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How do I register events in 1.8? MinecraftForge class seems gone, aswell ServerChatEvent...

Any help related to this post is appreciated.

And if I ever helped anyone with anything, let me know

I am a noob in forge


Both the MinecraftForge class and the ServerChatEvent class still exist.

Really? I don't see them anywhere...



Multiple markers at this line

- Syntax error, insert "VariableDeclarators" to complete


- MinecraftForge cannot be resolved

- Syntax error, insert ";" to complete LocalVariableDeclarationStatement

And Ctrl+Shift+O does not help.

And if I ever helped anyone with anything, let me know

I am a noob in forge


Then you screwed up your Workspace.

Well, everything else worked, and I did as I usually did the old days at 1.7

cmd: gradlew setupDevWorkspace --refresh-dependencies

cmd: gradlew eclipse

eclipse: Change workspace to folder "eclipse"


What sould I do to "unscrew" it then?

Like use that setupDecompWorkspace command?

And if I ever helped anyone with anything, let me know

I am a noob in forge


That should have worked just fine.

But apperently it didn't. Are there a command for re-compiling the API?

And if I ever helped anyone with anything, let me know

I am a noob in forge


I don't think you mean "recompiling", please don't throw around buzzwords without really knowing what they mean. Re-run those commands (with eclipse closed).

Yeah you're right. I was just a bit brainwashed when I wrote "recompiling", because of the name of the command "setDecompWorkspace".  I ment re-build ;)


Is it safe for my code when re-running all those commands? Hopefully

And if I ever helped anyone with anything, let me know

I am a noob in forge


Read your code very carefully, you probably forgot a ';' or bracket'('.

Nope, that's not the same error. I know eclipse when I see it ;) Thanks anyways.

And if I ever helped anyone with anything, let me know

I am a noob in forge


Is it safe for my code when re-running all those commands? Hopefully


Thank you very much :D

Here you go, some karma ;)

And if I ever helped anyone with anything, let me know

I am a noob in forge


Side note: there are usages of class names where Eclipse can't resolve the identity.


The one I know of is

if(someobject instanceof SomeClass) { }

and it throws "incompatible operand types SuperClass and SomeClass."


99% of the time I have to use another line to do

SomeClass qqq;

just so I can get the import.

Apparently I'm a complete and utter jerk and come to this forum just like to make fun of people, be confrontational, and make your personal life miserable.  If you think this is the case, JUST REPORT ME.  Otherwise you're just going to get reported when you reply to my posts and point it out, because odds are, I was trying to be nice.


Exception: If you do not understand Java, I WILL NOT HELP YOU and your thread will get locked.


DO NOT PM ME WITH PROBLEMS. No help will be given.


Are you sure you are using forge, or did you get FML?

Wait what! No, no, no!!!!!

Basicly I went to minecraft forge and got to the right page. Then I exited chrome. A bit later I got back to chrome and searched for "Minecraft forge 1.8" and clicked on a link to files.minecraftforge.net/fml/1.8

does that mean I got FML, and I must re-install everything?

And if I ever helped anyone with anything, let me know

I am a noob in forge


Copy your source code, install forge, and paste your source code there.

And than you can start fixing a few hundred errors probably :)


Nope, I started today, and the most things are as usual, so I shouldn't have any errors... Or maybe one liiiiiitle. Ok, fine! Two errors >:(


LEL thank you very much for all your help ;)

And if I ever helped anyone with anything, let me know

I am a noob in forge

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