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Distant Static


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Hello everyone. I have just installed a Forge server running Forge 1.8. Everything starts up nice and connectivity seems to be nice. The only issue is that my game now has a static and blur to it. By this I mean there is a transparent static that buzzez around (visual no sound) in the background and distance as I move and is lightly visible when I stay still. I have troubleshooted this and pinned it back to forge being installed on my Client, as it does this even on Singleplayer. I need to get this server up and running here soon, so any and all immediate help is greatly appreciated.



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Interesting, Looks like something disabled mipmapping. I'll look into it. Either way shouldn't effect your gameplay just a slight 'static'


Edit: Found it, Fry broke mipmapping :P There will be a update sometime tonight to fix it, got a couple other things to tackle.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
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