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So ive created a block that on right click should drop my custom item, but when I try this it tells me that when it tries my item is an invalid item? Witch to me doesn't make any sense, either way here is the code.




public class CropBlock extends BlockBush implements IGrowable
protected int maxGrowthStage = 7;
private final ItemStack newItem;
private String target = "";
private EntityPlayer player;
protected IIcon[] iIcon;
public CropBlock(ItemStack parItem)
// Basic block setup
float f = 0.5F;
setBlockBounds(0.5F - f, 0.0F, 0.5F - f, 0.5F + f, 0.25F, 0.5F + f);
newItem =parItem;
protected boolean canPlaceBlockOn(Block parBlock)
return parBlock == Blocks.farmland;
public boolean canBlockStay(World world, int parX, int parY, int parZ )
if (world.getBlock(parX,parY - 1, parZ) != Blocks.farmland)
return false;
return true;
public void incrementGrowStage(World parWorld, Random parRand, int parX, int parY, int parZ)
int growStage = parWorld.getBlockMetadata(parX, parY, parZ) +
MathHelper.getRandomIntegerInRange(parRand, 2, 5);
if (growStage > maxGrowthStage)
growStage = maxGrowthStage;
parWorld.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(parX, parY, parZ, growStage, 2);
public int getRenderType()
return 1; // Cross like flowers
public IIcon getIcon(int parSide, int parGrowthStage)
return iIcon[parGrowthStage];
public boolean func_149851_a(World p_149851_1_, int p_149851_2_, int p_149851_3_, int p_149851_4_, boolean p_149851_5_) {
return p_149851_1_.getBlockMetadata(p_149851_2_, p_149851_3_, p_149851_4_) != 7;
public boolean func_149852_a(World p_149852_1_, Random p_149852_2_, int p_149852_3_, int p_149852_4_, int p_149852_5_) {
return false;
public void func_149853_b(World p_149853_1_, Random p_149853_2_, int p_149853_3_, int p_149853_4_, int p_149853_5_) {
incrementGrowStage(p_149853_1_, p_149853_2_, p_149853_3_, p_149853_4_, p_149853_5_);
public void updateTick(World parWorld, int parX, int parY, int parZ, Random parRand)
super.updateTick(parWorld, parX, parY, parZ, parRand);
int growStage = parWorld.getBlockMetadata(parX, parY, parZ);
if (growStage < 7)
float f = this.func_149864_n(parWorld, parX, parY, parZ);
if (parRand.nextInt((int)(375.0F / f) + 1) == 0)
parWorld.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(parX, parY, parZ, growStage, 2);
public void func_149863_m(World p_149863_1_, int p_149863_2_, int p_149863_3_, int p_149863_4_)
int l = p_149863_1_.getBlockMetadata(p_149863_2_, p_149863_3_, p_149863_4_) + MathHelper.getRandomIntegerInRange(p_149863_1_.rand, 2, 5);
if (l > 7)
l = 7;
if (l == 7) {
p_149863_1_.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(p_149863_2_, p_149863_3_, p_149863_4_, l, 2);
private float func_149864_n(World p_149864_1_, int p_149864_2_, int p_149864_3_, int p_149864_4_)
float f = 1.0F;
Block block = p_149864_1_.getBlock(p_149864_2_, p_149864_3_, p_149864_4_ - 1);
Block block1 = p_149864_1_.getBlock(p_149864_2_, p_149864_3_, p_149864_4_ + 1);
Block block2 = p_149864_1_.getBlock(p_149864_2_ - 1, p_149864_3_, p_149864_4_);
Block block3 = p_149864_1_.getBlock(p_149864_2_ + 1, p_149864_3_, p_149864_4_);
Block block4 = p_149864_1_.getBlock(p_149864_2_ - 1, p_149864_3_, p_149864_4_ - 1);
Block block5 = p_149864_1_.getBlock(p_149864_2_ + 1, p_149864_3_, p_149864_4_ - 1);
Block block6 = p_149864_1_.getBlock(p_149864_2_ + 1, p_149864_3_, p_149864_4_ + 1);
Block block7 = p_149864_1_.getBlock(p_149864_2_ - 1, p_149864_3_, p_149864_4_ + 1);
boolean flag = block2 == this || block3 == this;
boolean flag1 = block == this || block1 == this;
boolean flag2 = block4 == this || block5 == this || block6 == this || block7 == this;
for (int l = p_149864_2_ - 1; l <= p_149864_2_ + 1; ++l)
for (int i1 = p_149864_4_ - 1; i1 <= p_149864_4_ + 1; ++i1)
float f1 = 0.0F;
if (p_149864_1_.getBlock(l, p_149864_3_ - 1, i1).canSustainPlant(p_149864_1_, l, p_149864_3_ - 1, i1, ForgeDirection.UP, this))
f1 = 1.0F;
if (p_149864_1_.getBlock(l, p_149864_3_ - 1, i1).isFertile(p_149864_1_, l, p_149864_3_ - 1, i1))
f1 = 3.0F;
if (l != p_149864_2_ || i1 != p_149864_4_)
f1 /= 4.0F;
f += f1;
if (flag2 || flag && flag1)
f /= 2.0F;
return f;
public boolean onBlockActivated(World parWorld, int parX, int parY, int parZ, EntityPlayer par5EntityPlayer,int par6, float par7, float par8, float par9){
int growStage = parWorld.getBlockMetadata(parX, parY, parZ);
if(growStage == 7) {
if (!parWorld.isRemote) {
if (par5EntityPlayer.getHeldItem() == null) {
ItemStack myItemStack = newItem;
EntityItem myItemEntity = new EntityItem(parWorld, parX, parY, parZ, myItemStack);
parWorld.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(parX, parY, parZ, 0, 2);
return true;
return false;
public String getUnlocalizedName()
return String.format("tile.%s%s", Reference.MOD_ID.toLowerCase() + ":", getUnwrappedUnlocalizedName(super.getUnlocalizedName()));
public void registerBlockIcons(IIconRegister iconRegister)
blockIcon = iconRegister.registerIcon(String.format("%s", getUnwrappedUnlocalizedName(this.getUnlocalizedName())));
protected String getUnwrappedUnlocalizedName(String unlocalizedName)
return unlocalizedName.substring(unlocalizedName.indexOf(".") + 1);





