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I've started developing a mod that has a few machines in it and will eventually have a power system in place. But at the moment I'm just trying to get the machines to work. I've looked all over to find tutorials on how to make them but haven't been successful. I was just wondering if there was anyone who could point me in the right direction for a tutorial on how to make these machines.




Well, it would be much easier if you say what these "machines" are supposed to do.

And otherwise:

I've looked all over to find tutorials on how to make them but haven't been successful.

...something tells me that you have not searched that much because the web is full of tutorials for TEs.


If you want to create a TileEntity, you first have to make a block which extends the class "BlockContainer". This will add a abstract method which should return your TE. Create a TE class (extends TileEntity), and you have a Tile Entity.

You now have to register it with

GameRegistry.registerTileEntity(TILEENTITYCLASS.class, "any_name_you_want");


To read and save data override writeToNBT and readFromNBT.

To add a inventory implement the interface IInventory.


Thanks for your reply. I understand how to create a tile entity but I guess I should have directed my question more towards how to create the machines. And to answer your question the machines are similar to the IC2 machines in that one doubles ore, another smelts them, and others are required to create a power network.


I apologize for not being more specific in my request but when I said I was looking for a tutorial it was more along the lines of creating these machines, even if the tutorial is focused on making a tile entity do something.


I agree with Bedrock_Miner on this. Basically, every machine you want to make you can figure out the mechanics via the furnace. It has pretty much all the base methods you will need... And if you are in eclipse, ctrl + space for all the methods you can use xD

We all stuff up sometimes... But I seem to be at the bottom of that pot.

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