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[1.7.10] EntityItem Updates


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I'd like to do something whenever something happens to a vanilla EntityItem, for example its within a certain fluid, within a range away from another EntityItem of a different type, etc.


I know how to perform the checks, but I don't know where to place them.


Is there a place I can do these checks in? I haven't found any events that seem to work for it, yet.


I have tried EntityEvent.CanUpdate, ItemTossEvent and ItemExpireEvent.


The closest I got was setting the age of the entityItem to 5999 in the ItemTossEvent, then cancelling the ItemExpireEvent and adding 1 to the extraLife variable so that ItemExpire gets called every tick, but this seems very hacky and the item won't ever 'die' (unless I add my own tick counter that sets the extraLife to 0 and uncancels the event after 6000 times of getting called, yet this still seems very hacky).



I'll help if I can. Apologies if I do something obviously stupid. :D


If you don't know basic Java yet, go and follow these tutorials.

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I would suggest that you add code to the WorldTickEvent- i.e. code that looks through the list of all entities, finds the EntityItems, and performs the checks for each one it finds.


Look in World.updateEntities() for the vanilla code - you can get the entities by looking at World.loadedEntityList



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