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[1.7.10] Structure Spawn Multiple Times at same place

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Hi, it's me again :D I have a structure that it spawn twice in the same place :/ Any ideas on how to solve this?


Code from biome:

package mineworld.world.biomes;
import java.util.Random;

import mineworld.core.MWBlocks;
import mineworld.entities.EntityCorruptor;
import mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorruptedHouse;
import mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorruptedTree;
import mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.block.material.Material;
import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
import net.minecraft.init.Blocks;
import net.minecraft.world.World;
import net.minecraft.world.biome.BiomeGenBase;
import net.minecraft.world.gen.feature.WorldGenAbstractTree;
import net.minecraft.world.gen.feature.WorldGenBigMushroom;
public class BiomeGenCorrupted extends BiomeGenBase
WorldGenCorruptedTree worldGenTrees = new WorldGenCorruptedTree(false);
WorldGenCorrupterHouse house = new WorldGenCorrupterHouse();
int portal_generated = 0;
int crate_x, crate_z;
boolean has_crate_spawned;
public BiomeGenCorrupted(int par1)
	this.portal_generated = 0;
	//this.theBiomeDecorator.treesPerChunk = 5;
	this.topBlock = MWBlocks.corrupted_grass;
	//this.topBlock = Blocks.grass;
	this.fillerBlock = MWBlocks.corrupted_dirt;
	Random rand = new Random();
	this.crate_x = 200 + rand.nextInt(56);
	this.crate_z = 200 + rand.nextInt(56);
	this.has_crate_spawned = false;

public WorldGenAbstractTree getRandomWorldGenForTrees(Random par1)
	return (WorldGenAbstractTree) worldGenTrees;

public void decorate(World par1World, Random par2Random, int par3, int par4)
	int k;
	int l;
	int i1;
	int j1;
	int k1;

	for (k = 0; k < 2; ++k)
		for (l = 0; l < 2; ++l)
			i1 = par3 + k * 4 + 1 + 8 + par2Random.nextInt(3);
			j1 = par4 + l * 4 + 1 + 8 + par2Random.nextInt(3);
			k1 = par1World.getHeightValue(i1, j1);

			if (par2Random.nextInt(20) == 0)
				WorldGenBigMushroom worldgenbigmushroom = new WorldGenBigMushroom();
				worldgenbigmushroom.generate(par1World, par2Random, i1, k1, j1);
				WorldGenAbstractTree worldgenabstracttree = this.getRandomWorldGenForTrees(par2Random);
				worldgenabstracttree.setScale(1.0D, 1.0D, 1.0D);

				if (worldgenabstracttree.generate(par1World, par2Random, i1, k1, j1))
					worldgenabstracttree.func_150524_b(par1World, par2Random, i1, k1, j1);

	Entity corrupter = par1World.getEntityByID(new EntityCorruptor(par1World).getEntityId());
	if(corrupter == null)
		house.generate(par1World, par2Random, crate_x, par1World.getTopSolidOrLiquidBlock(crate_x, crate_z), crate_z);
	super.decorate(par1World, par2Random, par3, par4);

public void genTerrainBlocks(World world, Random random, Block[] blocks, byte[] bytes, int int1, int int2, double d) {
	boolean flag = true;
	Block block = this.topBlock;
	byte b0 = (byte)(this.field_150604_aj & 255);
	Block block1 = this.fillerBlock;
	int k = -1;
	int l = (int)(d / 3.0D + 3.0D + random.nextDouble() * 0.25D);
	int i1 = int1 & 15;
	int j1 = int2 & 15;
	int k1 = blocks.length / 256;

	for (int l1 = 255; l1 >= 0; --l1)
		int i2 = (j1 * 16 + i1) * k1 + l1;

		if (l1 <= 0 + random.nextInt(5))
			blocks[i2] = Blocks.bedrock;
			Block block2 = blocks[i2];

			if (block2 != null && block2.getMaterial() != Material.air)
				if (block2 == MWBlocks.corrupted_stone || block2 == Blocks.grass || block2 == Blocks.stone)
					if (k == -1)
						if (l <= 0)
							block = null;
							b0 = 0;
							block1 = MWBlocks.corrupted_grass;
						else if (l1 >= 59 && l1 <= 64)
							block = this.topBlock;
							b0 = (byte)(this.field_150604_aj & 255);
							block1 = this.fillerBlock;

						if (l1 < 63 && (block == null || block.getMaterial() == Material.air))
							if (this.getFloatTemperature(int1, l1, int2) < 0.15F)
								block = Blocks.ice;
								b0 = 0;
								block = MWBlocks.corrupted_water;
								b0 = 0;

						k = l;

						if (l1 >= 62)
							blocks[i2] = block;
							bytes[i2] = b0;
						else if (l1 < 56 - l)
							block = null;
							block1 = MWBlocks.corrupted_dirt;
							blocks[i2] = Blocks.gravel;
							blocks[i2] = block1;
					else if (k > 0)
						blocks[i2] = block1;

						if (k == 0 && block1 == Blocks.sand)
							k = random.nextInt(4) + Math.max(0, l1 - 63);
							block1 = Blocks.sandstone;
				if(block2 == Blocks.dirt)
					block = null;
					b0 = 0;
					block1 = MWBlocks.corrupted_dirt;
				if(block2 == Blocks.water || block2 == Blocks.flowing_water)
					block = null;
					b0 = 0;
					block1 = MWBlocks.corrupted_water;
				k = -1;


Code from Structure:


package mineworld.world.gen;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;

import mineworld.core.MWBlocks;
import mineworld.core.MWItems;
import mineworld.entities.EntityCorruptor;
import mineworld.entities.EntityTitan;
import mineworld.entities.TileEntityCorruptedChest;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.init.Blocks;
import net.minecraft.init.Items;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.world.World;
import net.minecraft.world.chunk.IChunkProvider;
import net.minecraft.world.gen.feature.WorldGenerator;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.IWorldGenerator;

public class WorldGenCorrupterHouse extends WorldGenerator implements IWorldGenerator
public WorldGenCorrupterHouse() { 

public void generate(Random random, int chunkX, int chunkZ, World world, IChunkProvider chunkGenerator, IChunkProvider chunkProvider) { }

public void setBlock(World world, int x, int y, int z, Block block, int metadata)
	Block b1 = world.getBlock(x, y, z);

	if(b1.isAir(world, x, y, z) || b1.isLeaves(world, x, y, z))
		world.setBlock(x, y, z, block, metadata, 2);

	if(block == Blocks.air || block == Blocks.grass || block == Blocks.dirt)
		world.setBlockToAir(x, y, z);

public void setChestContent(World world, int x, int y, int z)
	TileEntityCorruptedChest chest = (TileEntityCorruptedChest) world.getTileEntity(x, y, z);
	List<ItemStack> items = new ArrayList<ItemStack>();
	items.add(new ItemStack(MWItems.ruby));
	items.add(new ItemStack(MWItems.sapphire));
	items.add(new ItemStack(Items.diamond));
	items.add(new ItemStack(Items.gold_ingot));
	items.add(new ItemStack(Items.iron_ingot));
	items.add(new ItemStack(Items.emerald));
	items.add(new ItemStack(MWBlocks.ruby_block));
	items.add(new ItemStack(MWBlocks.sapphire_block));
	items.add(new ItemStack(Blocks.diamond_block));
	items.add(new ItemStack(Blocks.iron_block));
	items.add(new ItemStack(Blocks.emerald_block));
	items.add(new ItemStack(MWItems.corrupted_emerald));
	items.add(new ItemStack(MWItems.corrupted));
	items.add(new ItemStack(MWItems.corrupted_meat_cooked));
	items.add(new ItemStack(MWItems.corrupted_meat));

