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[1.7.10] PlayerSleepInBedEvent behaving differently on a server


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I need to detect if there are mobs nearby when a user tries to access a bed and have set up an event handler for PlayerSleepInBedEvent.


On a single player world, if a player tries to sleep in a bed, the event is fired. Even if there are mobs nearby, or if it is day time etc.


When connecting to a server (which has the mod) and using the client the event will only fire if they are successful in sleeping. Is this intended or a forge bug or something else?


Corresponding Code:

public class PlayerBedEventHandler
    public void onPlayerSleepInBedEvent (PlayerSleepInBedEvent event)
        FMLLog.log(Reference.MOD_NAME, Level.INFO, "PlayerSleepInBedEvent");
        List<EntityMob> list = NearbyMobHelper.findNearbyMobs(event.entityPlayer, event.x, event.y, event.z);
        if (Settings.enableNearbyMobCheckAtBed && !list.isEmpty() && !event.entityPlayer.worldObj.isDaytime() && !(Math.abs(event.entityPlayer.posX - (double)event.x) > 3.0D || Math.abs(event.entityPlayer.posY - (double)event.y) > 2.0D || Math.abs(event.entityPlayer.posZ - (double)event.z) > 3.0D))
            TickHandler.playerRequesting = event.entityPlayer;
            TickHandler.nearbyMobList = list;


The FMLLog is how I am detecting if it works and it does not log anything when trying to access a bed if there are monsters nearby. However it will fire when successfully sleeping in a bed. The FMLLog works in all cases in single player.


NOTE: This may be an actual forge bug so if it is, a moderator or likewise can move it to bug reports. However, I am not sure if it's a bug so here it remains.


EDIT: Using Forge

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I haven't actually had experience with sending packets to a client. I'll have a look. But yeah I definitely could do it on the server and send a packet to the client.


Reason I wanted it on the client is because I was hoping to make this a completely client side mod (no need for server) however I guess I will need to require it on a server

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I haven't actually had experience with sending packets to a client. I'll have a look. But yeah I definitely could do it on the server and send a packet to the client.


Reason I wanted it on the client is because I was hoping to make this a completely client side mod (no need for server) however I guess I will need to require it on a server

If you just want something cosmetic to happen on the client, like the bed makes a creaking sound when you try to sleep in it, or it changes appearance to get rumpled sheets or something, then by all means do it client only.  Otherwise you probably need the server.


You can check if the block the player is right-clicking by using PlayerInteractEvent




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