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[1.7.10] InvWorks, Machines in Inventory!

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  InvWorks is a mod which adds Some 'Inventory Machines' as Item & Multi-Item.

    Also, it uses Heat System as energy system (replacement for electricity).


  (You can use 'inventory machines' even when you're mining diamonds,

  if you have appropriate item in your inventory)


width=800 height=449http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af310/abab9579/Machinery_zpsa52e7f7a.jpg[/img]

width=800 height=449HeatFurGUILava_zps36818bc5.png?t=1402480 [/img]



- Blocks: 


    Heat-related Blocks in InvWorks has Temperature parameter. It is represented as 'color'.

    As the temperature increases, the block gets red.

    Heat is transferred between two nearby blocks,

      from the block with the higher temperature to the another.

    Temperature can be increased when heat is transferred in, or decreased otherwise.


width=800 height=449HeatCauldron0_zps2b2741a4.png?t=14024799 [/img]


    Heat Cauldron: this is a special kind of a cauldron, which can contain up to 4 buckets of lava or water.


      When nothing is in a heat cauldron, it just acts like Heat Block.


      When a heat cauldron contains water and its temperature gets higher than 100 degrees Celsius,

        the water evaporates and its temperature just stays at 100 degrees Celsius.


      When a heat cauldron contains lava and its temperature gets lower than 1300 degrees Celsius,

        the lava evaporates and its temperature just stays at 1300 degrees Celsius.


      So, if you have attached the water heat cauldron and the lava heat cauldron,

      heat will be transferred from lava cauldron to water cauldron.


width=800 height=449HeatCauldron1_zpsa1469273.png?t=14024799 [/img]


    Heat Block:

      The block between two cauldrons in the picture is the "Heat Block".

      It can be placed between the heat-related blocks to transfer heat between them.

      (Actually it is just a simple heat-related block with no other functionalities)


    Heat Furnace:

      Heat Furnace is a heat-powered furnace,

      which can get heat from either other blocks or fuels to cook materials.

      The higher its temperature is, the faster It burns fuels and cooks materials.


      When just used like a normal furnace:


width=800 height=449HeatFurnaceN_zps5747ef11.png?t=140248014 [/img]


width=800 height=449HeatFurGUIN_zps728400f3.png?t=1402480084 [/img]



      When it is powered by the lava heat cauldron:

        (In this case, the temperature of the cauldron and the furnace is 1300 degrees Celsius.)


width=800 height=449LavaPowered_zps034ca605.png?t=1402480152 [/img]


width=800 height=449HeatFurGUILava_zps36818bc5.png?t=1402480 [/img]






- Items: 


  InvWorks adds several items. Some are for recipes and some are for "Inventory Furnace"&"Inventory Fluid Heater",

  "Inventory Furnace" is "MultiItem"(similar to MultiBlock, but for items in inventory) version of Heat Furnace,

  and "Inventory Fluid Heater" is "MultiItem" for refining ore to double the results(ingots).


width=800 height=449InvFurnace0_zps3190d816.png?t=1402480131 [/img]

width=800 height=449http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af310/abab9579/Machinery_zpsa52e7f7a.jpg[/img]


  Heat Plate: This is an item for crafting recipes and components of MultiItem Heat Furnace.

      It is the dark-gray plate item in the above picture.

    Basically, it acts similar with the "Heat Block", except that this item is active in the inventory.

      It is used for the MulriItem Heat Furnace as component.


  Cook Progress Bar: This is an item for components of MultiItem Heat Furnace.

      It is the item with horizontal lines in the above picture.

    It shows the cook progress as its damage and the texture.


  Fuel Bar: This is an item for components of MultiItem Heat Furnace.

      It is the item with fire(either on or off) in the above picture.

    It shows the remaining amount of the current burning fuel as its damage and the texture.


  Lava Box: This is an item which can contain lava. It is the small rectangular item in the above picture.

    Basically it acts like "Heat Cauldron".

    You can put lava by crafting with the lava bucket with the box.

    When it contains the lava, it can give off heat to nearby items whose temperature is lower then 1300.

    The Lava Box can used for MultiItem Heat Furnace either as fuel or to raise its temperature.


  * MultiItem Heat Furnace: This is the MultiItem structure which basically acts like the "Heat Furnace".