	Random rand = new Random();
	int r, quantity, slot, objects;
	objects = items.size() * 2;
	for (int i = 0; i < objects; i++) {
		r = rand.nextInt(items.size());
		slot = rand.nextInt(26);
		quantity = 1 + rand.nextInt(7);
			if(chest.getStackInSlot(slot) == null)
				ItemStack stack = items.get(r);
				stack.stackSize = quantity;
				for(int j = 0; j < quantity; j++)
					chest.setInventorySlotContents(slot, stack);
				slot = rand.nextInt(26);
		} while(chest.getStackInSlot(slot) == null);

public boolean generate(World world, Random rand, int i, int j, int k) {
		System.out.println("House generated at: " + i + " " + j + " " + k);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 0, k + 0, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 0, k + 1, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 0, k + 2, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 0, k + 3, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 0, k + 4, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 0, k + 5, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 0, k + 6, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 0, k + 7, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 0, k + 8, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 0, k + 9, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 0, k + 10, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 0, k + 11, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 0, k + 12, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 0, k + 13, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 0, k + 14, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 0, k + 15, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 0, k + 16, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 1, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 1, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 1, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 1, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 1, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 1, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 1, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 1, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 1, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 1, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 1, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 1, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 1, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 1, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 1, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 1, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 1, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 2, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 2, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 2, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 2, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 2, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 2, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 2, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 2, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 2, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 2, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 2, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 2, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 2, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 2, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 2, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 2, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 2, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 3, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 3, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 3, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 3, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 3, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 3, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 3, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 3, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 3, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 3, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 3, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 3, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 3, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 3, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 3, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 3, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 3, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 4, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 4, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 4, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 4, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 4, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 4, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 4, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 4, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 4, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 4, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 4, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 4, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 4, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 4, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 4, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 4, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 4, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 5, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 5, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 5, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 5, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 5, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 5, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 5, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 5, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 5, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 5, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 5, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 5, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 5, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 5, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 5, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 5, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 5, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 6, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 6, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 6, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 6, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 6, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 6, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 6, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 6, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 6, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 6, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 6, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 6, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 6, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 6, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 6, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 6, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 6, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 7, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 7, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 7, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 7, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 7, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 7, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 7, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 7, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 7, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 7, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 7, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 7, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 7, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 7, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 7, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 7, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 7, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 8, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 8, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 8, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 8, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 8, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 8, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 8, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 8, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 8, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 8, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 8, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 8, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 8, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 8, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 8, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 8, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 8, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 9, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 9, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 9, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 9, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 9, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 9, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 9, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 9, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 9, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 9, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 9, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 9, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 9, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 9, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 9, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 9, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 9, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 10, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 10, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 10, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 10, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 10, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 10, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 10, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 10, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 10, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 10, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 10, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 10, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 10, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 10, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 10, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 10, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 10, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 11, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 11, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 11, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 11, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 11, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 11, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 11, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 11, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 11, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 11, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 11, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 11, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 11, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 11, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 11, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 11, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 0, j + 11, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 0, k + 0, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 0, k + 1, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 0, k + 2, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 0, k + 3, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 0, k + 4, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 0, k + 5, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 0, k + 6, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 0, k + 7, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 0, k + 8, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 0, k + 9, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 0, k + 10, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 0, k + 11, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 0, k + 12, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 0, k + 13, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 0, k + 14, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 0, k + 15, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 0, k + 16, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 1, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 1, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 1, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 1, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 1, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 1, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 1, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 1, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 1, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 1, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 1, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 1, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 1, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 1, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 1, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 1, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 1, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 2, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 2, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 2, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 2, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 2, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 2, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 2, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 2, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 2, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 2, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 2, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 2, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 2, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 2, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 2, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 2, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 2, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 3, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 3, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 3, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 3, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 3, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 3, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 3, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 3, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 3, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 3, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 3, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 3, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 3, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 3, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 3, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 3, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 3, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 4, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 4, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 4, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 4, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 4, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 4, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 4, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 4, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 4, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 4, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 4, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 4, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 4, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 4, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 4, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 4, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 4, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 5, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 5, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 5, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 5, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 5, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 5, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 5, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 5, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 5, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 5, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 5, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 5, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 5, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 5, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 5, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 5, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 5, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 6, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 6, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 6, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 6, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 6, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 6, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 6, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 6, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 6, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 6, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 6, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 6, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 6, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 6, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 6, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 6, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 6, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 7, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 7, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 7, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 7, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 7, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 7, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 7, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 7, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 7, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 7, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 7, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 7, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 7, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 7, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 7, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 7, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 7, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 8, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 8, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 8, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 8, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 8, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 8, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 8, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 8, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 8, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 8, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 8, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 8, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 8, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 8, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 8, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 8, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 8, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 9, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 9, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 9, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 9, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 9, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 9, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 9, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 9, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 9, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 9, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 9, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 9, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 9, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 9, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 9, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 9, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 9, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 10, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 10, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 10, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 10, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 10, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 10, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 10, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 10, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 10, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 10, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 10, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 10, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 10, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 10, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 10, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 10, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 10, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 11, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 11, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 11, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 11, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 11, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 11, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 11, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 11, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 11, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 11, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 11, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 11, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 11, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 11, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 11, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 11, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 1, j + 11, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 0, k + 0, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 0, k + 1, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 0, k + 2, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 0, k + 3, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 0, k + 4, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 0, k + 5, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 0, k + 6, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 0, k + 7, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 0, k + 8, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 0, k + 9, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 0, k + 10, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 0, k + 11, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 0, k + 12, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 0, k + 13, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 0, k + 14, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 0, k + 15, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 0, k + 16, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 1, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 1, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 1, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 1, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 1, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 1, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 1, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 1, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 1, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 1, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 1, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 1, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 1, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 1, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 1, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 1, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 1, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 2, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 2, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 2, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 2, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 2, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 2, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 2, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 2, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 2, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 2, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 2, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 2, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 2, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 2, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 2, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 2, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 2, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 3, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 3, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 3, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 3, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 3, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 3, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 3, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 3, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 3, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 3, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 3, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 3, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 3, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 3, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 3, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 3, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 3, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 4, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 4, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 4, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 4, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 4, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 4, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 4, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 4, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 4, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 4, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 4, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 4, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 4, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 4, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 4, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 4, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 4, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 5, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 5, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 5, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 5, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 5, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 5, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 5, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 5, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 5, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 5, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 5, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 5, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 5, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 5, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 5, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 5, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 5, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 6, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 6, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 6, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 6, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 6, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 6, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 6, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 6, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 6, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 6, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 6, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 6, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 6, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 6, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 6, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 6, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 6, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 7, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 7, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 7, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 7, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 7, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 7, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 7, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 7, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 7, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 7, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 7, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 7, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 7, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 7, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 7, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 7, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 7, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 8, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 8, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 8, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 8, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 8, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 8, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 8, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 8, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 8, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 8, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 8, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 8, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 8, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 8, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 8, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 8, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 8, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 9, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 9, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 9, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 9, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 9, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 9, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 9, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 9, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 9, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 9, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 9, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 9, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 9, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 9, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 9, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 9, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 9, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 10, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 10, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 10, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 10, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 10, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 10, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 10, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 10, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 10, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 10, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 10, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 10, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 10, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 10, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 10, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 10, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 10, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 11, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 11, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 11, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 11, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 11, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 11, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 11, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 11, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 11, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 11, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 11, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 11, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 11, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 11, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 11, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 11, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 2, j + 11, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 0, k + 0, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 0, k + 1, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 0, k + 2, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 0, k + 3, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 0, k + 4, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 0, k + 5, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 0, k + 6, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 0, k + 7, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 0, k + 8, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 0, k + 9, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 0, k + 10, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 0, k + 11, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 0, k + 12, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 0, k + 13, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 0, k + 14, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 0, k + 15, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 0, k + 16, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 1, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 1, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 1, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 1, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 1, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 1, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 1, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 1, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 1, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 1, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 1, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 1, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 1, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 1, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 1, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 1, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 1, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 2, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 2, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 2, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 2, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 2, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 2, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 2, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 2, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 2, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 2, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 2, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 2, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 2, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 2, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 2, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 2, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 2, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 3, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 3, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 3, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 3, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 3, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 3, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 3, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 3, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 3, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 3, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 3, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 3, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 3, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 3, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 3, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 3, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 3, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 4, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 4, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 4, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 4, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 4, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 4, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 4, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 4, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 4, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 4, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 4, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 4, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 4, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 4, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 4, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 4, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 4, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 5, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 5, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 5, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 5, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 5, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 5, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 5, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 5, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 5, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 5, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 5, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 5, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 5, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 5, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 5, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 5, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 5, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 6, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 6, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 6, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 6, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 6, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 6, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 6, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 6, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 6, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 6, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 6, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 6, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 6, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 6, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 6, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 6, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 6, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 7, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 7, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 7, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 7, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 7, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 7, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 7, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 7, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 7, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 7, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 7, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 7, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 7, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 7, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 7, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 7, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 7, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 8, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 8, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 8, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 8, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 8, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 8, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 8, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 8, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 8, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 8, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 8, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 8, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 8, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 8, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 8, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 8, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 8, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 9, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 9, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 9, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 9, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 9, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 9, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 9, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 9, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 9, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 9, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 9, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 9, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 9, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 9, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 9, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 9, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 9, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 10, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 10, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 10, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 10, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 10, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 10, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 10, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 10, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 10, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 10, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 10, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 10, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 10, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 10, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 10, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 10, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 10, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 11, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 11, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 11, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 11, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 11, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 11, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 11, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 11, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 11, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 11, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 11, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 11, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 11, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 11, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 11, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 11, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 3, j + 11, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 0, k + 0, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 0, k + 1, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 0, k + 2, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 0, k + 3, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 0, k + 4, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 0, k + 5, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 0, k + 6, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 0, k + 7, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 0, k + 8, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 0, k + 9, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 0, k + 10, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 0, k + 11, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 0, k + 12, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 0, k + 13, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 0, k + 14, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 0, k + 15, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 0, k + 16, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 1, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 1, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 1, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 1, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 1, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 1, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 1, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 1, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 1, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 1, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 1, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 1, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 1, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 1, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 1, k + 14, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 1, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 1, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 2, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 2, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 2, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 2, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 2, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 2, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 2, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 2, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 2, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 2, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 2, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 2, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 2, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 2, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 2, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 2, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 2, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 3, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 3, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 3, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 3, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 3, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 3, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 3, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 3, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 3, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 3, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 3, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 3, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 3, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 3, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 3, k + 14, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 3, k + 15, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 3, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 4, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 4, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 4, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 4, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 4, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 4, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 4, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 4, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 4, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 4, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 4, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 4, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 4, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 4, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 4, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 4, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 4, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 5, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 5, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 5, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 5, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 5, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 5, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 5, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 5, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 5, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 5, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 5, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 5, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 5, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 5, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 5, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 5, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 5, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 6, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 6, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 6, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 6, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 6, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 6, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 6, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 6, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 6, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 6, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 6, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 6, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 6, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 6, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 6, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 6, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 6, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 7, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 7, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 7, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 7, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 7, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 7, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 7, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 7, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 7, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 7, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 7, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 7, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 7, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 7, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 7, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 7, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 7, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 8, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 8, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 8, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 8, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 8, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 8, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 8, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 8, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 8, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 8, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 8, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 8, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 8, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 8, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 8, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 8, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 8, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 9, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 9, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 9, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 9, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 9, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 9, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 9, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 9, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 9, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 9, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 9, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 9, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 9, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 9, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 9, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 9, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 9, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 10, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 10, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 10, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 10, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 10, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 10, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 10, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 10, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 10, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 10, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 10, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 10, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 10, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 10, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 10, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 10, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 10, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 11, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 11, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 11, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 11, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 11, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 11, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 11, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 11, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 11, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 11, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 11, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 11, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 11, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 11, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 11, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 11, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 4, j + 11, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 0, k + 0, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 0, k + 1, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 0, k + 2, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 0, k + 3, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 0, k + 4, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 0, k + 5, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 0, k + 6, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 0, k + 7, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 0, k + 8, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 0, k + 9, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 0, k + 10, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 0, k + 11, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 0, k + 12, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 0, k + 13, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 0, k + 14, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 0, k + 15, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 0, k + 16, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 1, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 1, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 1, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 1, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 1, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 1, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 1, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 1, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 1, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 1, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 1, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 1, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 1, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 1, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 1, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 1, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 1, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 2, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 2, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 2, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 2, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 2, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 2, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 2, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 2, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 2, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 2, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 2, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 2, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 2, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 2, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 2, k + 14, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 2, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 2, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 3, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 3, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 3, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 3, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 3, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		world.setBlock(i + 5, j + 3, k + 5, MWBlocks.corrupted_chest, 0, 3);

		setChestContent(world,i + 5, j + 3, k + 5);

