, by, bz, Block.glass.blockID);//mid block

                world.setBlock(bx, --by, bz, Block.glass.blockID);

                world.setBlock(bx, by, --bz, Block.glass.blockID);

                world.setBlock(bx, ++by, bz, Block.glass.blockID);

                world.setBlock(bx, ++by, bz, Block.glass.blockID);

                world.setBlock(bx, by, ++bz, Block.glass.blockID);

                world.setBlock(bx, by, ++bz, Block.glass.blockID);

                world.setBlock(bx, --by, bz, Block.glass.blockID);

                world.setBlock(bx, --by, bz, Block.glass.blockID);

                }else if(dirz > dirx){

                world.setBlock(bx, by, bz, Block.glass.blockID);//mid block

                world.setBlock(bx, --by, bz, Block.glass.blockID);









            //Damages the Item.

            used.damageItem(1, player);


            //Item used.

            return true;








thanks in advance :)

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This link shows the coordinate system (you seem to have it right already?)



I don't understand what you mean "the wall was only facing one direction", and I'm not sure what you intend those ++bx etc to do?


Perhaps you could show some screenshots of what it actually looks like, compared with what you want?




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what happends in the code is that the x and z coords are added together so when i am at x100 z700 the code says z and x is 800.


the bx...etc stuff is block x y z and the px...etc is player x y z


here is what i want from my item.


when i right click a block on the ground like this one.



i will spawn a wall(testing with glass)



but when i turn the player and right clicks the wall still faces the same direction.




that is whats going on.


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what happends in the code is that the x and z coords are added together so when i am at x100 z700 the code says z and x is 800.

after further testing. it seems i was wrong. the block coords are right but the player coord are another story.


it seems that it returns a 0.######## number. that does not go as well in my maths equation. so if anyone know how to fix this. that would be apriciated

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Thanks for the pics, that makes it much clearer.


A few thoughts

1) I don't think that parameter is actually the player [x,y,z].  I think it's actually the coordinates of the point on the block face where the player's line of sight intersects.

2) I think you will need to retrieve the player's coordinates using player.posX, .posY etc.  This is not ideal but it should work I think.

3) when comparing dirx with dirz, in order to see whether the wall is east-west or north-south, you should take Math.abs(), because they can be negative or positive.

4) what happens if dirx == dirz?

5) I understand how you want it to work for clicking on the top or bottom of block; but I'm not sure your east, west, north, south will do something reasonable


     * Handles a players right click. Args: player, world, x, y, z, side, hitVec
    public boolean onPlayerRightClick(EntityPlayer par1EntityPlayer, World par2World, ItemStack par3ItemStack, int par4, int par5, int par6, int par7, Vec3 par8Vec3)
        float f = (float)par8Vec3.xCoord - (float)par4;
        float f1 = (float)par8Vec3.yCoord - (float)par5;
        float f2 = (float)par8Vec3.zCoord - (float)par6;

(f, f1, f2 are eventually passed to onItemUse().  re hitVec - see class MovingObjectPosition)



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