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[1.7.2]Need way to replace block a player places with another block


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I have been trying to find a way to replace a vanilla fence block by placing another block (whose class extends BlockFence) when a player attempts to place a vanilla fence. The result so far is that a block is set in place (Ive tried the ItemBlock function placeBlockAt as well as the world object function setBlock), but if I place a different block while selecting the replacement fence block, the fence block is replaced (like what happens when selecting grass and placing down a block). I also made a noobish attempt to make the sound of placing a wood block, hence the call to playSoundEffect(..), though I don't know that name of the sound effect :P. Please illuminate any other options I may have to replace a block with another block, that has all the proper properties (one that plays the block placing sound effect and makes the hand swing gesture animation is preferable).


The code below in the spoiler is inside a function as part of a PlayerInteractEvent handler.



if(playerItemStack != null)
		if(playerItemStack.getItem() == fence.getItem() && e.action == PlayerInteractEvent.Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK)

			int dy = e.y;
			int dx = e.x;
			int dz = e.z;

			// Switch adds/subtracts 1 from coordinates of the block that was right clicked based on which face of the
			// block that is associated with the PlayerInteractEvent
			case 0:
				dy -= 1;
			case 1:
				dy += 1;
			case 2:
				dz -= 1;
			case 3:
				dz += 1;
			case 4:
				dx -= 1;
			case 5:
				dx += 1;

			// e.entityPlayer.worldObj.playSoundEffect(dx + 0.5D, dy + 0.5D, dz + 0.5D, "block.wood.place", 1.0f, e.entityPlayer.worldObj.rand.nextFloat() * 0.1f + 0.9f);

			e.entityPlayer.worldObj.setBlock(dx, dy, dz, (Block)Block.blockRegistry.getObject(TestModCore.MODID + ":fence_oak"));

			// Places down manicMod:fence_oak instead
					dx, dy, dz, 
					0, 0, 0, 



*EDIT: forgot to complete the subject field before posting (was in a hurry!)

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Well the "fence_oak" block is registered in the block registry as a class of a block that extends from BlockFence, so it already has the properties of a fence when you just place it the regular way. Its just something weird when you use the functions I've been using, like some of the properties of the block gets changed, but only a few. Another strange thing is that when you pick-block the "fence_oak" block placed with the either function, it brings up the right block, but destroying it in the survival game mode, nothing is dropped, unlike if you simply place it the normal way.

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- what value do you define in here?


- is this your own fence? If so, why don't you use



(Block)Block.blockRegistry.getObject(TestModCore.MODID + ":fence_oak")

- Why make it so complicated? Why not just



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This thread makes me sad because people just post copy-paste-ready code when it's obvious that the OP has little to no programming experience. This is not how learning works.

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playerItemStack - what value do you define in here?


playerItemStack's value is retrieved from entityPlayer.getHeldItem instance associated with the PlayerInteractEvent and is used to detect if the player attempts to right click a block while holding a fence.


fence.getItem() - is this your own fence? If so, why don't you use Item.getItemFromBlock(MyMod.blockInstance)?


No, this is a new ItemStack object constructed with Blocks.fence as it's argument. Sorry for the confusion, I suppose that wasn't made very clear.


(Block)Block.blockRegistry.getObject(TestModCore.MODID + ":fence_oak") - Why make it so complicated? Why not just MyMod.blockInstance?


I never created static instance variables for my fence blocks because I didn't want Java using more memory to store reference pointers. I guess that is over doing it on the minimalist-programming thing though... and I might causing more overhead by calling the blockRegistry instance and using its method anyway, so I suppose I'll go ahead and switch to static instances.


Either way, the issue remains, if the block is placed with the methods used, static instance variable or not, it doesn't behave the way it normally would.

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