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I'm aware of the many threads regarding adding custom death messages, replacing existing ones, etc..


But I'm more interested in replacing how the game grabs death messages. I can't even seem to find in the source where it pulls the death message from.


I tried overriding the getDeathMessage method from DamageSource and its sister classes, but that method doesn't even seem to fire on player death.


any ideas?




The death messages come from the .lang file, eg

death.attack.lava=%1$s tried to swim in lava


I think the code that reads the death message is in DamageSource as you said.


    public IChatComponent func_151519_b(EntityLivingBase p_151519_1_)
        EntityLivingBase entitylivingbase1 = p_151519_1_.func_94060_bK();
        String s = "death.attack." + this.damageType;
        String s1 = s + ".player";
        return entitylivingbase1 != null && StatCollector.canTranslate(s1) 
                  ? new ChatComponentTranslation(s1, new Object[] {p_151519_1_.func_145748_c_(), entitylivingbase1.func_145748_c_()})
                  : new ChatComponentTranslation(s, new Object[] {p_151519_1_.func_145748_c_()});


When the player dies, this code in EntityPlayerMP is called, which eventually gets to the method above


    public void onDeath(DamageSource p_70645_1_)
        if (ForgeHooks.onLivingDeath(this, p_70645_1_)) return;  // you can hook in here using LivingDeathEvent


What do you mean "overriding" getDeathMessage()?  Show the code you tried?




Created my own class which extends DamageSource, then used @Override for replacing the method, basically..


that onDeath thing may be what I'm looking for..

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