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Hello, i'm developing a bot to connect to my server which uses forge module loader. I'm using node.js with mineflayer lib which uses minecraft-protocol lib i'am obviously having problems connecting because minecraft-protocol lib is not prepared to handle FML and custom modules... so the bot is kick from the server ("kicked for You don't have FML installed, you cannot connect to this server").


Has the bot is just going to perform some simple default tasks and does not require any module functionality (walking, chatting, and maybe using some standard tools), my question is: is there any way to handshake with the forge server so the bot can connect? what to i have to send to the server for handshaking? i will modify minecraft-protocol lib to allow this.


Thanks! :)


The network code is open source in FML feel free to take a look and see what you need to emulate it.


I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
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Well, I did take a look at the source code at: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/FML/tree/master/src/main/java/cpw/mods/fml/common/network


But i seed that the server is waiting for a FML pack to negociate but I can't find the definition of the packate itself. As java is not my main prog language and this is the first time i look at the source code with no knowledge about the architecture i'm getting a little confused. So i was hopping that someone with knowledge of the particular part of the code can help me with highlights and some pointers in the right direction. :)



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