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[Resolved] Problem with OpenGL rendering


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I'm trying to render an item/block in game. However, the textures look to me like they are all in shades of grey. The textures are visible, barely, but the colors aren't there. It's just all grey. I've toyed around with the OpenGL functions, but quite frankly I'm crap at it and don't really know what's going on. Could use some help.


Here is my code:

public void renderTileEntityAt(TileEntity te, double x, double y,
									 double z, float partialTick) 
	if(te == null || !(te instanceof TileEntityProjectBench))
	TileEntityProjectBench tpb = (TileEntityProjectBench)te;
	renderBlocks = new RenderBlocks(te.worldObj);
													 (int)x, (int)y, (int)z);
	renderBlocks.useInventoryTint = false;
	ItemStack craftingResult = tpb.findRecipe();
	if(craftingResult != null)
		glTranslatef((float)x, (float)y, (float)z);
		glTranslatef(0.5F, 1.2F, 0.5F);
		glScalef(0.3F, 0.3F, 0.3F);
            GL11.glColor4f(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
            GL11.glColor4f(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
            this.renderBlocks.renderBlockAsItem(Block.blocksList[craftingResult.itemID], craftingResult.getItemDamage(), 1.0F);


Picture of problem:



*Edit, sorry code isn't formatting correctly

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I had this problem with textures in my GUI, but dunno if you can apply this, too. I used this before rendering:



Put that before:

this.renderBlocks.renderBlockAsItem(Block.blocksList[craftingResult.itemID], craftingResult.getItemDamage(), 1.0F);


Then after that:



If that doesn't work, swap these methods around and test it then.

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mah twitter

This thread makes me sad because people just post copy-paste-ready code when it's obvious that the OP has little to no programming experience. This is not how learning works.

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I had this problem with textures in my GUI, but dunno if you can apply this, too. I used this before rendering:



Put that before:

this.renderBlocks.renderBlockAsItem(Block.blocksList[craftingResult.itemID], craftingResult.getItemDamage(), 1.0F);


Then after that:



If that doesn't work, swap these methods around and test it then.

Thanks for the suggestion, but it didn't do anything. It's weird, it's like OpenGL isn't responding to any of the functions I throw in for lighting. I don't get it.

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Okay, then try this code:

int var5 = entityliving.getBrightnessForRender(f);
int var6 = var5 % 65536;
int var7 = var5 / 65536;
OpenGlHelper.setLightmapTextureCoords(OpenGlHelper.lightmapTexUnit, var6 / 1.0F, var7 / 1.0F);



this.renderBlocks.renderBlockAsItem(Block.blocksList[craftingResult.itemID], craftingResult.getItemDamage(), 1.0F);


and replace this:



with this:

(float)te.worldObj.getBlockLightValue(te.xCoord, te.yCoord, te.zCoord) / 15F

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mah twitter

This thread makes me sad because people just post copy-paste-ready code when it's obvious that the OP has little to no programming experience. This is not how learning works.

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int var5 = (int) (tpb.worldObj.getBlockLightValue(tpb.xCoord, tpb.yCoord, tpb.zCoord) / 15F);

        int var6 = var5 % 65536;

        int var7 = var5 / 65536;

        OpenGlHelper.setLightmapTextureCoords(OpenGlHelper.lightmapTexUnit, var6 / 1.0F, var7 / 1.0F);


This is the closest I could come. Didn't change a thing.


Here's the code on https://github.com/bau5/ProjectBench/blob/master/bau5/mods/projectbench/client/TEProjectBenchRenderer.java

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int var5 = (int) (tpb.worldObj.getBlockLightValue(tpb.xCoord, tpb.yCoord, tpb.zCoord) / 15F);

        int var6 = var5 % 65536;

        int var7 = var5 / 65536;

        OpenGlHelper.setLightmapTextureCoords(OpenGlHelper.lightmapTexUnit, var6 / 1.0F, var7 / 1.0F);


This is the closest I could come. Didn't change a thing.


Here's the code on https://github.com/bau5/ProjectBench/blob/master/bau5/mods/projectbench/client/TEProjectBenchRenderer.java


use this:

int var5 = (int) (tpb.worldObj.getBlockLightValue(tpb.xCoord, tpb.yCoord, tpb.zCoord) / 15F * 240F);


instead of this:

int var5 = (int) (tpb.worldObj.getBlockLightValue(tpb.xCoord, tpb.yCoord, tpb.zCoord) / 15F);

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mah twitter

This thread makes me sad because people just post copy-paste-ready code when it's obvious that the OP has little to no programming experience. This is not how learning works.

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int var5 = (int) (tpb.worldObj.getBlockLightValue(tpb.xCoord, tpb.yCoord, tpb.zCoord) / 15F);

        int var6 = var5 % 65536;

        int var7 = var5 / 65536;

        OpenGlHelper.setLightmapTextureCoords(OpenGlHelper.lightmapTexUnit, var6 / 1.0F, var7 / 1.0F);


This is the closest I could come. Didn't change a thing.


Here's the code on https://github.com/bau5/ProjectBench/blob/master/bau5/mods/projectbench/client/TEProjectBenchRenderer.java


use this:

int var5 = (int) (tpb.worldObj.getBlockLightValue(tpb.xCoord, tpb.yCoord, tpb.zCoord) / 15F * 240F);


instead of this:

int var5 = (int) (tpb.worldObj.getBlockLightValue(tpb.xCoord, tpb.yCoord, tpb.zCoord) / 15F);


Still no change...So frustrating. Code now looks like this:

glColor4f(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
	glEnable(32826 /*rescale*/);
	glTranslatef(0.5F, 1.2F, 0.5F);
	glScalef(0.3F, 0.3F, 0.3F);
	int var5 = (int) (tpb.worldObj.getBlockLightValue(tpb.xCoord, tpb.yCoord, tpb.zCoord) / 15F * 240F);
	int var6 = var5 % 65536;
	int var7 = var5 / 65536;
	OpenGlHelper.setLightmapTextureCoords(OpenGlHelper.lightmapTexUnit, var6 / 1.0F, var7 / 1.0F);
	renderBlocks.renderBlockAsItem(Block.blocksList[stack.itemID], stack.getItemDamage(), 1.0F);
	glDisable(32826 /* GL_RESCALE_NORMAL_EXT */);
	glColor4f(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);

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Put this line after the OpenGLHelper method:

GL11.glColor4f(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);

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mah twitter

This thread makes me sad because people just post copy-paste-ready code when it's obvious that the OP has little to no programming experience. This is not how learning works.

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I got it....I finally got it. For some reason var6 and var7 were both zero, there must have been something weird going on with the get block light value method.


I debugged the code for the enderman, figured out what were the appropriate values and hardcoded it in.





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But if you hardcoded them in, then they'll glow in the dark ;)


EDIT: I forgot something in my code:

int var5 = (int) (((float)tpb.worldObj.getBlockLightValue(tpb.xCoord, tpb.yCoord, tpb.zCoord)) / 15F * 240F);


I forgot to parse the getBlockLightValue method to float, which causes calculation errors: (int)9 / 15F = 0 (and not 0.6F). Try this before you hardcode anything in.

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mah twitter

This thread makes me sad because people just post copy-paste-ready code when it's obvious that the OP has little to no programming experience. This is not how learning works.

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