      It can be constructed anywhere in the inventory, when it is located relatively like the following:

          - H -

          H - C

          - F -

      (H is the Heat Plate, C is the Cook Progress Bar, and F is the Fuel Bar)


    When it is constructed, you can cook your item by placing the items like the following:

        -    H  -

        H  T  C

        Fu F  (E)

      (T is the item you wants to cook, Fu is the Fuel,

        and (E) has to be empty for the smelting result will be there.)


width=800 height=449InvFurnace1_zps6905700a.png?t=1402480106 [/img]


    Then it is heated till the temperature is high enough to cook,

      and cooks the item after that like the picture above.


width=800 height=449http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af310/abab9579/Machinery_zpsa52e7f7a.jpg[/img]


  Fluid Progress Bar: This is an item for components of MultiItem Fluid Heater.

      It is the item with arrow pointing right in the above picture.

    It shows the heating progress as its damage and the texture.


  Item Tank: This is an item to save some fluids in it.

    It is the item with round-square hole with fluids in the above picture.

    It has capacity 4000mb, and the fluid in it is indicated by its damage and the texture.


  Item Casting: This is an item to save some Ore Fluids, and cast them to ingots.

    It is the item with ingot-shaped hole with fluids in the above picture.

    Currently when it has Ore Fluid more than 1000mb, then it will give an ingot in the below slot in 3 seconds.


  Machinery Bag: This is an item to save items similar to chest, especially for 'Inventory Machines'.

    It is the bag-shaped item in the above picture.

    There is 2 types of Machinery Bag:

    the one is "Machinery Bag" with 3*9 slots, and the other is "Expanded Machinery Bag" with 6*9 slots.

    Any Inventory Machines, including MultiItem-Structured Machines will be also active in the bags, unlike normal chest.

    It can also be used as "Bag", but you are not allowed to put some another Machinery Bag in any Machinery Bag.


  * MultiItem Fluid Heater: This is the MultiItem structure which is for heating the fluid.


      You can see it working with this picture:

width=800 height=449http://i1018.photobucket.com/albums/af310/abab9579/Machinery_zpsa52e7f7a.jpg[/img]


      It can be constructed anywhere in the inventory, when it is located relatively like the following:

          - H -

          H - Fl

          - F -

      (H is the Heat Plate, Fl is the Fluid Progress Bar, and F is the Fuel Bar)


    When it is constructed, you can heat your item or fluid by placing the items like the following:

        -    H  -  -

        H  T  Fl  C

        Fu F  -  -

      (T is the item you wants to heat, Fu is the Fuel,

        and C is some Fluid Container for the result fluid.)


      This "MultiItem Fluid Heater" will smelt the ores and stone to ore liquids and lava.

      One ore will result in 2000mb of ore liquids(which is 2 ingots), and one stone will result in 1000mb of lava.

      Currently, only Iron, Gold, Copper, Tin, Lead, Silver Ores are supported.


      When you put some Item Casting in the C slot, then it will automatically cast Ore Fluids to Ingots.

      In this way, You can refine your ore to double the result!







* This mod requires 1.7.4 Forge and SciAPI v0.4.0.


  Latest Version:


  Version 0.1.0 | Direct


  SciAPI v0.4.0


  Old Downloads:




  Not Exist now.





Update Log



  ver 0.1.0

    - HeatCraft is changed to InvWorks.





Copyright & Credits

  This mod has Creative Commons CC-BY-SA, so you can share or adapt this mod.

  but you must give appropriate credit when you share this mod,

  and when you remix, transform, or build upon this mod, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.



  You can Inquiry here. Any reports about bugs would be appreciated.

  You can also send email: [email protected].

I. Stellarium for Minecraft: Configurable Universe for Minecraft! (WIP)

II. Stellar Sky, Better Star Rendering&Sky Utility mod, had separated from Stellarium.

  • 1 month later...

HeatCraft had changed into the "InvWorks"!

And its concept had changed into the "Inventory Machines"!

I. Stellarium for Minecraft: Configurable Universe for Minecraft! (WIP)

II. Stellar Sky, Better Star Rendering&Sky Utility mod, had separated from Stellarium.

  • 1 month later...

I'm only updating the Minecraft Forum, so if you want to see the updates,

go to minecraftforum page: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/2104608-invworks-machines-in-inventory


Also, InvWorks v0.4.0 will be last version of InvWorks, as I decided to continue developing the Stellarium mod!


+ I'll be greatly appreciated if someone continues the Inventory Machine concept.