		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 3, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 3, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 3, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 3, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 3, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 3, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 3, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 3, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 3, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 3, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 3, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 4, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 4, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 4, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 4, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 4, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 4, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 4, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 4, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 4, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 4, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 4, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 4, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 4, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 4, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 4, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 4, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 4, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 5, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 5, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 5, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 5, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 5, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 5, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 5, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 5, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 5, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 5, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 5, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 5, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 5, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 5, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 5, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 5, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 5, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 6, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 6, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 6, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 6, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 6, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 6, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 6, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 6, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 6, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 6, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 6, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 6, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 6, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 6, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 6, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 6, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 6, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 7, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 7, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 7, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 7, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 7, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 7, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 7, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 7, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 7, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 7, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 7, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 7, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 7, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 7, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 7, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 7, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 7, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 8, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 8, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 8, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 8, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 8, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 8, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 8, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 8, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 8, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 8, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 8, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 8, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 8, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 8, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 8, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 8, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 8, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 9, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 9, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 9, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 9, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 9, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 9, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 9, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 9, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 9, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 9, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 9, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 9, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 9, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 9, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 9, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 9, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 9, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 10, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 10, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 10, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 10, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 10, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 10, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 10, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 10, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 10, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 10, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 10, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 10, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 10, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 10, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 10, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 10, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 10, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 11, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 11, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 11, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 11, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 11, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 11, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 11, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 11, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 11, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 11, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 11, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 11, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 11, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 11, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 11, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 11, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 5, j + 11, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 0, k + 0, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 0, k + 1, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 0, k + 2, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 0, k + 3, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 0, k + 4, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 0, k + 5, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 0, k + 6, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 0, k + 7, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 0, k + 8, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 0, k + 9, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 0, k + 10, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 0, k + 11, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 0, k + 12, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 0, k + 13, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 0, k + 14, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 0, k + 15, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 0, k + 16, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 1, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 1, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 1, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 1, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 1, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 1, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 1, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 1, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 1, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);

		EntityCorruptor entitycorruptor = new EntityCorruptor(world);
		entitycorruptor.setLocationAndAngles(i + 6, j + 2, k + 8, rand.nextFloat() * 360.0F, 0.0F);

		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 1, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 1, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 1, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 1, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 1, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 1, k + 14, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 1, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 1, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 2, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 2, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 2, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 2, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 2, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 2, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 2, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 2, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 2, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 2, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 2, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 2, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 2, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 2, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 2, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 2, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 2, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 3, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 3, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 3, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 3, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 3, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 3, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 3, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 3, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 3, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 3, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 3, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 3, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 3, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 3, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 3, k + 14, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 3, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 3, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 4, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 4, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 4, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 4, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 4, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 4, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 4, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 4, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 4, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 4, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 4, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 4, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 4, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 4, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 4, k + 14, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 4, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 4, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 5, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 5, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 5, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 5, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 5, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 5, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 5, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 5, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 5, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 5, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 5, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 5, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 5, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 5, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 5, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 5, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 5, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 6, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 6, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 6, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 6, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 6, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 6, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 6, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 6, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 6, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 6, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 6, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 6, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 6, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 6, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 6, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 6, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 6, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 7, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 7, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 7, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 7, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 7, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 7, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 7, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 7, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 7, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 7, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 7, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 7, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 7, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 7, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 7, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 7, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 7, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 8, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 8, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 8, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 8, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 8, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 8, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 8, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 8, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 8, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 8, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 8, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 8, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 8, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 8, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 8, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 8, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 8, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 9, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 9, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 9, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 9, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 9, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 9, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 9, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 9, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 9, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 9, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 9, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 9, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 9, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 9, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 9, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 9, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 9, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 10, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 10, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 10, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 10, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 10, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 10, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 10, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 10, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 10, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 10, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 10, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 10, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 10, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 10, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 10, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 10, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 10, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 11, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 11, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 11, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 11, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 11, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 11, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 11, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 11, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 11, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 11, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 11, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 11, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 11, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 11, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 11, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 11, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 6, j + 11, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 0, k + 0, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 0, k + 1, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 0, k + 2, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 0, k + 3, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 0, k + 4, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 0, k + 5, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 0, k + 6, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 0, k + 7, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 0, k + 8, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 0, k + 9, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 0, k + 10, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 0, k + 11, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 0, k + 12, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 0, k + 13, Blocks.dirt, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 0, k + 14, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 0, k + 15, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 0, k + 16, Blocks.grass, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 1, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 1, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 1, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 1, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 1, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 1, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 1, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 1, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 1, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 1, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 1, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 1, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 1, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 1, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 1, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 1, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 1, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 2, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 2, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 2, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 2, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 2, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 2, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 2, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 2, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 2, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 2, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 2, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 2, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 2, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 2, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 2, k + 14, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 2, k + 15, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 2, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 3, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 3, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 3, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 3, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 3, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 3, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 3, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 3, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 3, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 3, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 3, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 3, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 3, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 3, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 3, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 3, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 3, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 4, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 4, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 4, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
		this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 4, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);

		generate2(world, rand, i, j, k);
	return true;


