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How can I use an IBlockState and World.setBlockState to set a block to my custom block? Using Block.getDefaultBlockState doesn't work.

The proud(ish) developer of Ancients


all you have to do is put your model(json file if you dont have it as json use mr.crayfish model maker http://mrcrayfish.com/demo/modelcreator/) in models folder. then make sure the corespawning blockstate variables match up with the models. this should do the trick but having multiple models can be tricky though.


*if just one rendering*{this is should be the blockstate}

    "variants": {
        "normal": {"model": "modid:blockmodel"}

*for more than one rendering

    "variants": {
       "on=true": {"model": "modid:blockmodel"},
       "on=flase": {"model": "modid:blockmodel2"}

Creator Of KieraCraft


Currently, I'm making an IWorldGenerator that will spawn a structure. I need some way to set the blocks to my block. I thought maybe using World.setBlockState would help but it might not do what I think it does. Can I use setBlockState to set the blocks or do I use another method?

The proud(ish) developer of Ancients


BlockPos position = new BlockPos(x, y, z);

world.setBlockState(position, ClassThatCreatesInstanceOfBlock.yourBlock.getDefaultState());


there is an optional 3rd parameter called flags, but I didn't look into it enough to see what it did.

- Just because things are the way they are doesn't mean they can't be the way you want them to be. Unless they're aspen trees. You can tell they're aspens 'cause the way they are.


@AnZaNaMa that's almost exactly what I did, though it didn't set the block to what I wanted:

BlockPos block = new BlockPos(x,0,z);

block = world.getTopSolidOrLiquidBlock(block);

System.out.println("Top Block is:"+block.getY());

IBlockState state = Ancients.invincible.getDefaultState();

world.setBlockState(block, state);


'Ancients.invincible' being my block.


FYI:This code was meant to be used in an IWorldGenerator(Which is why I'm getting the top block)

The proud(ish) developer of Ancients


I found something odd, the blocks are being spawned, just not in the right place. For whatever reason they spawn in the same few chunks. I have no idea why, here's my spawning code:

int x = (chunkX*16)+RNG.nextInt(14);
int z = (chunkX*16)+RNG.nextInt(14);

System.out.println("Spawning at:"+ x+":"+z);

BlockPos block = new BlockPos(x,0,z);

block = world.getTopSolidOrLiquidBlock(block);

System.out.println("Top Block is:"+block.getY());

IBlockState state = Ancients.invincible.getDefaultState();


world.setBlockState(block, state);


EDIT:It appears that my blocks are spawning in a diagonal, from what I assume is chunk '0,0'. I have never seen this happen before with my genning code (I used it in 1.7.2 and it worked fine).

The proud(ish) developer of Ancients


Wow I didn't even realize that I put chunkX twice...I don't have my computer here right now but I will change that later, thanks.

The proud(ish) developer of Ancients

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