I. Stellarium for Minecraft: Configurable Universe for Minecraft! (WIP)

II. Stellar Sky, Better Star Rendering&Sky Utility mod, had separated from Stellarium.

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I have been trying to figure this out for a few days now so help would be much appreciated.  The tutorial I was following.  My code -  public class ModBiomeModifiers { public static final ResourceKey<BiomeModifier> ADD_GAZITE_ORE = registerKey("add_gazite_ore"); public static final ResourceKey<BiomeModifier> TRANSCENDINE_GAZITE_ORE = registerKey("add_transcendine_ore"); public static void bootstrap(BootstrapContext<BiomeModifier> context) { var placedFeature = context.lookup(Registries.PLACED_FEATURE); var biomes = context.lookup(Registries.BIOME); context.register(ADD_GAZITE_ORE, new ForgeBiomeModifiers.AddFeaturesBiomeModifier( biomes.getOrThrow(BiomeTags.IS_END), HolderSet.direct(placedFeature.getOrThrow(ModPlacedFeatures.GAZITE_ORE_PLACED_KEY)), GenerationStep.Decoration.UNDERGROUND_ORES)); context.register(TRANSCENDINE_GAZITE_ORE, new ForgeBiomeModifiers.AddFeaturesBiomeModifier( biomes.getOrThrow(BiomeTags.IS_END), HolderSet.direct(placedFeature.getOrThrow(ModPlacedFeatures.TRANSCENDINE_ORE_PLACED_KEY)), GenerationStep.Decoration.UNDERGROUND_ORES)); } private static ResourceKey<BiomeModifier> registerKey(String name) { return ResourceKey.create(ForgeRegistries.Keys.BIOME_MODIFIERS, ResourceLocation.fromNamespaceAndPath(EchoingEnd.MOD_ID, name)); } } The tutorial's code -  public class ModBiomeModifiers { public static final ResourceKey<BiomeModifier> ADD_ALEXANDRITE_ORE = registerKey("add_alexandrite_ore"); public static final ResourceKey<BiomeModifier> ADD_NETHER_ALEXANDRITE_ORE = registerKey("add_nether_alexandrite_ore"); public static final ResourceKey<BiomeModifier> ADD_END_ALEXANDRITE_ORE = registerKey("add_end_alexandrite_ore"); public static void bootstrap(BootstrapContext<BiomeModifier> context) { var placedFeature = context.lookup(Registries.PLACED_FEATURE); var biomes = context.lookup(Registries.BIOME); context.register(ADD_ALEXANDRITE_ORE, new ForgeBiomeModifiers.AddFeaturesBiomeModifier( biomes.getOrThrow(BiomeTags.IS_OVERWORLD), HolderSet.direct(placedFeature.getOrThrow(ModPlacedFeatures.ALEXANDRITE_ORE_PLACED_KEY)), GenerationStep.Decoration.UNDERGROUND_ORES)); // Individual Biomes // context.register(ADD_ALEXANDRITE_ORE, new ForgeBiomeModifiers.AddFeaturesBiomeModifier( // HolderSet.direct(biomes.getOrThrow(Biomes.PLAINS), biomes.getOrThrow(Biomes.BAMBOO_JUNGLE)), // HolderSet.direct(placedFeature.getOrThrow(ModPlacedFeatures.ALEXANDRITE_ORE_PLACED_KEY)), // GenerationStep.Decoration.UNDERGROUND_ORES)); context.register(ADD_NETHER_ALEXANDRITE_ORE, new ForgeBiomeModifiers.AddFeaturesBiomeModifier( biomes.getOrThrow(BiomeTags.IS_NETHER), HolderSet.direct(placedFeature.getOrThrow(ModPlacedFeatures.NETHER_ALEXANDRITE_ORE_PLACED_KEY)), GenerationStep.Decoration.UNDERGROUND_ORES)); context.register(ADD_END_ALEXANDRITE_ORE, new ForgeBiomeModifiers.AddFeaturesBiomeModifier( biomes.getOrThrow(BiomeTags.IS_END), HolderSet.direct(placedFeature.getOrThrow(ModPlacedFeatures.END_ALEXANDRITE_ORE_PLACED_KEY)), GenerationStep.Decoration.UNDERGROUND_ORES)); } private static ResourceKey<BiomeModifier> registerKey(String name) { return ResourceKey.create(ForgeRegistries.Keys.BIOME_MODIFIERS, ResourceLocation.fromNamespaceAndPath(TutorialMod.MOD_ID, name)); } }   ModConfiguredFeatures:   My code -  public class ModConfiguredFeatures { public static final ResourceKey<ConfiguredFeature<?, ?>> GAZITE_ORE_KEY = registerKey("gazite_ore"); public static final ResourceKey<ConfiguredFeature<?, ?>> TRANSCENDINE_ORE_KEY = registerKey("transcendine_ore"); public static void bootstrap(BootstrapContext<ConfiguredFeature<?, ?