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Arrow Rendering


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Hi all, i have a problem with rendering a custom arrow entity. If i shoot it 6 block or near the block i aim, the arrow is rendered in the wrong position. In the spoiler i put two image to explain myself better.




more than 6 block:



less than 6 block:





EntityArrow Class: http://pastebin.com/wNX8imZy

RenderEntityArrow Class: http://pastebin.com/Sp0yL7qF


i registered the entity with:

EntityRegistry.registerGlobalEntityID(EntityExplosiveArrow.class, "explosiveArrow", EntityRegistry.findGlobalUniqueEntityId());
EntityRegistry.registerModEntity(EntityExplosiveArrow.class, "explosiveArrow", 1, Yesodmod.instance, 100, 50, true);

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Try add these code at the begin of your onUpdate() method. That means, Do not move your arrow entity at the first tick it spawns.

	if(this.ticksExisted == 1) {
		if(!worldObj.isRemote) {
			this.throwerLastX = thrower.posX;
			this.throwerLastY = thrower.posY;
			this.throwerLastZ = thrower.posZ;

Author of Tao Land Mod.

width=200 height=69http://taoland.herbix.me/images/1/14/TaoLandLogo.png[/img]

Also, author of RenderTo


I'm not an English native speaker. I just try my best.

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Try add these code at the begin of your onUpdate() method. That means, Do not move your arrow entity at the first tick it spawns.

	if(this.ticksExisted == 1) {
		if(!worldObj.isRemote) {
			this.throwerLastX = thrower.posX;
			this.throwerLastY = thrower.posY;
			this.throwerLastZ = thrower.posZ;


This actually work, ty. Just a question: why without it the arrow was rendered in the wrong position?

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This actually work, ty. Just a question: why without it the arrow was rendered in the wrong position?


I don't know whether it's a bug or intentional. I used to meet this problem, and read the codes, trying to find out why this happens. Finally I found it. In a words, an entity except EntityArrow doesn't transfer its moving information to client in its first tick. So if it moves, entity in client is always behind that in server, which causes a wrong position.

Author of Tao Land Mod.

width=200 height=69http://taoland.herbix.me/images/1/14/TaoLandLogo.png[/img]

Also, author of RenderTo


I'm not an English native speaker. I just try my best.

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