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[1.7.2]Forge now has config ("options") GUI functionality


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Just wanted to let people know that the 1147 release of Forge includes a feature many of us have been waiting for -- that options button in the mod loader now works, with config GUI functionality. 


There is a tutorial here on it.  I'm going to try it today, can't wait.  http://minalien.com/minecraft-forge-feature-spotlight-config-guis/

Check out my tutorials here: http://jabelarminecraft.blogspot.com/

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You could make a configuration GUI 4 months ago.

The new code is utility stuff.


Well it is never too late to start showing interest.


Are you saying they already had GuiConfig class before, the IModGuiFactory interface, and the ConfigChangedEvent on the FML bus?  This is new stuff, I'm pretty sure.  I didn't see those events when I made a list of all Event subclasses on recent previous releases.


You could of course make your own config GUI before, but this is now the official method for using that built-in "Options" button on the loading screen when you look at the list of mods.  It automatically parses your config and creates the buttons, adds undo and restore to defaults, etc.



Anyway, I just tried it and it works great.  Took a mod that was already using a config file and now all the options are available in the mod list and when I change them they properly apply to the game when loaded.

Check out my tutorials here: http://jabelarminecraft.blogspot.com/

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Check the FML github.

IModGuiFactory was published 6 months ago.

GuiConfig and ConfigChangedEvent are utilities, they are not needed for a configuration screen to work.

I am not saying that new stuff is useless, it is some good work indeed.

But you could have made your own gui instead of waiting.

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Okay.  I got excited because the release notes for these recent releases focused on a lot of comments related to merging these functions, and also other people picked up on it -- for example the tutorial I found was "news" about the new feature.


GuiConfig and ConfigChangedEvent are utilities, they are not needed for a configuration screen to work.


Yeah, sure anyone can extend GuiScreen and create a custom event to post, but these are the "official" utilities.  It is like the fiasco with the Netty handling where several people came up with their own packet systems then people started using some of those only to find they were flawed, and then finally the simple network wrapper system seems ready to go.  It is true that anyone could create a packet system on their own -- I did and still use my own -- but now I recommend that people use the "official" one.  Just today I responded to a person who was getting a memory leak because they had followed the older Netty tutorial.


I think in a modding support forum you have to consider the different skill levels (Java wise) of the people trying to mod.  There are people who are still missing basic Java, there are people like me who are fairly confident but still fumble some code, and there are expert.  For those first two categories, using "official" hooks is the way to go.  So when cpw finally gets SimpleNetworkWrapper going, or when they add a new event, it is worth posting as "news" to us.

Check out my tutorials here: http://jabelarminecraft.blogspot.com/

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