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New Forge files Download page feedback


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The new Forge download page is "pretty". I personally loathe the Windows Metro aesthetic wherever I find it, but that's a matter of personal taste. 


- Unlabeled "mystery meat" icons that you have to mouse-over to figure out where they go are a step backwards in usefulness, IMHO. Is it really that hard to have labels underneath the icons?


- Much more seriously, the adfly clone you are using is bad and will be blocked on my computer. The feedback button to report bad ads does not work, and the first damn ad opened a pop-under window AND tried to auto-download some shady "software updater".  My first impression of 'Adfoc.us" is that they don't care what kind of sleazeware gets shoved at your computer, so screw them. Ain't getting my clicks.


- You've really hidden the direct downloads links; I found them, but could you make them accessible from the fancy menu up top?  I'm not going to be using the spamware links to get Forge, thanks. I don't recommend anyone else do, either, because that ad vendor is deceptive and untrustworthy.

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1) The aesthetics are not up for debate as everyone and their dog has an opinion and nobody agrees

2) If I can figure out a way to make it look nice to have the name under the icon in the promos list then fine this is really the only valid complaint I see. But this is more of a getting used to change and not a big deal

3) Feel free to block it, as always, direct links are provided for those of you who don't want to use it. There shouldn't be any auto-downloaders. If you find them report them either using the tool or to me and they will be removed, this is the same as with adfly. It's just how these sites work.

4) The direct downloads are in the same place they were in the old version, right next to the download link, i've also added a second one labeled "Direct Download" in the hover popup. So it's just as usable and even more visible than it was before.


As for Adfocus being trustworthy, they are working with me unlike adfly and removing bad ads. Which instantly makes them more trustworthy in my opinion. However EVERY service has bad apples that need to be squashed, that's just how ads work. From what I understand, once every 24 hours/ip they are allowed one pop-under/up. If you get more let me know with screenshots and your ip so i can talk to them. Auto-downloads ARE NOT allowed and will be squashed when reported. They should not happen.  I am working with them to see if its possible to be a bit more restrictive on the ads.


Sadly there will be growing pains, but if you dont trust a advertiser I have no problem with you using adblock. But you have to think of it this way, Forge is free, however it is my sole job. Adfocus pays a SIGNIFICANT better then Adfly, and works with me to remove bad ads. There are a PLETHORA of ways to not view ads be it browser addons, or just clicking the direct downloads. So, don't fear change there are reasons for it.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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Sadly there will be growing pains, but if you dont trust a advertiser I have no problem with you using adblock. But you have to think of it this way, Forge is free, however it is my sole job. Adfocus pays a SIGNIFICANT better then Adfly, and works with me to remove bad ads. There are a PLETHORA of ways to not view ads be it browser addons, or just clicking the direct downloads. So, don't fear change there are reasons for it.


I am aware of that,which is why I was Willing to try the Ad link. But when the very first ad is shady as all get out, sneaks a pop-under, *AND* the "report ad" button did nothing when clicked on, I lose trust. If that's your "report ad" button, it did not work with Firefox with NoScript running, but minecraftforge.net and adfoc.us scripts allowed. (At the time).


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Considering it uses JS to popup the report form yes the report ad button will not work without js.

And from what i'm told the pop-up/under is limited to 1/ip/day across the entire domain.

We're also working on removing it as a optional thing {drops 25% revenue but may be worth it}

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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