>> context) { RuleTest endReplaceables = new BlockMatchTest(Blocks.END_STONE); register(context, GAZITE_ORE_KEY, Feature.ORE, new OreConfiguration(endReplaceables, ModBlocks.GAZITE_ORE.get().defaultBlockState(), 4)); register(context, TRANSCENDINE_ORE_KEY, Feature.ORE, new OreConfiguration(endReplaceables, ModBlocks.TRANSCENDINE_ORE.get().defaultBlockState(), 8)); List<OreConfiguration.TargetBlockState> EndOres = List.of( OreConfiguration.target(endReplaceables, ModBlocks.GAZITE_ORE.get().defaultBlockState()), OreConfiguration.target(endReplaceables, ModBlocks.TRANSCENDINE_ORE.get().defaultBlockState())); } public static ResourceKey<ConfiguredFeature<?, ?>> registerKey(String name) { return ResourceKey.create(Registries.CONFIGURED_FEATURE, ResourceLocation.fromNamespaceAndPath(EchoingEnd.MOD_ID, name)); } private static <FC extends FeatureConfiguration, F extends Feature<FC>> void register(BootstrapContext<ConfiguredFeature<?, ?>> context, ResourceKey<ConfiguredFeature<?, ?>> key, F feature, FC configuration) { context.register(key, new ConfiguredFeature<>(feature, configuration)); } }   The tutorial's code - public class ModConfiguredFeatures { public static final ResourceKey<ConfiguredFeature<?, ?>> OVERWORLD_ALEXANDRITE_ORE_KEY = registerKey("alexandrite_ore"); public static final ResourceKey<ConfiguredFeature<?, ?>> NETHER_ALEXANDRITE_ORE_KEY = registerKey("nether_alexandrite_ore"); public static final ResourceKey<ConfiguredFeature<?, ?>> END_ALEXANDRITE_ORE_KEY = registerKey("end_alexandrite_ore"); public static void bootstrap(BootstrapContext<ConfiguredFeature<?, ?>> context) { RuleTest stoneReplaceables = new TagMatchTest(BlockTags.STONE_ORE_REPLACEABLES); RuleTest deepslateReplaceables = new TagMatchTest(BlockTags.DEEPSLATE_ORE_REPLACEABLES); RuleTest netherrackReplaceables = new BlockMatchTest(Blocks.NETHERRACK); RuleTest endReplaceables = new BlockMatchTest(Blocks.END_STONE); List<OreConfiguration.TargetBlockState> overworldAlexandriteOres = List.of( OreConfiguration.target(stoneReplaceables, ModBlocks.ALEXANDRITE_ORE.get().defaultBlockState()), OreConfiguration.target(deepslateReplaceables, ModBlocks.ALEXANDRITE_DEEPSLATE_ORE.get().defaultBlockState())); register(context, OVERWORLD_ALEXANDRITE_ORE_KEY, Feature.ORE, new OreConfiguration(overworldAlexandriteOres, 9)); register(context, NETHER_ALEXANDRITE_ORE_KEY, Feature.ORE, new OreConfiguration(netherrackReplaceables, ModBlocks.ALEXANDRITE_NETHER_ORE.get().defaultBlockState(), 9)); register(context, END_ALEXANDRITE_ORE_KEY, Feature.ORE, new OreConfiguration(endReplaceables, ModBlocks.ALEXANDRITE_END_ORE.get().defaultBlockState(), 9)); } public static ResourceKey<ConfiguredFeature<?, ?>> registerKey(String name) { return ResourceKey.create(Registries.CONFIGURED_FEATURE, ResourceLocation.fromNamespaceAndPath(TutorialMod.MOD_ID, name)); } private static <FC extends FeatureConfiguration, F extends Feature<FC>> void register(BootstrapContext<ConfiguredFeature<?, ?>> context, ResourceKey<ConfiguredFeature<?, ?>> key, F feature, FC configuration) { context.register(key, new ConfiguredFeature<>(feature, configuration)); } }   ModPlacedFeatures:   My code - public class ModPlacedFeatures { public static final ResourceKey<PlacedFeature> GAZITE_ORE_PLACED_KEY = registerKey("gazite_ore_placed"); public static final ResourceKey<PlacedFeature> TRANSCENDINE_ORE_PLACED_KEY = registerKey("transcendine_ore_placed"); public static void bootstrap(BootstrapContext<PlacedFeature> context) { var configuredFeatures = context.lookup(Registries.CONFIGURED_FEATURE); register(context, GAZITE_ORE_PLACED_KEY, configuredFeatures.getOrThrow(ModConfiguredFeatures.GAZITE_ORE_KEY), ModOrePlacement.commonOrePlacement(9, HeightRangePlacement.uniform(VerticalAnchor.absolute(-64), VerticalAnchor.absolute(71)))); register(context, TRANSCENDINE_ORE_PLACED_KEY, configuredFeatures.getOrThrow(ModConfiguredFeatures.GAZITE_ORE_KEY), ModOrePlacement.rareOrePlacement(6, HeightRangePlacement.uniform(VerticalAnchor.absolute(-32), VerticalAnchor.absolute(71)))); } private static ResourceKey<PlacedFeature> registerKey(String name) { return ResourceKey.create(Registries.PLACED_FEATURE, ResourceLocation.fromNamespaceAndPath(EchoingEnd.MOD_ID, name)); } private static void register(BootstrapContext<PlacedFeature> context, ResourceKey<PlacedFeature> key, Holder<ConfiguredFeature<?, ?