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A question of MOD balance,,,,ask the player.


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Quite often what happens with any software program written, a bug( or 5 ) gets exploited and becomes part of the game play. The author of the program quite often only sees how he/she wants the mod played, instead of the fun the players are having with it.


The player's opinion is more important here than the author, no matter how right the author may be about such changes.


The player simply does not have to use the mod or software program in question.


For example:

IMO  Industrial Craft solar is outrageously expensive just because the author wants to make the Mass Fabricator harder to get. The results of these changes have spoiled the fun of using the rest of the mod.

I personally will never use this mod again because of those changes.

Argue that all you want, but you can not force players to agree with your changes.


You can not force players to use your mod regardless of how right you may be about the changes.

The player opinion counts, else you will play your finely authored mod alone.

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if i got this right the solution for mod authors would be to let the users of a mod vote about every change regarding balance because the players may not like it or wood find it to hard?

in opinion the players opinion isnt more important than the authors since its his mod and he has most likely an idea of what the gameplay and especially CHALLENGE and BALANCE has to be in his mod

"not to scare azanor more , but he's a programmer, which is like the child of an orgy between math, logic, writing, and black magic . without any one of those it just doesn't work" etopsirhc

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  • 2 months later...

if i got this right the solution for mod authors would be to let the users of a mod vote about every change regarding balance because the players may not like it or wood find it to hard?

in opinion the players opinion isnt more important than the authors since its his mod and he has most likely an idea of what the gameplay and especially CHALLENGE and BALANCE has to be in his mod


A "well authored" mod will never be played alone.

I started writing my mod a month or so ago, It's by no means "good" yet, many incomplete features, Blocks which have absolutely no purpose yet. (its planned, but not implemented). Items of the same story.  - my testing team LOVES it, and refuses to play MC without it - even incomplete - and my shit is pretty expensive :)


A game, and modifications or extension must be balanced or it simply wont be fun.

If you want everything for free, play in creative, or use NEI in cheat mode. We're not taking hours of careful thought in how to make things fair, and throwing it out teh window because you want the piston dupe bug back.

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