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I would like some help in knowing the code of changing the minecraft smelting recipes and crafting recipes(shapeless and inventory crafting).


If anyone is able to help that would be great. I would like to do this without changing the source code but if that is not possible I would still like to know.


Could you please clarify that a bit more. and one more thing, thank you for all your help you have given me, you have taken your time out of your day to help us modders on the forge forums. Thank-you


Ok i have that down, thankyou, now one more question, how do you call apon vannila items/blocks wehn crafting. I have been able to do it with my own moditems/ blocks. Also do I need to make a new Items Stack for the vannila blocks or do they already have that implemented. Thankyou for you help


The same way you reference Vanilla items or Block in any other part of the code...

It's pretty basic ...

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
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Well ill try some more then, i am sorry for my ignorace


GameRegistry.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack (ModBlocks.clayTileN), new ItemStack(Block.BlockClay));


This is with all of my other recipes. I am having troble with  this                                                    ^^^

and feel really stupid right now. what class should i call apon if it isnt Block.


Any real help will be appreciated.


The field 'BlockClay' doesnt exist in the 'Block' class, you want to look at Blocks.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon


When calling a 1.7.2 vannila item/block i did not realized i needed Block.(blockRegistry.getObject("Clay"));


Before all you had to do was block.clay


I did not realize this until I hunted some tutorials and did a bit of solving in my free time. I have not had considerable amount of time off  until today.


You can get them through the registry yes.

But there is a class Called Blocks

And a class called Items

that are specifically designed to hold references to vanilla's items/block.

Seriously dude.. Please learn how to actually read code and learn from it. It's fairly basic.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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