public class QuickSilverBush extends CropBlock
    public QuickSilverBush()
        [color=yellow][glow=red,2,300]super(new ItemStack(ModItems.quicksilverThorn));[/glow][/color]
        // Basic block setup
        setBlockTextureName("orestalks:"+Names.Blocks.DIAMOND + Names.BlockTextures.STAGE0);

    protected boolean canPlaceBlockOn(Block parBlock)
        return parBlock == Blocks.farmland;

     * Returns the quantity of items to drop on block destruction.
    public int quantityDropped(int parMetadata, int parFortune, Random parRand)
        Random rand = new Random();

        int  n = rand.nextInt(50);
        if (parMetadata !=7)
            return (1);
        if(parMetadata == 7){
            if (n == 1)
                return (2);
            else {
                return (1);
        return (1);

    public Item getItemDropped(int parMetadata, Random parRand, int parFortune)

        return (ModItems.quicksilverSeed);

    public ArrayList<ItemStack> getDrops(World world, int x, int y, int z, int metadata, int fortune)
        ArrayList<ItemStack> ret = super.getDrops(world, x, y, z, metadata, fortune);
        if (metadata == 7) {
           [glow=red,2,300][color=yellow] ret.add(new ItemStack(ModItems.quicksilverThorn));[/color][/glow]
        return ret;

    public void registerBlockIcons(IIconRegister parIIconRegister)
        iIcon = new IIcon[maxGrowthStage+1];
        // seems that crops like to have 8 growth icons, but okay to repeat actual texture if you want

        // to make generic should loop to maxGrowthStage
        iIcon[0] = parIIconRegister.registerIcon("orestalks:"+Names.Blocks.DIAMOND + Names.BlockTextures.STAGE0);
        iIcon[1] = parIIconRegister.registerIcon("orestalks:"+Names.Blocks.DIAMOND + Names.BlockTextures.STAGE1);
        iIcon[2] = parIIconRegister.registerIcon("orestalks:"+Names.Blocks.DIAMOND + Names.BlockTextures.STAGE2);
        iIcon[3] = parIIconRegister.registerIcon("orestalks:"+Names.Blocks.DIAMOND + Names.BlockTextures.STAGE3);
        iIcon[4] = parIIconRegister.registerIcon("orestalks:"+Names.Blocks.DIAMOND + Names.BlockTextures.STAGE4);
        iIcon[5] = parIIconRegister.registerIcon("orestalks:"+Names.Blocks.DIAMOND + Names.BlockTextures.STAGE5);
        iIcon[6] = parIIconRegister.registerIcon("orestalks:"+Names.Blocks.DIAMOND + Names.BlockTextures.STAGE6);
        iIcon[7] = parIIconRegister.registerIcon("orestalks:"+Names.Blocks.DIAMOND + Names.BlockTextures.STAGE7);





