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I have a lot of buttons on my gui, but a quater of them wont show up, here is my Gui Class


package com.bugzoo.FinancialMod;

import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiButton;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiContainer;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.InventoryPlayer;
import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;

import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;

public class ATMPinGUI extends GuiContainer{
public final int xSizeBackground1 = 232;
public final int ySizeBackground1 = 240;

public final int guiX = (this.width - xSizeBackground1) / 2;
public final int guiY = (this.height - xSizeBackground1) / 2;

public ResourceLocation background1 = new ResourceLocation("financialmod", "textures/gui/ATM.png");

public ATMPinGUI(InventoryPlayer player, TileEntityATM atm){
	super(new ContainerATM(player, atm));

public void initGui(){


public void actionPerformed(GuiButton guibutton){


public boolean doesGuiPauseGame(){
	return false;

public void drawScreen(int i, int j, float f){
	buttonList.add(new ATMButton(1, guiLeft + 171, guiTop + 109, 24, 15, "7")); // 7
    	buttonList.add(new ATMButton(2, guiLeft + 203, guiTop + 109, 24, 15, "8")); // 8
    	buttonList.add(new ATMButton(3, guiLeft + 235, guiTop + 109, 24, 15, "9")); // 9
    	buttonList.add(new ATMRedButton(4, guiLeft + 271, guiTop + 109, 24, 15, "")); // Cancel
    	buttonList.add(new ATMButton(5, guiLeft + 171, guiTop + 133, 24, 15, "4")); // 4
    	buttonList.add(new ATMButton(6, guiLeft + 203, guiTop + 133, 24, 15, "5")); // 5
    	buttonList.add(new ATMButton(7, guiLeft + 235, guiTop + 133, 24, 15, "6")); // 6
    	buttonList.add(new ATMYellowButton(8, guiLeft + 271, guiTop + 133, 24, 15, "")); // Clear
    	buttonList.add(new ATMButton(9, guiLeft + 171, guiTop + 157, 24, 15, "1")); // 1
    	buttonList.add(new ATMButton(10, guiLeft + 203, guiTop + 157, 24, 15, "2")); // 2
    	buttonList.add(new ATMButton(11, guiLeft + 235, guiTop + 157, 24, 15, "3")); // 3
    	buttonList.add(new ATMConfirmButton(12, guiLeft + 271, guiTop + 157, 24, 15, "")); // Confirm
    	buttonList.add(new ATMButton(13, guiLeft + 203, guiTop + 181, 24, 15, "0")); // 0

    	buttonList.add(new ATMLeftButton(14, guiLeft + 130, guiTop + 23, 24, 15, "")); //Top-Left
    	buttonList.add(new ATMLeftButton(15, guiLeft + 130, guiTop + 50, 24, 15, "")); //Mid-Upper Left
    	buttonList.add(new ATMLeftButton(16, guiLeft + 130, guiTop + 77, 24, 15, "")); //Mid-Lower Left
    	buttonList.add(new ATMLeftButton(17, guiLeft + 130, guiTop + 104, 24, 15, "")); //Bottom Left
    	buttonList.add(new ATMRightButton(18, guiLeft + 282, guiTop + 23, 24, 15, "")); //Top-Right
    	buttonList.add(new ATMRightButton(19, guiLeft + 282, guiTop + 50, 24, 15, "")); //Mid-Upper Right
    	buttonList.add(new ATMRightButton(20, guiLeft + 282, guiTop + 77, 24, 15, "")); //Mid-Lower Right
    	buttonList.add(new ATMRightButton(21, guiLeft + 282, guiTop + 104, 24, 15, "")); //Bottom Right

	//Background Texture
	GL11.glColor4f(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
        int k1 = (this.width - this.xSizeBackground1) / 2;
        int l1 = (this.height - this.ySizeBackground1) / 2;
        this.drawTexturedModalRect(k1, l1, 0, 0, this.xSizeBackground1, this.ySizeBackground1);
        super.drawScreen(i, j, f); 

protected void drawGuiContainerBackgroundLayer(float p_146976_1_,
		int p_146976_2_, int p_146976_3_) {





Why are you adding buttons EVERY TICK??? Move those calls to




and see if that makes a difference.

Don't PM me with questions. They will be ignored! Make a thread on the appropriate board for support.


1.12 -> 1.13 primer by williewillus.


1.7.10 and older versions of Minecraft are no longer supported due to it's age! Update to the latest version for support.




Why are you adding buttons EVERY TICK??? Move those calls to




and see if that makes a difference.


I already had it inn InitGui, I just moved it over to the draw screen method for testing purposes. That didn't change anything


Can i see your Button class's please? I do know in fact there is no limit on buttons cause i've made a gui with 50+ buttons on it.


I checked the button class and couldnt see anything wrong with it, but I decided to rewrite the whole thing and now it works

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