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I have an entity which is based on the pig, just with a diffent model and some minor changes.


So i want to hide certain boxes that i added to the head if the entity is a child(cause it looks awkward).


Where and how do i best do that?


i dont actually do stuff per box


My Renderer:



public class RenderPiggycorn extends RenderPig {


private static final ResourceLocation pigTextures = new ResourceLocation("derpyshiz:textures/entity/piggycorn/piggycorn.png");


public RenderPiggycorn(ModelBase par1, ModelBase par2, float par3) {





protected ResourceLocation getEntityTexture(EntityPig p_110775_1_)


        return pigTextures;






My model:



public class ModelPiggycorn extends ModelPig {


public ModelPiggycorn() {




public ModelPiggycorn(float whatever) {


this.head.setTextureOffset(0, 26).addBox(-2f,-5f,-6f,4,1,4,whatever);

this.head.setTextureOffset(16, 24).addBox(-1f,-10f,-5f,2,5,2,whatever);







somehow dont likes me: (does nothing)



public void doRender(EntityLivingBase entity, double x, double y, double z, float p_76986_8_, float partialTicks) {

ModelPiggycorn m = (ModelPiggycorn) this.mainModel;

ModelRenderer m3 = (ModelRenderer) m.head.cubeList.get(3);

ModelRenderer m2 = (ModelRenderer) m.head.cubeList.get(2);

if (entity.isChild()) {

m2.isHidden = true;

m3.isHidden = true;

} else {

m2.isHidden = false;

m3.isHidden = false;


super.doRender(entity, x, y, z, p_76986_8_, partialTicks);




If your model uses the addChild() method to add boxes into the model (this is a good way to do it), you cannot render individual child model boxes separately. 


What I do is create two different models in the class for the parts you want different.  And then just select which one to render.  In other words you can create another set of boxes as model for the child. 

Check out my tutorials here: http://jabelarminecraft.blogspot.com/

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