[1.7.10+] EntityMounted and EntityDismounted events.
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By TileEntity · Posted
It is an issue with Pixelmon - maybe report it to the creators -
Please read the FAQ (https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/125488-rules-and-frequently-asked-questions-faq/) and post logs as described there for further help.
By AbsoluteDawn417 · Posted
IEventBus modEventBus = FMLJavaModLoadingContext.get().getModEventBus(); It says that '.get()' is deprecated since version 1.21.1 and has been marked for removal. How should I replace this line or section of code so it works? Or is there a way to fix it? Full Block of Code: IEventBus modEventBus = FMLJavaModLoadingContext.get().getModEventBus(); // This is the line that's messed up... I don't know why modEventBus.addListener(this::commonSetup); MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(this); -
By BlackJar72 · Posted
Sorry to have bothered everyone. I think I've figured it out: NbtUtils.snbtToStructure() will allow me to get the compound tag from a string I can load, and ItemStack.setTag() will allow me to write it to an item. Again, sorry to bother everyone -- it took a long time to work it out, it seems finding answers on the internet by googling isn't a viable way to get info so it took a lot of guessing, experimenting, and trial and error until I hit upon the path to a solution. -
Hello, My modded forge server was working with no issues up until last night. The current issue is that the server crashes as soon as another player joins. Steps I have already tried: Deleted these files: banned-ips.json, banned-players.json, ops.json, usercache.json, whitelist.json. Deleted all player files Deleted the chunk that player was in Mods: Pixelmon 1.20.2, 9.2.10 Crash log: https://pastebin.com/qauuZLRE Latest Log: https://pastebin.com/TxCGS4sc Other issue I get when starting up the server: [LanServerPinger #1/WARN] [net.minecraft.client.server.LanServerPinger/]: LanServerPinger: Network is unreachable
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