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Hello, i need to get EntityPlayer representation of player in the world. To do it i am using this line of code

EntityPlayer player = Minecraft.getMinecraft().theWorld.getPlayerEntityByName(playerName);

It works fine but only for players who already loaded in client world, if player far from client it will return null. Why do i need it? I am currently making party mod for and i need to sync players from party on server and client. Here is this part of code

I am currently making party mod for and i need to sync players from party on server and client


That doesn't explain why you need an EntityPlayer reference at all.

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Exception: If you do not understand Java, I WILL NOT HELP YOU and your thread will get locked.


DO NOT PM ME WITH PROBLEMS. No help will be given.


I need to get player with the specified name. If you look at the code, to which I have reference, you will see that i am storing all parties and players in it on the server side. If something changes in party (for example new player joined) i am sending SyncPartyPacket to all players in party, in which i am sending only player names. After receiving packet by client it must search for player with the given name in it's client world and form new client party. But if player doesn't loaded it doesn't exists in client party, so client cannot deserialize party successfuly.


Client only has objects of loaded entities. End of story. Only way to achieve this would be to hack EntityTracker (server stuff that handles sending data about entites to given client) to add Entites that should not be loaded by given client. I do not recommend it as when I personally tried to do so - it is breaking almost everything - you have to add, handle and remove manually and make sure vanilla won't suddenly remove it for you. My experience with it says simple "NO".


What can be done (a trick) is to create client sided (@SideOnly(Side.CLIENT)) HashMap that would contain custom virtual storage.

e.g: "FakePlayerData.class" that would have double x/y/z and any other values.

That map you can hold either only for your client (inside client proxy) or inside IExtendedEntityProperties - recommended if you also want to know about paries that you personally don't belong to (so HashMap per-player).

Syncing would be totally up to you.


Notes about @SideOnly - when using it on fields, the filed CANNOT be initialized in class, it has to be pure:

double lastKnownPosX;

And updated only later.

Why? JVM will try to init it on server or whatever - you can't do that.

1.7.10 is no longer supported by forge, you are on your own.

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