public boolean generate2(World world, Random rand, int i, int j, int k) {
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 4, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 4, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 4, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 4, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 4, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 4, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 4, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 4, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 4, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 4, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 4, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 4, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 4, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 5, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 5, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 5, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 5, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 5, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 5, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 5, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 5, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 5, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 5, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 5, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 5, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 5, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 5, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 5, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 5, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 5, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 6, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 6, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 6, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 6, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 6, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 6, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 6, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 6, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 6, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 6, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 6, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 6, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 6, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 6, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 6, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 6, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 6, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 7, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 7, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 7, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 7, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 7, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 7, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 7, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 7, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 7, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 7, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 7, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 7, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 7, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 7, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 7, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 7, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 7, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 8, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 8, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 8, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 8, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 8, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 8, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 8, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 8, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 8, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 8, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 8, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 8, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 8, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 8, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 8, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 8, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 8, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 9, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 9, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 9, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 9, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 9, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 9, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 9, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 9, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 9, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 9, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 9, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 9, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 9, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 9, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 9, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 9, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 9, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 10, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 10, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 10, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 10, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 10, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 10, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 10, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 10, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 10, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 10, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 10, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 10, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 10, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 10, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 10, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 10, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 10, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 11, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 11, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 11, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 11, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 11, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 11, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 11, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 11, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 11, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 11, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 11, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 11, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 11, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 11, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 11, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 11, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 7, j + 11, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 0, k + 0, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 0, k + 1, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 0, k + 2, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 0, k + 3, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 0, k + 4, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 0, k + 5, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 0, k + 6, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 0, k + 7, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 0, k + 8, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 0, k + 9, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 0, k + 10, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 0, k + 11, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 0, k + 12, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 0, k + 13, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 0, k + 14, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 0, k + 15, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 0, k + 16, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 1, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 1, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 1, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 1, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 1, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 1, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 1, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 1, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 1, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 1, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 1, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 1, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 1, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 1, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 1, k + 14, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 1, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 1, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 2, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 2, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 2, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 2, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 2, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 2, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 2, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 2, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 2, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 2, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 2, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 2, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 2, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 2, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 2, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 2, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 2, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 3, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 3, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 3, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 3, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 3, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 3, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 3, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 3, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 3, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 3, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 3, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 3, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 3, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 3, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 3, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 3, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 3, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 4, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 4, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 4, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 4, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 4, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 4, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 4, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 4, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 4, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 4, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 4, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 4, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 4, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 4, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 4, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 4, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 4, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 5, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 5, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 5, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 5, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 5, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 5, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 5, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 5, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 5, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 5, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 5, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 5, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 5, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 5, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 5, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 5, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 5, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 6, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 6, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 6, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 6, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 6, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 6, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 6, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 6, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 6, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 6, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 6, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 6, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 6, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 6, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 6, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 6, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 6, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 7, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 7, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 7, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 7, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 7, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 7, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 7, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 7, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 7, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 7, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 7, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 7, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 7, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 7, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 7, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 7, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 7, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 8, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 8, k + 1, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 8, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 8, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 8, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 8, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 8, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 8, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 8, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 8, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 8, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 8, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 8, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 8, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 8, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 8, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 8, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 9, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 9, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 9, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 9, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 9, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 9, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 9, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 9, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 9, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 9, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 9, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 9, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 9, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 9, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 9, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 9, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 9, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 10, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 10, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 10, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 10, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 10, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 10, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 10, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 10, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 10, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 10, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 10, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 10, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 10, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 10, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 10, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 10, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 10, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 11, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 11, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 11, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 11, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 11, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 11, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 11, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 11, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 11, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 11, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 11, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 11, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 11, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 11, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 11, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 11, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 8, j + 11, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 0, k + 0, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 0, k + 1, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 0, k + 2, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 0, k + 3, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 0, k + 4, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 0, k + 5, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 0, k + 6, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 0, k + 7, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 0, k + 8, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 0, k + 9, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 0, k + 10, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 0, k + 11, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 0, k + 12, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 0, k + 13, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 0, k + 14, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 0, k + 15, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 0, k + 16, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 1, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 1, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 1, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 1, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 1, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 1, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 1, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 1, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 1, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 1, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 1, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 1, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 1, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 1, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 1, k + 14, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 1, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 1, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 2, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 2, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 2, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 2, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 2, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 2, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 2, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 2, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 2, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 2, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 2, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 2, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 2, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 2, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 2, k + 14, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 2, k + 15, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 2, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 3, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 3, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 3, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 3, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 3, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 3, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 3, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 3, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 3, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 3, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 3, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 3, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 3, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 3, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 3, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 3, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 3, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 4, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 4, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 4, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 4, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 4, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 4, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 4, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 4, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 4, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 4, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 4, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 4, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 4, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 4, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 4, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 4, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 4, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 5, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 5, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 5, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 5, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 5, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 5, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 5, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 5, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 5, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 5, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 5, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 5, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 5, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 5, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 5, k + 14, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 5, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 5, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 6, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 6, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 6, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 6, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 6, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 6, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 6, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 6, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 6, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 6, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 6, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 6, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 6, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 6, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 6, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 6, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 6, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 7, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 7, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 7, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 7, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 7, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 7, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 7, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 7, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 7, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 7, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 7, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 7, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 7, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 7, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 7, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 7, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 7, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 8, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 8, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 8, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 8, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 8, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 8, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 8, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 8, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 8, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 8, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 8, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 8, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 8, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 8, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 8, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 8, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 8, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 9, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 9, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 9, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 9, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 9, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 9, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 9, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 9, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 9, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 9, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 9, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 9, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 9, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 9, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 9, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 9, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 9, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 10, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 10, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 10, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 10, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 10, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 10, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 10, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 10, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 10, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 10, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 10, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 10, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 10, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 10, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 10, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 10, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 10, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 11, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 11, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 11, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 11, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 11, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 11, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 11, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 11, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 11, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 11, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 11, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 11, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 11, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 11, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 11, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 11, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 9, j + 11, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 0, k + 0, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 0, k + 1, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 0, k + 2, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 0, k + 3, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 0, k + 4, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 0, k + 5, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 0, k + 6, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 0, k + 7, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 0, k + 8, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 0, k + 9, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 0, k + 10, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 0, k + 11, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 0, k + 12, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 0, k + 13, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 0, k + 14, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 0, k + 15, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 0, k + 16, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 1, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 1, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 1, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 1, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 1, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 1, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 1, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 1, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 1, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 1, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 1, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 1, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 1, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 1, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 1, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 1, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 1, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 2, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 2, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 2, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 2, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 2, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 2, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 2, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 2, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 2, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 2, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 2, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 2, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 2, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 2, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 2, k + 14, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 2, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 2, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 3, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 3, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 3, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 3, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 3, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 3, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 3, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 3, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 3, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 3, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 3, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 3, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 3, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 3, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 3, k + 14, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 3, k + 15, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 3, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 4, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 4, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 4, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 4, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 4, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 4, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 4, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 4, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 4, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 4, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 4, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 4, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 4, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 4, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 4, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 4, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 4, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 5, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 5, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 5, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 5, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 5, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 5, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 5, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 5, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 5, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 5, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 5, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 5, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 5, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 5, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 5, k + 14, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 5, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 5, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 6, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 6, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 6, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 6, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 6, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 6, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 6, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 6, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 6, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 6, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 6, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 6, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 6, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 6, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 6, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 6, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 6, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 7, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 7, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 7, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 7, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 7, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 7, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 7, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 7, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 7, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 7, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 7, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 7, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 7, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 7, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 7, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 7, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 7, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 8, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 8, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 8, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 8, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 8, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 8, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 8, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 8, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 8, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 8, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 8, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 8, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 8, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 8, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 8, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 8, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 8, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 9, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 9, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 9, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 9, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 9, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 9, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 9, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 9, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 9, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 9, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 9, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 9, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 9, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 9, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 9, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 9, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 9, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 10, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 10, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 10, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 10, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 10, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 10, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 10, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 10, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 10, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 10, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 10, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 10, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 10, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 10, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 10, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 10, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 10, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 11, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 11, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 11, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 11, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 11, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 11, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 11, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 11, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 11, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 11, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 11, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 11, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 11, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 11, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 11, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 11, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 10, j + 11, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 0, k + 0, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 0, k + 1, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 0, k + 2, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 0, k + 3, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 0, k + 4, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 0, k + 5, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 