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[1.7.2] Adding a new Melon crop.


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Hello everyone.


I'm working on a mod now, ElementalMelons, which adds new melons that give potion effects while eaten etc.

Question is, how do I add the crops? I've been scouting through the MC code and the only thing I could think about crashed me while planting the crop.

I have everything for that's needed, a block (The melon), a seed and a Stem (Which is not working.)

Also, I've been thinking about using the melon stem from vanilla, but that would give me a regular melon, unless I altered MC's code, right?

If anyone could help me/give suggestions, that'd be awesome ^.^




Code is on github: https://github.com/J3FF97/Elemental-Melons

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Thanks ^.^


It turns out that the only thing that's crashing me is the planting of the seed, the crops itself work like a charm (tested via /give ), they grow, are bonemealed and spawn the melon blocks.

@Jabelar I honestly did not find any tutorial about this, you having one and giving me a link to it, awesome ^.^ I'm just gonna use it for the seeds, since most of it is just the same as a regular melon. (Not even gonna use a different texture for the stem :P ) I'll keep you guys updated on this :)

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Unfortunately, no success.

The tutorial, albeit a very very nice one, is not helping me since you are doing things slightly different than I am used to, and you are making something different than I want to make (foodseed vs regular seed) And in my current status I am not able to convert it :P


Also, these are the crashlogs I am currently getting:

(I'm getting both client and server logs, even though I am only running a client.)

Server log: http://pastebin.com/KAcsEyAZ

Client log: http://pastebin.com/mvJQ5fnC


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I think the concepts should be same with regular seed and seed food.  I know there was a lot of info in my tutorial so you may have missed it but I explained that if you don't want it to be a seed food: "Note: If you don't want it to be a food, you could just extend Item while implementing IPlantable."


Basically an item becomes a seed by implementing IPlantable.


I also explain the important bits about how it determines if you can actually plant it, like the crop type, etc.


Anyway, you said that it was "crashing" when you're trying to plant it. Looking at your crash code it is just a null pointer exception.  When is this crash happening?  Right when you try to start the game?  Or after you're playing and try to plant the seed?

Check out my tutorials here: http://jabelarminecraft.blogspot.com/

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You're probably right, at the time I posted my last reply, It was late and I was tired xD So I didn't look into everything.

Instead of extending Item, I could also extend ItemSeeds right? That would have me go directly to the seeds classes, without me needing to create a new itemseed kind of class, like your tutorial is doing, nevertheless, I'm gonna try it out.

The crash is happening as soon as I plant one of the seeds, I can do everything else, just when I plant the seed it crashes.


I'll keep you updated, thanks again :)


(now onto texturing, ugh D: I hate that part D: )

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I've implemented the RecipeItemSeedFood class (as SeedHelper) and made the necessary adjustments. Still crashes.


Server log: http://pastebin.com/Gh6pEV6r

Client log: http://pastebin.com/zHjxa7C1

Again, getting a server log while I'm only on client, dunno where that came from :/


Running through the log, I can only see 1 line in which it crashed in my code, that is in the seedhelper:

  parWorld.setBlock(parX, parY+1, parZ, crop);

That's where the crash is.


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One thing that may be an issue that I've run into before: try switching the order of where you init your blocks versus init your items.  If you think about it, you're setting up a seed that tries to reference a block instance during construction, but that block isn't registered yet.


So switch it to this:



I should add this warning about registration order in my tutorial...

Check out my tutorials here: http://jabelarminecraft.blogspot.com/

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I haven't tried that yet honestly, since it doesn't crash during startup, meaning that everything got registered the way it's supposed to, I'l try it as soon as I get home, but I doubt it'll work to be honest :/


EDIT: Wow... That actually worked... Thanks! I just thought it would not, because I thought that could only cause problems at startup... hmm.. anyways, thanks :D

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I haven't tried that yet honestly, since it doesn't crash during startup, meaning that everything got registered the way it's supposed to, I'l try it as soon as I get home, but I doubt it'll work to be honest :/


EDIT: Wow... That actually worked... Thanks! I just thought it would not, because I thought that could only cause problems at startup... hmm.. anyways, thanks :D


I want to make sure you understand why the crash didn't happen during the initialization -- basically the seed constructor doesn't prevent you from passing a "null" block.  That type of "null" passed as parameter is legitimate (not a null pointer exception) at the time it is passed.  So only becomes a null pointer exception later when you actually try to plant (place that null block).

Check out my tutorials here: http://jabelarminecraft.blogspot.com/

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Hmm okay, I get it. I don't get why it still would crash when I planted the crop, because it has loaded the crop by then right? Or is it because it has loaded the crop as a null? Anyways, it's working now ^.^ Thanks :) Sometimes I just need someone to take a look at my code :P

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Java is bit weird as it treats primitive types different from objects.  In this case the difference is that for object fields the memory isn't allocated until the object is instantiated (I. E.  By using new keyword.  Since you passed the field before you instantiated it then the block pointed to in your seed was pointing nowhere.  When you later instantiate the block it doesn't update the seed because that references different memory location.  In other words the block gets updated someplace the seed isn't pointing to.


So yes it tried to plant a null object because the seed was pointing to null.

Check out my tutorials here: http://jabelarminecraft.blogspot.com/

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