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World corrupted after mod update


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Hey guys


I come to the forums for the first time to report a little something that disturb me with the new forge versions.

I'm running a private server and i like to keep the mods up to date to fix bugs and add content. The problem is that the item ids are automatically handled by forge now and i have no control over them. So when i try to update a few mods with new content usually (in 1.7.10) on my server, i get the message, on server launch, that some blocks/ items have their ids changed and i need to confirm or cancel. Not much choice, i have to confirm. Problem is some existing blocks get replaced it seems and world gets corrupted which means i cant log in at all, or there is no recipes for certain items etc.


Exemple : i tried to update Mekanism from  Mekanism-1.7.10- to Mekanism-1.7.10- Everything loads fine, world is ok but when i log in i notice that my applied energistics (appliedenergistics2-rv2-alpha-29) has no recipes for certain items. It's even worse if i try to update thermal expansion to the last versions.


Is there an easy way to avoid/edit that or a better way to let forge handle item ids on already existing items/blocks on server?*



edit : mekanism problem solved with last update.

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Complain at the mod authors for screwing up there registrations.

If mod authors keep their registrations correct across there mod update. Forge will assign everything the same ID as before.

But if "mekanism:bob" becomes "mekanism:sally" Forge must assume it's a different block and assign it a new ID.

Mods however CAN handle the rename from bob->sally themselves as we ask the mods "Did you intend to do this?"


As for the AE/TF taking over others blocks, this should never happen in a Forge environment UNLESS those mods are misbehaving and hacking in/breaking the registry.


I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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