>> configuration, List<PlacementModifier> modifiers) { context.register(key, new PlacedFeature(configuration, List.copyOf(modifiers))); } }   the tutorial's code -  public class ModPlacedFeatures { public static final ResourceKey<PlacedFeature> ALEXANDRITE_ORE_PLACED_KEY = registerKey("alexandrite_ore_placed"); public static final ResourceKey<PlacedFeature> NETHER_ALEXANDRITE_ORE_PLACED_KEY = registerKey("nether_alexandrite_ore_placed"); public static final ResourceKey<PlacedFeature> END_ALEXANDRITE_ORE_PLACED_KEY = registerKey("end_alexandrite_ore_placed"); public static void bootstrap(BootstrapContext<PlacedFeature> context) { var configuredFeatures = context.lookup(Registries.CONFIGURED_FEATURE); register(context, ALEXANDRITE_ORE_PLACED_KEY, configuredFeatures.getOrThrow(ModConfiguredFeatures.OVERWORLD_ALEXANDRITE_ORE_KEY), ModOrePlacement.commonOrePlacement(12, HeightRangePlacement.uniform(VerticalAnchor.absolute(-64), VerticalAnchor.absolute(80)))); register(context, NETHER_ALEXANDRITE_ORE_PLACED_KEY, configuredFeatures.getOrThrow(ModConfiguredFeatures.NETHER_ALEXANDRITE_ORE_KEY), ModOrePlacement.commonOrePlacement(12, HeightRangePlacement.uniform(VerticalAnchor.absolute(-64), VerticalAnchor.absolute(80)))); register(context, END_ALEXANDRITE_ORE_PLACED_KEY, configuredFeatures.getOrThrow(ModConfiguredFeatures.END_ALEXANDRITE_ORE_KEY), ModOrePlacement.commonOrePlacement(12, HeightRangePlacement.uniform(VerticalAnchor.absolute(-64), VerticalAnchor.absolute(80)))); } private static ResourceKey<PlacedFeature> registerKey(String name) { return ResourceKey.create(Registries.PLACED_FEATURE, ResourceLocation.fromNamespaceAndPath(TutorialMod.MOD_ID, name)); } private static void register(BootstrapContext<PlacedFeature> context, ResourceKey<PlacedFeature> key, Holder<ConfiguredFeature<?, ?>> configuration, List<PlacementModifier> modifiers) { context.register(key, new PlacedFeature(configuration, List.copyOf(modifiers))); } }   ModOrePlacement:   My code -  public class ModOrePlacement { public static List<PlacementModifier> orePlacement(PlacementModifier pCountPlacement, PlacementModifier pHeightRange) { return List.of(pCountPlacement, InSquarePlacement.spread(), pHeightRange, BiomeFilter.biome()); } public static List<PlacementModifier> commonOrePlacement(int pCount, PlacementModifier pHeightRange) { return orePlacement(CountPlacement.of(pCount), pHeightRange); } public static List<PlacementModifier> rareOrePlacement(int pChance, PlacementModifier pHeightRange) { return orePlacement(RarityFilter.onAverageOnceEvery(pChance), pHeightRange); } }   The tutorial's code -  public class ModOrePlacement { public static List<PlacementModifier> orePlacement(PlacementModifier pCountPlacement, PlacementModifier pHeightRange) { return List.of(pCountPlacement, InSquarePlacement.spread(), pHeightRange, BiomeFilter.biome()); } public static List<PlacementModifier> commonOrePlacement(int pCount, PlacementModifier pHeightRange) { return orePlacement(CountPlacement.of(pCount), pHeightRange); } public static List<PlacementModifier> rareOrePlacement(int pChance, PlacementModifier pHeightRange) { return orePlacement(RarityFilter.onAverageOnceEvery(pChance), pHeightRange); } }  
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