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how to make a fluid tank render


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I've made a TileEntity, multiblock tank but I have no idea how to make it render, it currently stores 2000 units (can be adjusted) and it stores it using nbt it the main tank block. I have a separate block to handle the rendering and the variable get transferred correctly. What would be the easiest way to make the handler block render the level?

The proud(ish) developer of Ancients

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Since it's a TileEntity already, I would suggest using a TileEntitySpecialRenderer.  Google should show a few examples, also the vanilla code.


In the renderer, assuming the water is a cube, you can use Tessellator commands with a variable height to change the height of the cube




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RenderBlocks.renderBlockLiquid() has something similar to what you want (not in a TESR admittedly)


If you read that link I posted you should find it pretty straightforward to change the height of your liquid block.


This TESR tutorial is short but will get you started






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