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[1.8] Item textures not working outside of eclipse


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The problem is:in eclipse all item' texture is good but when I export it  the jar file conatins but I get this: [09:26:23] [Client thread/ERROR] [FML]: Model definition for location modularsuits:modularHelmet#inventory not found

[09:26:23] [Client thread/ERROR] [FML]: Model definition for location modularsuits:modularChestplate#inventory not found

[09:26:23] [Client thread/ERROR] [FML]: Model definition for location modularsuits:modularLeggings#inventory not found

[09:26:23] [Client thread/ERROR] [FML]: Model definition for location modularsuits:modularBoots#inventory not found

Sorry for my English

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I am still having problems, here is what my item looks like in game, it is not a block it is an item like a stick

Here is my code:

texture manager http://pastebin.com/aDxGVt5t

main registry http://pastebin.com/JsaWNs4C

HarryPotterWand.json file in C:\Users\Kyle\Desktop\Minecraft Modding\src\main\java\kwrod13\harrypottercraft\models\items http://pastebin.com/QXtfpVJv

ref strings: http://pastebin.com/H9N83HXd

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I am still having problems, here is what my item looks like in game, it is not a block it is an item like a stick

Here is my code:

texture manager http://pastebin.com/aDxGVt5t

main registry http://pastebin.com/JsaWNs4C

HarryPotterWand.json file in C:\Users\Kyle\Desktop\Minecraft Modding\src\main\java\kwrod13\harrypottercraft\models\items http://pastebin.com/QXtfpVJv

ref strings: http://pastebin.com/H9N83HXd

Resources go in

, not in



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1.12 -> 1.13 primer by williewillus.


1.7.10 and older versions of Minecraft are no longer supported due to it's age! Update to the latest version for support.



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Resources go in


, not in




Yea, I know they do, I have my resources in there (lang models and textures). Only thing that is not in there is the HarryPotterWand.json which is in the path I had previously said (I tried it in both the src/main/resources/models and src/main/java folder and neither of them show the texture) my texture is 128x128, if that is the problem is there any way I can set it to accept images of that size

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[01:27:12] [Client thread/ERROR] [FML]: Model definition for location harrypottercraft:item.harryPotterWand#inventory not found

[01:27:17] [Client thread/ERROR] [FML]: Model definition for location harrypottercraft:item.harryPotterWand#inventory not found


this shows up in my console when I run the game

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[01:27:12] [Client thread/ERROR] [FML]: Model definition for location harrypottercraft:item.harryPotterWand#inventory not found

[01:27:17] [Client thread/ERROR] [FML]: Model definition for location harrypottercraft:item.harryPotterWand#inventory not found


this shows up in my console when I run the game

Is your file called harryPotterWand.json with a little h?  Because that is what your code is looking for...


You might find this link helpful





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Yup, when I made the post it was not but I renamed my .json and my picture to harryPotterWand because I figured that was the case and I figured it would be easier to find the problem if everything was consistent.... however that didn't change the fact the texture is still a purple and black block. I did read your mod post a few times looking for the answer and I couldn't find it, I also looked through your files and your MBE block 10 or 11, whichever one you set the texture up in.


In my code I made it so where ever it says HarryPotterWand it is now harryPotterWand, I will re-upload the code if needed but I don't think the problem is with those lines of code

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For some reason harryPotterWand.getUnlocalizedName() in the code GameRegistry.registerItem(harryPotterWand, harryPotterWand.getUnlocalizedName()); was not actually working correctly. I changed the line harryPotterWand.getUnlocalizedName() to "harryPotterWand" and it worked

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