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[1.7.2] World Generation Error


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Crash report? BlockDarkStoneGen class? You need to show more if you wan't help.

Don't PM me with questions. They will be ignored! Make a thread on the appropriate board for support.


1.12 -> 1.13 primer by williewillus.


1.7.10 and older versions of Minecraft are no longer supported due to it's age! Update to the latest version for support.



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Here is the source code of BlockDarkStoneGen


package com.Santa.betterundergroundmod;


    protected int meta;

    protected int veinSize;

    protected Block block;


    public BlockDarkStoneGen(Block block, int meta, int veinSize)


        this.block = block;

        this.meta = meta;

        this.veinSize = veinSize;



    public void swapStoneBlock(World world, Random random, int x, int y, int z)


        if (world.getBlock(x, y, z) == Blocks.stone)

            world.setBlock(x, y, z, block, meta, 2);




    public boolean generate(World world, Random random, int x, int y, int z)



        float f = (float) (random.nextFloat() * Math.PI);

        double d0 = x + 8 + MathHelper.sin(f) * this.veinSize / 8.0F;

        double d1 = x + 8 - MathHelper.sin(f) * this.veinSize / 8.0F;

        double d2 = z + 8 + MathHelper.cos(f) * this.veinSize / 8.0F;

        double d3 = z + 8 - MathHelper.cos(f) * this.veinSize / 8.0F;

        double d4 = y + random.nextInt(3) - 2;

        double d5 = y + random.nextInt(3) - 2;



        for (int l = 0; l <= this.veinSize; l++)


            double d6 = d0 + (d1 - d0) * l / this.veinSize;

            double d7 = d4 + (d5 - d4) * l / this.veinSize;

            double d8 = d2 + (d3 - d2) * l / this.veinSize;

            double d9 = random.nextDouble() * this.veinSize / 16.0D;

            double d10 = (MathHelper.sin(l * 3.141593F / this.veinSize) + 1.0F) * d9 + 1.0D;

            double d11 = (MathHelper.sin(l * 3.141593F / this.veinSize) + 1.0F) * d9 + 1.0D;

            int i1 = MathHelper.floor_double(d6 - d10 / 2.0D);

            int j1 = MathHelper.floor_double(d7 - d11 / 2.0D);

            int k1 = MathHelper.floor_double(d8 - d10 / 2.0D);

            int l1 = MathHelper.floor_double(d6 + d10 / 2.0D);

            int i2 = MathHelper.floor_double(d7 + d11 / 2.0D);

            int j2 = MathHelper.floor_double(d8 + d10 / 2.0D);

            for (int k2 = i1; k2 <= l1; k2++)


                double d12 = (k2 + 0.5D - d6) / (d10 / 2.0D);

                if (d12 * d12 < 1.0D)

                    for (int l2 = j1; l2 <= i2; l2++)


                        double d13 = (l2 + 0.5D - d7) / (d11 / 2.0D);

                        if (d12 * d12 + d13 * d13 < 1.0D)

                            for (int i3 = k1; i3 <= j2; i3++)


                                double d14 = (i3 + 0.5D - d8) / (d10 / 2.0D);

                                if (d12 * d12 + d13 * d13 + d14 * d14 < 1.0D)

                                    swapStoneBlock(world, random, k2, l2, i3);





        return true;



    protected static class Evaluation


        final int x, y, z;

        int sides;


        public Evaluation(int x, int y, int z, int sides)


            this.x = x;

            this.y = y;

            this.z = z;

            this.sides = sides;



        public void evaluateSide()






        public boolean equals(Object o)


            if (o instanceof Evaluation)


                Evaluation e = (Evaluation) o;

                return x == e.x && y == e.y && z == e.z && sides == e.sides;


            return false;






and here is the crash report:


Location: World: (41744,20,-1347), Chunk: (at 0,1,13 in 2609,-85; contains blocks 41744,0,-1360 to 41759,255,-1345), Region: (81,-3; contains chunks 2592,-96 to 2623,-65, blocks 41472,0,-1536 to 41983,255,-1025)


-- Requested block coordinates --


Found chunk: true

Location: World: (41472,0,-1344), Chunk: (at 0,0,0 in 2592,-84; contains blocks 41472,0,-1344 to 41487,255,-1329), Region: (81,-3; contains chunks 2592,-96 to 2623,-65, blocks 41472,0,-1536 to 41983,255,-1025)


-- Requested block coordinates --


Found chunk: true

Location: World: (41392,46,-1666), Chunk: (at 0,2,14 in 2587,-105; contains blocks 41392,0,-1680 to 41407,255,-1665), Region: (80,-4; contains chunks 2560,-128 to 2591,-97, blocks 40960,0,-2048 to 41471,255,-1537)


-- Requested block coordinates --


Found chunk: true

Location: World: (41200,37,-1536), Chunk: (at 0,2,0 in 2575,-96; contains blocks 41200,0,-1536 to 41215,255,-1521), Region: (80,-3; contains chunks 2560,-96 to 2591,-65, blocks 40960,0,-1536 to 41471,255,-1025)


-- Requested block coordinates --


Found chunk: true

Location: World: (41056,0,-1792), Chunk: (at 0,0,0 in 2566,-112; contains blocks 41056,0,-1792 to 41071,255,-1777), Region: (80,-4; contains chunks 2560,-128 to 2591,-97, blocks 40960,0,-2048 to 41471,255,-1537)


There isn't more information.

Hope you can help me :)

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