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I notice that is inpossible rotate the yaw attribute of any entities setted always to 0:


I tried this code but doesn't works:


    			EntityCreeper Creeper = new EntityCreeper(player.worldObj);
	    		Creeper.setLocationAndAngles(event.x + 0.5D, event.y, event.z + 0.5D, fYaw, 0.0F);
		    	player.worldObj.spawnEntityInWorld(Creeper );
		    	Creeper.setPositionAndRotation(event.x + 0.5D, event.y, event.z + 0.5D, fYaw, 0.0F);
		    	Creeper.rotationYaw = fYaw;
		    	Creeper.setAngles(fYaw, 0.0F);


please help ...


We need to see more of your code. I see that you set the rotation yaw to fyaw but I don't know what fyaw is set to elsewhere in your code...


The Code into "onBreakBlock(BreakEvent event)" function (with "@SubscribeEvent" tag):


fYaw = 90.0F;
EntityCreeper Creeper = new EntityCreeper(player.worldObj);
Creeper.setLocationAndAngles(event.x + 0.5D, event.y, event.z + 0.5D, fYaw, 0.0F);
Creeper.setPositionAndRotation(event.x + 0.5D, event.y, event.z + 0.5D, fYaw, 0.0F);
Creeper.rotationYaw = fYaw;
Creeper.setAngles(fYaw, 0.0F);
//Creeper.setRotationYawHead(fYaw); <=== Works but rotate head only 


There should be a variable in your entity called rotationYaw try setting that to the value of fYaw and it should work.


maybe you haven't noticed, but it already does ...


Creeper.rotationYaw = fYaw;


The setAngles() method isn't doing what you think it is. Here is the text that the forge gives for what that method does.


Adds par1*0.15 to the entity's yaw, and *subtracts* par2*0.15 from the pitch. Clamps pitch from -90 to 90. Both arguments in degrees.


try removing that method and see if your entity rotates how you think it should. I tried a test using myself as the entity and when I changed the rotationYaw variable by itself it did work without any added code so try only changing that variable. Also try david's suggestion.


Spawn the entity after you change all the variables. Make sure it only spawns serverside with if (!player.worldObj.isRemote).


Well, I tried this code in creative mode for watch better the creeper movements and not in "paceful" mode, obviously:


public void onBreakBlock(BreakEvent event) {
     		if (!player.worldObj.isRemote) {
                                fYaw = 90.0F; // or = 270.0F or = 180.0F
    			 EntityCreeper Logger = new EntityCreeper(player.worldObj);
	     		Logger.setLocationAndAngles(event.x + 0.5D, event.y, event.z + 0.5D, fYaw, 0.0F);
	     		Logger.rotationYaw = fYaw;            //   <===== Tried With and WithOut this line


Results same problem: the Creeper spawn allways with the same Yaw direction (0.0F). :(


The setAngles() method isn't doing what you think it is. Here is the text that the forge gives for what that method does.


Adds par1*0.15 to the entity's yaw, and *subtracts* par2*0.15 from the pitch. Clamps pitch from -90 to 90. Both arguments in degrees.


try removing that method and see if your entity rotates how you think it should. I tried a test using myself as the entity and when I changed the rotationYaw variable by itself it did work without any added code so try only changing that variable. Also try david's suggestion.


Seriously, I tried all code combinations but nothing to do ... Can I see your testing code?


thank you so much ...


here is the code that worked for me...

public void onBlockPlacedBy(World world, int x, int y, int z, EntityLivingBase player, ItemStack item){
	int yaw = ((int) player.rotationYaw)%360;
	if (yaw<0) yaw+=360;
	if (315<yaw || yaw<=45) world.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(x, y, z, 2, 3);
	if (45<yaw && yaw<=135) world.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(x, y, z, 5, 3);
	if (135<yaw && yaw<=225) world.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(x, y, z, 3, 3);
	if (225<yaw && yaw<=315) world.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(x, y, z, 4, 3);
	player.rotationYaw = 90;

the other code you see there just rotates the block depending on which direction you are facing which is unimportant in this case. What is important is the last line player.rotationYaw = 90; when run and I place the block my character is rotated to the position of 90 degrees so it is working for me.

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