0, k + 6, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 0, k + 7, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 0, k + 8, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 0, k + 9, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 0, k + 10, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 0, k + 11, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 0, k + 12, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 0, k + 13, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 0, k + 14, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 0, k + 15, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 0, k + 16, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 1, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 1, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 1, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 1, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 1, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 1, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 1, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 1, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 1, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 1, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 1, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 1, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 1, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 1, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 1, k + 14, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 1, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 1, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 2, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 2, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 2, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 2, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 2, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 2, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 2, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 2, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 2, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 2, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 2, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 2, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 2, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 2, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 2, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 2, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 2, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 3, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 3, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 3, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 3, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 3, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 3, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 3, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 3, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 3, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 3, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 3, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 3, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 3, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 3, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 3, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 3, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 3, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 4, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 4, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 4, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 4, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 4, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 4, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 4, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 4, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 4, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 4, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 4, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 4, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 4, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 4, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 4, k + 14, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 4, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 4, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 5, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 5, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 5, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 5, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 5, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 5, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 5, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 5, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 5, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 5, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 5, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 5, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 5, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 5, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 5, k + 14, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 5, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 5, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 6, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 6, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 6, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 6, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 6, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 6, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 6, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 6, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 6, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 6, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 6, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 6, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 6, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 6, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 6, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 6, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 6, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 7, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 7, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 7, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 7, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 7, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 7, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 7, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 7, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 7, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 7, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 7, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 7, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 7, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 7, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 7, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 7, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 7, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 8, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 8, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 8, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 8, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 8, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 8, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 8, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 8, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 8, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 8, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 8, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 8, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 8, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 8, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 8, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 8, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 8, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 9, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 9, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 9, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 9, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 9, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 9, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 9, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 9, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 9, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 9, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 9, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 9, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 9, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 9, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 9, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 9, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 9, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 10, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 10, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 10, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 10, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 10, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 10, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 10, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 10, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 10, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 10, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 10, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 10, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 10, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 10, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 10, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 10, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 10, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 11, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 11, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 11, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 11, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 11, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 11, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 11, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 11, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 11, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 11, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 11, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 11, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 11, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 11, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 11, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 11, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 11, j + 11, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 0, k + 0, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 0, k + 1, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 0, k + 2, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 0, k + 3, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 0, k + 4, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 0, k + 5, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 0, k + 6, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 0, k + 7, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 0, k + 8, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 0, k + 9, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 0, k + 10, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 0, k + 11, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 0, k + 12, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 0, k + 13, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 0, k + 14, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 0, k + 15, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 0, k + 16, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 1, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 1, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 1, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 1, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 1, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 1, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 1, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 1, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 1, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 1, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 1, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 1, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 1, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 1, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 1, k + 14, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 1, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 1, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 2, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 2, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 2, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 2, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 2, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 2, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 2, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 2, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 2, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 2, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 2, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 2, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 2, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 2, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 2, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 2, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 2, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 3, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 3, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 3, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 3, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 3, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 3, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 3, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 3, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 3, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 3, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 3, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 3, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 3, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 3, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 3, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 3, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 3, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 4, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 4, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 4, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 4, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 4, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 4, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 4, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 4, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 4, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 4, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 4, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 4, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 4, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 4, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 4, k + 14, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 4, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 4, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 5, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 5, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 5, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 5, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 5, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 5, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 5, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 5, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 5, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 5, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 5, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 5, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 5, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 5, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 5, k + 14, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 5, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 5, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 6, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 6, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 6, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 6, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 6, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 6, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 6, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 6, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 6, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 6, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 6, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 6, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 6, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 6, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 6, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 6, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 6, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 7, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 7, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 7, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 7, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 7, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 7, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 7, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 7, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 7, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 7, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 7, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 7, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 7, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 7, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 7, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 7, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 7, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 8, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 8, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 8, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 8, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 8, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 8, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 8, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 8, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 8, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 8, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 8, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 8, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 8, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 8, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 8, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 8, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 8, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 9, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 9, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 9, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 9, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 9, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 9, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 9, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 9, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 9, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 9, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 9, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 9, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 9, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 9, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 9, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 9, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 9, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 10, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 10, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 10, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 10, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 10, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 10, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 10, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 10, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 10, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 10, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 10, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 10, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 10, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 10, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 10, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 10, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 10, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 11, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 11, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 11, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 11, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 11, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 11, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 11, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 11, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 11, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 11, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 11, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 11, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 11, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 11, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 11, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 11, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 12, j + 11, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 0, k + 0, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 0, k + 1, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 0, k + 2, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 0, k + 3, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 0, k + 4, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 0, k + 5, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 0, k + 6, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 0, k + 7, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 0, k + 8, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 0, k + 9, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 0, k + 10, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 0, k + 11, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 0, k + 12, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 0, k + 13, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 0, k + 14, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 0, k + 15, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 0, k + 16, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 1, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 1, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 1, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 1, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 1, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 1, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 1, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 1, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 1, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 1, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 1, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 1, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 1, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 1, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 1, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 1, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 1, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 2, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 2, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 2, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 2, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 2, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 2, k + 5, Blocks.cobblestone, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 2, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 2, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 2, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 2, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 2, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 2, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 2, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 2, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 2, k + 14, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 2, k + 15, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 2, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 3, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 3, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 3, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 3, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 3, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 3, k + 5, Blocks.cobblestone, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 3, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 3, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 3, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 3, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 3, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 3, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 3, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 3, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 3, k + 14, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 3, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 3, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 4, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 4, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 4, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 4, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 4, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 4, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 4, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 4, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 4, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 4, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 4, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 4, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 4, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 4, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 4, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 4, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 4, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 5, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 5, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 5, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 5, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 5, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 5, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 5, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 5, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 5, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 5, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 5, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 5, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 5, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 5, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 5, k + 14, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 5, k + 15, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 5, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 6, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 6, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 6, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 6, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 6, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 6, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 6, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 6, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 6, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 6, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 6, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 6, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 6, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 6, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 6, k + 14, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 6, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 6, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 7, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 7, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 7, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 7, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 7, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 7, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 7, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 7, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 7, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 7, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 7, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 7, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 7, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 7, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 7, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 7, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 7, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 8, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 8, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 8, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 8, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 8, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 8, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 8, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 8, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 8, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 8, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 8, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 8, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 8, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 8, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 8, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 8, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 8, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 9, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 9, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 9, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 9, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 9, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 9, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 9, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 9, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 9, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 9, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 9, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 9, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 9, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 9, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 9, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 9, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 9, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 10, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 10, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 10, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 10, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 10, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 10, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 10, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 10, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 10, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 10, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 10, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 10, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 10, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 10, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 10, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 10, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 10, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 11, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 11, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 11, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 11, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 11, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 11, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 11, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 11, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 11, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 11, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 11, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 11, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 11, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 11, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 11, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 11, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 13, j + 11, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 0, k + 0, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 0, k + 1, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 0, k + 2, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 0, k + 3, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 0, k + 4, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 0, k + 5, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 0, k + 6, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 0, k + 7, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 0, k + 8, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 0, k + 9, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 0, k + 10, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 0, k + 11, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 0, k + 12, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 0, k + 13, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 0, k + 14, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 0, k + 15, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 0, k + 16, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 1, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 1, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 1, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 1, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 1, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 1, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 1, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 1, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 1, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 1, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 1, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 1, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 1, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 1, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 1, k + 14, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 1, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 1, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 2, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 2, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 2, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 2, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 2, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 2, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 2, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 2, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 2, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 2, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 2, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 2, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 2, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 2, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 2, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 2, k + 15, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 2, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 3, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 3, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 3, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 3, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 3, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 3, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 3, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 3, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 3, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 3, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 3, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 3, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 3, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 3, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 3, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 3, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 3, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 4, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 4, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 4, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 4, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 4, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 4, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 4, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 4, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 4, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 4, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 4, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 4, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 4, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 4, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 4, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 4, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 4, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 5, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 5, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 5, k + 2, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 5, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 5, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 5, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 5, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 5, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 5, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 5, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 5, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 5, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 5, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 5, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 5, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 5, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 5, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 6, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 6, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 6, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 6, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 6, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 6, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 6, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 6, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 6, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 6, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 6, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 6, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 6, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 6, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 6, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 6, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 6, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 7, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 7, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 7, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 7, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 7, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 7, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 7, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 7, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 7, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 7, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 7, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 7, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 7, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 7, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 7, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 7, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 7, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 8, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 8, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 8, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 8, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 8, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 8, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 8, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 8, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);

