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Make mcmod.info mandatory and checked for consistency


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I've been told that mcmod.info files are meant for launchers/mod installers to make it easier to get version and basic mod info. However, in their current form, they don't really serve that purpose - most people don't bother adding them to their mods and even if they are there, the info is not guaranteed to be consistent with what the mod specifies in its annotations.


On top of that, forge and minecraft don't include any easily parseable version information (or I haven't found them yet). I've started implementing a class file parser to get at the info and I can get minecraft version this way.


Now... I'd love to have a solution for this on the forge side - making mcmod.info files mandatory, checking them for consistency with the annotations on load and adding minecraft and forge version files into the forge package itself. Ideally when forge switches from minecraft 1.3.2 to 1.4 so the change doesn't break existing mods.


What are your thoughts on this?

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Im pretty sure that mcmod.info files won't become mandatory, so you're just gunna have to live with the fact that some mods don't have them.

As for Forge shipping a file with the version.. I could of sworn I did, but looks like I didn't so we do now:



As for detecting FML/MC versions, thats been in fmlversion.properties for a while.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
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