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I'm having issues with items not stacking in my server. I don't know if it's something a mod is causing, however I don't know if it absolutely is because it's happening across mods. I've attached a video of me attempting to stack torches, and some seeds from another mod called AE2. I've also listed the mods below of the mods that I use on the server.


Please let me know if any other information may be needed to diagnose.


Thank you.





Advanced Machines

Advanced Solar Panel - 3.5.1

Applied Energistics 2 - RV1 beta 18

AsieLib - .0.2.12

Bagginses - 1.1

BiblioCraft - 1.7.5

Big Reactors - 0.4.0rc8

Biomes O' Plenty -

Buildcraft - 6.0.17

Carpenter's Blocks - 3.2.5

Code Chicken Core

CoFH Core 3.0.0B6-32

CoFH Lib - 1.0.0B6-26

Computronics - 1.7-0.6.4

Ender Storage - 1.7.10-

Extra Utilities - 1.1.0j

Forestry -

iChunUtil - 4.0.0

Industrialcraft Exp. -

Inventory Tweaks - 1.59-dev-152

Iron Chest -

Logistics Pipes -

Mantle - 0.3.0

MineFactory Reloaded - 2.8.0RC3-591

Morpheus - 1.5.18

Not Enough Items -

Open Computers -

Project Red -

Railcraft -

Secret Rooms Mods -

Steves Carts 2 - 0.0.b16

Sync - 4.0.0

TConstruct - 1.6.0d39

Thaumcraft -

Thaumic Tinkerer - 2.5-155

Thermal Expansion - 4.0.0B5-13

Thermal Foundation - 1.0.0B3-8

TMechworks - 0.2.8

Universal Electricity -

Waila - 1.5.3a


Looks to me that one of the mods you have installed has set the max stack size of torches to 16.

This is not a vanilla or forge thing, you would need to start taking out mods and seeing which one will cause it.

It's rather simple, create a single player world in creative and try stacking things, remove a mod and try it again.

Rinse and repeat until you can stack again, and it is most likely the last one you removed.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
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