public class ModBlocks

    public static final CropBlock DIAMONDCROP = new DiamondBush();
    public static final CropBlock COALCROP = new CoalBush();
    public static final CropBlock CHARCOALCROP = new CharcoalBush();
    public static final CropBlock EMERALDCROP = new EmeraldBush();
    public static final CropBlock GOLDCROP = new GoldBush();
    public static final CropBlock LAPISCROP = new LapisBush();
    public static final CropBlock IRONCROP = new IronBush();
    public static final CropBlock REDSTONECROP = new RedStoneBush();
    public static final CropBlock NETHERQUARTZCROP = new NetherQuartzBush();
    public static final CropBlock SHARD = new Earthshardbush();
   [color=yellow][glow=red,2,300]public static final CropBlock QUICKSILVERCROP = new QuickSilverBush();[/glow][/color]
    public static final CropBlock GLOWSTONECROP = new GlowStoneBush();

    public static Block accelerator;

    public static void init()
        GameRegistry.registerBlock(DIAMONDCROP, Names.Blocks.DIAMOND);

        GameRegistry.registerBlock(accelerator = new OreStalksBlocks(Material.iron, Names.Blocks.ACCELERATOR, Names.Blocks.ACCELERATOR), Names.Blocks.ACCELERATOR);

        if (Loader.isModLoaded("Thaumcraft"))




public class ModItems
    public static Item diamondSeed;
    public static Item coalSeed;
    public static Item charcoalSeed;
    public static Item goldSeed;
    public static Item ironSeed;
    public static Item lapisSeed;
    public static Item emeraldSeed;
    public static Item redstoneSeed;
    public static Item netherquartzSeed;
    public static Item testSeed;
    public static Item quicksilverSeed;
    public static Item glowstoneSeed;

    [color=yellow][glow=red,2,300]public static Item quicksilverThorn;[/glow][/color]
    public static ItemStack moretest;

    public static void init() {
        GameRegistry.registerItem(diamondSeed = new OreSeeds(Names.Items.DIAMONDSEED,Names.Items.DIAMONDSEED,ModBlocks.DIAMONDCROP, Blocks.farmland),Names.Items.DIAMONDSEED);
        GameRegistry.registerItem(ironSeed = new OreSeeds(Names.Items.IRONSEED,Names.Items.IRONSEED,ModBlocks.IRONCROP, Blocks.farmland),Names.Items.IRONSEED);
        GameRegistry.registerItem(redstoneSeed = new OreSeeds(Names.Items.REDSTONESEED,Names.Items.REDSTONESEED,ModBlocks.REDSTONECROP, Blocks.farmland),Names.Items.REDSTONESEED);
        GameRegistry.registerItem(lapisSeed = new OreSeeds(Names.Items.LAPISSEED,Names.Items.LAPISSEED,ModBlocks.LAPISCROP, Blocks.farmland),Names.Items.LAPISSEED);
        GameRegistry.registerItem(emeraldSeed = new OreSeeds(Names.Items.EMERALDSEED,Names.Items.EMERALDSEED,ModBlocks.EMERALDCROP, Blocks.farmland),Names.Items.EMERALDSEED);
        GameRegistry.registerItem(goldSeed = new OreSeeds(Names.Items.GOLDSEED,Names.Items.GOLDSEED,ModBlocks.GOLDCROP, Blocks.farmland),Names.Items.GOLDSEED);
        GameRegistry.registerItem(coalSeed = new OreSeeds(Names.Items.COALSEED,Names.Items.COALSEED,ModBlocks.COALCROP, Blocks.farmland),Names.Items.COALSEED);
        GameRegistry.registerItem(charcoalSeed = new OreSeeds(Names.Items.CHARCOALSEED,Names.Items.CHARCOALSEED,ModBlocks.CHARCOALCROP, Blocks.farmland),Names.Items.CHARCOALSEED);
        GameRegistry.registerItem(netherquartzSeed = new OreSeeds(Names.Items.NETHERQUARTZSEED,Names.Items.NETHERQUARTZSEED,ModBlocks.NETHERQUARTZCROP, Blocks.farmland),Names.Items.NETHERQUARTZSEED);
        GameRegistry.registerItem(glowstoneSeed = new OreSeeds("glow_stone_seeds","glow_stone_seeds",ModBlocks.GLOWSTONECROP, Blocks.farmland),"glow_stone_seeds");

        if (Loader.isModLoaded("Thaumcraft"))
            GameRegistry.registerItem(testSeed = new OreSeeds("test_seed","test_seed",ModBlocks.SHARD,Blocks.farmland),"test_seed");
            GameRegistry.registerItem(quicksilverSeed = new OreSeeds("quicksilver_seed","quicksilver_seed",ModBlocks.QUICKSILVERCROP,Blocks.farmland),"quicksilver_seed");
            [color=yellow][glow=red,2,300]GameRegistry.registerItem(quicksilverThorn = new OreStalksMatierials("quicksilver_thorn","quicksilver_thorn"),"quicksilver_thorn");[/glow][/color]



~SureShotM/Leo~ gaming coding all around fun!


