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[1.8] Reverse engineering a mob


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Hello folks,


I hope this is in the right section, if not feel free to firebomb this post.


I've been getting my feet wet with minecraft modding over the past month.  I have a firm grasp on a lot of the concepts thanks to the boat loads of documentation here on the forums and elsewhere on the internets but  hit a large roadblock, living entities.  I see tutorials for 1.7 mobs but nothing for 1.8 despite an hour or two of searching.  Now I wouldn't dream of asking anyone for a tutorial, it's a waste of your time and I prefer to take things apart.  I was wondering if anyone had any source code for initializing, registering, and rendering a mob whether it be a simple reskin of a pre-existing mob or something more complicated, I learn best from reverse engineering code anyways.  I know this is a pretty personal request for a public forum so I understand if it breaks etiquette.


Thanks a bunch!

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I have 1.7 living entity tutorial here: http://jabelarminecraft.blogspot.com/p/creating-custom-entities.html


I'm working on creating the 1.8 version, but as mentioned above the entities haven't changed much.


The steps required are listed in the tutorial, and I think mostly you can copy the 1.7 code and then just do standard update process -- your IDE will flag those methods that have changed and then you can compare the 1.7 and 1.8 source to see what the equivalent is now likely to be.


I've also created a tutorial listing a number of things I've encountered while updating my 1.7 mods to 1.8: http://jabelarminecraft.blogspot.com/p/minecraft-forge-converting-your-mod.html


Lastly, if you get stuck figuring out the update you can post the specific question here and we can help.

Check out my tutorials here: http://jabelarminecraft.blogspot.com/

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