	generate3(world, rand, i, j, k);
	return true;

public boolean generate3(World world, Random rand, int i, int j, int k) {
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 8, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 8, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 8, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 8, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 8, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 8, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 8, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 8, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 8, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 9, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 9, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 9, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 9, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 9, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 9, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 9, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 9, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 9, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 9, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 9, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 9, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 9, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 9, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 9, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 9, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 9, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 10, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 10, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 10, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 10, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 10, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 10, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 10, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 10, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 10, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 10, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 10, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 10, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 10, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 10, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 10, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 10, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 10, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 11, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 11, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 11, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 11, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 11, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 11, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 11, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 11, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 11, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 11, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 11, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 11, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 11, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 11, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 11, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 11, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 14, j + 11, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 0, k + 0, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 0, k + 1, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 0, k + 2, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 0, k + 3, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 0, k + 4, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 0, k + 5, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 0, k + 6, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 0, k + 7, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 0, k + 8, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 0, k + 9, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 0, k + 10, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 0, k + 11, Blocks.dirt, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 0, k + 12, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 0, k + 13, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 0, k + 14, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 0, k + 15, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 0, k + 16, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 1, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 1, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 1, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 1, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 1, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 1, k + 5, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 1, k + 6, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 1, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 1, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 1, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 1, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 1, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 1, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 1, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 1, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 1, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 1, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 2, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 2, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 2, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 2, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 2, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 2, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 2, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 2, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 2, k + 8, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 2, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 2, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 2, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 2, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 2, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 2, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 2, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 2, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 3, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 3, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 3, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 3, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 3, k + 4, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 3, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 3, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 3, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 3, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 3, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 3, k + 10, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 3, k + 11, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 3, k + 12, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 3, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 3, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 3, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 3, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 4, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 4, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 4, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 4, k + 3, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 4, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 4, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 4, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 4, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 4, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 4, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 4, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 4, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 4, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 4, k + 13, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 4, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 4, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 4, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 5, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 5, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 5, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 5, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 5, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 5, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 5, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 5, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 5, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 5, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 5, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 5, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 5, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 5, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 5, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 5, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 5, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 6, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 6, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 6, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 6, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 6, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 6, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 6, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 6, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 6, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 6, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 6, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 6, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 6, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 6, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 6, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 6, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 6, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 7, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 7, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 7, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 7, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 7, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 7, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 7, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 7, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 7, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 7, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 7, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 7, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 7, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 7, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 7, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 7, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 7, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 8, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 8, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 8, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 8, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 8, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 8, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 8, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 8, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 8, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 8, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 8, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 8, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 8, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 8, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 8, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 8, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 8, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 9, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 9, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 9, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 9, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 9, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 9, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 9, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 9, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 9, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 9, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 9, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 9, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 9, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 9, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 9, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 9, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 9, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 10, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 10, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 10, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 10, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 10, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 10, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 10, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 10, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 10, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 10, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 10, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 10, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 10, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 10, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 10, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 10, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 10, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 11, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 11, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 11, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 11, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 11, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 11, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 11, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 11, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 11, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 11, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 11, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 11, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 11, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 11, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 11, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 11, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 15, j + 11, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 0, k + 0, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 0, k + 1, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 0, k + 2, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 0, k + 3, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 0, k + 4, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 0, k + 5, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 0, k + 6, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 0, k + 7, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 0, k + 8, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 0, k + 9, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 0, k + 10, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 0, k + 11, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 0, k + 12, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 0, k + 13, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 0, k + 14, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 0, k + 15, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 0, k + 16, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 1, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 1, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 1, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 1, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 1, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 1, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 1, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 1, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 1, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 1, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 1, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 1, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 1, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 1, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 1, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 1, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 1, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 2, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 2, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 2, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 2, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 2, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 2, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 2, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 2, k + 7, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 2, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 2, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 2, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 2, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 2, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 2, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 2, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 2, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 2, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 3, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 3, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 3, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 3, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 3, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 3, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 3, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 3, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 3, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 3, k + 9, Blocks.bedrock, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 3, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 3, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 3, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 3, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 3, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 3, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 3, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 4, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 4, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 4, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 4, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 4, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 4, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 4, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 4, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 4, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 4, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 4, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 4, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 4, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 4, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 4, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 4, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 4, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 5, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 5, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 5, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 5, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 5, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 5, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 5, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 5, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 5, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 5, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 5, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 5, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 5, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 5, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 5, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 5, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 5, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 6, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 6, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 6, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 6, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 6, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 6, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 6, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 6, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 6, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 6, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 6, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 6, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 6, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 6, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 6, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 6, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 6, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 7, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 7, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 7, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 7, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 7, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 7, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 7, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 7, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 7, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 7, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 7, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 7, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 7, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 7, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 7, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 7, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 7, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 8, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 8, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 8, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 8, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 8, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 8, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 8, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 8, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 8, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 8, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 8, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 8, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 8, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 8, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 8, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 8, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 8, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 9, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 9, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 9, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 9, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 9, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 9, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 9, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 9, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 9, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 9, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 9, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 9, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 9, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 9, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 9, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 9, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 9, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 10, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 10, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 10, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 10, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 10, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 10, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 10, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 10, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 10, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 10, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 10, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 10, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 10, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 10, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 10, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 10, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 10, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 11, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 11, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 11, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 11, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 11, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 11, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 11, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 11, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 11, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 11, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 11, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 11, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 11, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 11, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 11, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 11, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 16, j + 11, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 0, k + 0, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 0, k + 1, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 0, k + 2, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 0, k + 3, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 0, k + 4, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 0, k + 5, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 0, k + 6, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 0, k + 7, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 0, k + 8, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 0, k + 9, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 0, k + 10, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 0, k + 11, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 0, k + 12, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 0, k + 13, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 0, k + 14, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 0, k + 15, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 0, k + 16, Blocks.grass, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 1, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 1, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 1, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 1, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 1, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 1, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 1, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 1, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 1, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 1, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 1, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 1, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 1, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 1, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 1, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 1, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 1, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 2, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 2, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 2, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 2, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 2, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 2, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 2, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 2, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 2, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 2, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 2, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 2, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 2, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 2, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 2, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 2, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 2, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 3, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 3, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 3, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 3, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 3, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 3, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 3, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 3, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 3, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 3, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 3, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 3, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 3, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 3, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 3, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 3, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 3, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 4, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 4, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 4, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 4, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 4, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 4, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 4, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 4, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 4, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 4, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 4, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 4, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 4, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 4, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 4, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 4, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 4, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 5, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 5, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 5, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 5, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 5, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 5, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 5, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 5, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 5, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 5, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 5, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 5, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 5, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 5, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 5, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 5, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 5, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 6, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 6, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 6, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 6, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 6, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 6, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 6, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 6, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 6, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 6, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 6, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 6, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 6, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 6, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 6, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 6, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 6, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 7, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 7, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 7, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 7, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 7, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 7, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 7, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 7, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 7, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 7, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 7, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 7, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 7, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 7, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 7, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 7, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 7, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 8, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 8, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 8, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 8, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 8, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 8, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 8, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 8, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 8, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 8, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 8, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 8, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 8, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 8, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 8, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 8, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 8, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 9, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 9, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 9, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 9, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 9, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 9, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 9, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 9, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 9, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 9, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 9, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 9, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 9, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 9, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 9, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 9, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 9, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 10, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 10, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 10, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 10, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 10, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 10, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 10, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 10, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 10, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 10, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 10, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 10, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 10, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 10, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 10, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 10, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 10, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 11, k + 0, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 11, k + 1, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 11, k + 2, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 11, k + 3, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 11, k + 4, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 11, k + 5, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 11, k + 6, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 11, k + 7, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 11, k + 8, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 11, k + 9, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 11, k + 10, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 11, k + 11, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 11, k + 12, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 11, k + 13, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 11, k + 14, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 11, k + 15, Blocks.air, 0);
	this.setBlock(world, i + 17, j + 11, k + 16, Blocks.air, 0);

