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With my mod, after running it on a server and researching I know that my code is erroring due to the server running client related stuff, yet when i try to create a proxy using @SidedProxy i get the error of


Attempted to load a proxy type com.iceminecrafter.IME.proxy.ClientProxy into com.iceminecrafter.IME.IcesMinecraftExpansion.MFCAluminiumArmorMat, but the types don't match [16:57:35] [Client thread/ERROR] [FML]: An error occured trying to load a proxy into {clientSide=com.iceminecrafter.IME.proxy.ClientProxy, serverSide=com.iceminecrafter.IME.proxy.ServerProxy}.com.iceminecrafter.IME.IcesMinecraftExpansion cpw.mods.fml.common.LoaderException


Help would be much appreciated


My code shortened down



package com.iceminecrafter.IME;





@Mod(modid = IcesMinecraftExpansion.modid, name = IcesMinecraftExpansion.name, version = IcesMinecraftExpansion.version)


public class IcesMinecraftExpansion{


public static CommonProxy serverproxy;

public static ClientProxy clientproxy;


public static IcesMinecraftExpansion modInstance;

@SidedProxy(clientSide="com.iceminecrafter.IME.proxy.ClientProxy", serverSide="com.iceminecrafter.IME.proxy.ServerProxy")


public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent e){













A proxy being a replacement for your main registry to register specific stuff for client and server sides, so if it only is rendered on the client side, such as a mobs physical appearance, then that isnt registered in the server, as the server doesnt have the files necessary to use the class file


Well that is the application of it I need, as that is my mods problem right now, as it is rendering my mobs on the server and client rather than just the client, causing the client to crash on load into the server


IF I was able to figure it out, after looking through lots of similar posts and questions on other forums and pages, would you have thought i would have needed to post about it myself to get the solution to the problem?!?


In terms of organizing and instantiating your proxy, you might want to check out my tutorial here: http://jabelarminecraft.blogspot.com/p/minecraft-modding-organizing-your-proxy.html


There is a section there about an example annotation and instantiation of the proxy.


In terms of your problem, if the entity rendering is only registered in your client proxy then it shouldn't be invoked on server side. In the link above I explain where I recommend you do things like registering renderers.

Check out my tutorials here: http://jabelarminecraft.blogspot.com/


This is so sad.


I agree that people should mostly figure things out on their own, so my "tutorials" never give full code but rather just point the direction. But the proxy concept takes a while to understand and it is one of the first things a new modder will encounter -- no point in scaring off new modders with one of the more obtuse aspects of modding.

Check out my tutorials here: http://jabelarminecraft.blogspot.com/

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