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Game Crashing when trying to load or generate world


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Crash log when trying to load a previously-generated world, and the crash log when trying to generate a world


here's my mod list:



  • aether 2
  • Applied Energistics
  • better dungeons (chocolatecraft)
  • big reactors
  • biomes o plenty
  • buildcraft
  • code chicken core
  • cofh core
  • computercraft
  • denlib
  • den pipes
  • enhanced portals
  • extra cells
  • extra TiC
  • factorizations
  • forestry extras
  • forestry
  • hardcore ender expansion
  • iguana tweaks for Tinker's Construct
  • inventory tweaks
  • jabba
  • java 7 checker
  • mekanism
  • mekanism generators
  • mekanism tools
  • minefactory reloaded
  • natura
  • NEI addons
  • NEI plugins
  • nether ores
  • netherX
  • not enough codecs
  • not enough items
  • obsidian pressure plates
  • openblocks
  • open computers
  • openeye
  • openmods
  • open peripheral addons
  • open peripheral core
  • playercore API
  • plugins for forestry
  • powercrystals core
  • projectred base
  • projectred compat
  • projectred integration
  • projectred lighting
  • projectred mechanical
  • peojectred world
  • redstone arsenal
  • simply jetpacks
  • soulshards
  • tinkers' construct
  • thermal expansion
  • threaded lighting (part of Aether)
  • TiC Tooltips
  • Tinkers' Mechworks
  • Tinkers' Steelworks
  • Universal Electricity
  • Veinminer




thanks in advance for the help

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