	return true;



Console Log:

[21:40:57] [server thread/INFO]: Starting integrated minecraft server version 1.7.10
[21:40:57] [server thread/INFO]: Generating keypair
[21:40:58] [server thread/INFO]: Converting map!
[21:40:58] [server thread/INFO]: Scanning folders...
[21:40:58] [server thread/INFO]: Total conversion count is 0
[21:40:58] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Injecting existing block and item data into this server instance
[21:40:59] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Applying holder lookups
[21:40:59] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Holder lookups applied
[21:41:01] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Loading dimension 0 (New World) (net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer@5a270d9)
[21:41:01] [server thread/WARN]: Unable to find spawn biome
[21:41:07] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Loading dimension 5 (New World) (net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer@5a270d9)
[21:41:07] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Loading dimension 4 (New World) (net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer@5a270d9)
[21:41:07] [server thread/WARN]: Unable to find spawn biome
[21:41:12] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Loading dimension 3 (New World) (net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer@5a270d9)
[21:41:12] [server thread/WARN]: Unable to find spawn biome
[21:41:13] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:13] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:14] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:14] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:14] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:14] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:14] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:14] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:15] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:15] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:15] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:15] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:15] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:15] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:15] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:15] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:15] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:15] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:15] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:15] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:15] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:15] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:15] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:15] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:15] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:15] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:15] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:15] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:15] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:15] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:15] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:15] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:15] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:15] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:15] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:15] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:15] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:15] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:16] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:16] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:16] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:16] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:16] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:16] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:16] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:16] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:17] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:17] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:17] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:17] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:17] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:17] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:17] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:17] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:17] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:17] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:17] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:17] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:17] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:17] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:17] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:17] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:17] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:17] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:17] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:17] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:17] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:17] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:17] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:17] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:17] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:17] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:18] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:18] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:18] [server thread/INFO] [sTDOUT]: [mineworld.world.gen.WorldGenCorrupterHouse:generate:89]: House generated at: 253 77 247
[21:41:18] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Loading dimension 2 (New World) (net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer@5a270d9)
[21:41:18] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Loading dimension 1 (New World) (net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer@5a270d9)
[21:41:18] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: Loading dimension -1 (New World) (net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer@5a270d9)
[21:41:18] [server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 0
[21:41:19] [server thread/INFO]: Changing view distance to 12, from 10
[21:41:20] [Netty Client IO #0/INFO] [FML]: Server protocol version 1
[21:41:20] [Netty IO #1/INFO] [FML]: Client protocol version 1
[21:41:20] [Netty IO #1/INFO] [FML]: Client attempting to join with 4 mods : [email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected]
[21:41:20] [Netty IO #1/INFO] [FML]: Attempting connection with missing mods [] at CLIENT
[21:41:20] [Netty Client IO #0/INFO] [FML]: Attempting connection with missing mods [] at SERVER
[21:41:20] [server thread/INFO] [FML]: [server thread] Server side modded connection established
[21:41:20] [server thread/INFO]: Player151[local:E:385c455f] logged in with entity id 1219 at (740.5, 4.0, -256.5)
[21:41:20] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: [Client thread] Client side modded connection established
[21:41:20] [server thread/INFO]: Player151 joined the game
[21:41:23] [server thread/INFO]: Saving and pausing game...
[21:41:23] [server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'New World'/Overworld
[21:41:25] [server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'New World'/Nether
[21:41:25] [server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'New World'/The End
[21:41:25] [server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'New World'/Crazy
[21:41:25] [server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'New World'/The Shadow
[21:41:25] [server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'New World'/Sacred
[21:41:25] [server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'New World'/Corrupted


Thanks in advance to all who will help me ;)

Don't blame me if i always ask for your help. I just want to learn to be better :)


It's an auto generated code from a Schematic to Java Converter, but if needed i will change it ;)

Don't blame me if i always ask for your help. I just want to learn to be better :)

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