I tried to have the right bits of code Highlighted but that didn't work,


the first code is the General block

the second code is the block with the specific item I'm trying to drop to player

the last 2 codes are the initializes.


note I have tried to use if(world.isRemote) instead of if(!world.isRemote)

it still gave same error.

~SureShotM/Leo~ gaming coding all around fun!


Do you mean in here, and in that case are you suggesting that I put this code in the individual bush blocks. 



public boolean onBlockActivated(World parWorld, int parX, int parY, int parZ, EntityPlayer par5EntityPlayer,int par6, float par7, float par8, float par9){

int growStage = parWorld.getBlockMetadata(parX, parY, parZ);

if(growStage == 7) {

if (!parWorld.isRemote) {

if (par5EntityPlayer.getHeldItem() == null) {

ItemStack myItemStack = newItem;

EntityItem myItemEntity = new EntityItem(parWorld, parX, parY, parZ, myItemStack);


parWorld.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(parX, parY, parZ, 0, 2);

return true;




return false;



~SureShotM/Leo~ gaming coding all around fun!


okay so you are talking about this private final ItemStack newItem;, correct or since you mentioned item class are you talking about the ModItems class? sorry I guess I'm confused on witch exact part of the code you are talking about, O wait i think I know what your talking about,  super(new ItemStack(ModItems.quicksilverThorn)); this is what is being reused right. 

~SureShotM/Leo~ gaming coding all around fun!


Okay so I would do this instead to fix it?


EntityItem myItemEntity = new EntityItem(parWorld, parX, parY, parZ, newItem);


~SureShotM/Leo~ gaming coding all around fun!


Okay I'm not understanding fully, am I already doing this when in the individual bush constructor.


super(new ItemStack(ModItems.quicksilver_thorn));

~SureShotM/Leo~ gaming coding all around fun!


Ok thats the thing though that I guess I'm getting confused, all my individual bushes are referencing to "cropBlock", and "newItem" gets passed through the bush constructor in super(new ItemStack(...));, I decided to do it that way cause I didn't want to have to put  this in every bush code.



public boolean onBlockActivated(World parWorld, int parX, int parY, int parZ, EntityPlayer par5EntityPlayer,int par6, float par7, float par8, float par9){

int growStage = parWorld.getBlockMetadata(parX, parY, parZ);

if(growStage == 7) {

if (!parWorld.isRemote) {

if (par5EntityPlayer.getHeldItem() == null) {

ItemStack myItemStack = newItem;

EntityItem myItemEntity = new EntityItem(parWorld, parX, parY, parZ, myItemStack);


parWorld.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(parX, parY, parZ, 0, 2);

return true;




return false;


~SureShotM/Leo~ gaming coding all around fun!


Sorry if I am agitating I am just not really understanding right now since this works with vanilla items but not my custom items. 

~SureShotM/Leo~ gaming coding all around fun!


Would it just be better to just put my right click code in the individual bushes to and add the individual items in that entityItem part 

~SureShotM/Leo~ gaming coding all around fun!


So I got it sorta solved I pretty much said forget doing it the fancy way and just put the onblockactivate method into the individual bushes(not going to be bushes for much longer it was the only thing I could think of at the moment of first creation). I did think of a way I could make the new itemstack and reference it like I already am but even then it didn't work so I kinda gave up, I might try again but I want to get further into the mod before I do or ill get stuck on this forever. so I guess at this point I'm going to ask if it is okay if we keep this open so I can come back to it as needed.

~SureShotM/Leo~ gaming coding all around fun!

ItemStack myItemStack = newItem.copy();

Apparently I'm a complete and utter jerk and come to this forum just like to make fun of people, be confrontational, and make your personal life miserable.  If you think this is the case, JUST REPORT ME.  Otherwise you're just going to get reported when you reply to my posts and point it out, because odds are, I was trying to be nice.


Exception: If you do not understand Java, I WILL NOT HELP YOU and your thread will get locked.


DO NOT PM ME WITH PROBLEMS. No help will be given.


ok that didn't work, and I even tried to make my own method for it and it still didn't work so screw it ill just keep with the plant itself having the right click method. thanks for the help though even though it never got me anywhere.

~SureShotM/Leo~ gaming coding all around fun!

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