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Yes its posible, but don't use techne for it. In the modelClass(generated by techne), you can add a cubeModel, which is nothing more than 6 2d rectangles rendered with opengl methods. a simple way to solve your problem is to scale down the cubes you want to be smaller (GL11.gl_scale(), or something like that)


(I dont have acces to my IDE right now, so the names might be a bit different, but should be something in this direction)



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But I've seen several people on Techne Online somehow make the blocks smaller, is it possible to do the same in Techne?

Main Developer and Owner of Zero Quest

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As far as I know its not possible. There is an GIscale parameter in techne, but thats just scaling the whole model. An second option people might have used is bigger sized modelPart (3x3) centerered above a litle smaller modelPart(2x2) which might give the same effect, but doesnt contain any half blocks or scaled down blocks.


The dimensions of a cubeModel is detemined by Integers, so there cant be any half blocks actualy. So your only options are as described above and scaling a specific modelPart (cant be done in techne unfortunatly)


Edit: could you post a link of an example? Since Im curious how they did that, if they managed to do it of course :D.



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Oops! I forgot to ask one question. I'm planning on uploading a very large model into Minecraft (its similar to the Zinogre from MH4) and I'm wondering if there's a way to 'merge' some of the small sparks (like the spikes and claws) into a group in the coding

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Explain merging?


Model is a ton of coordinates of boxes or different shapes - you can do whatever you want with them, question is - what and why?

1.7.10 is no longer supported by forge, you are on your own.


Like in the enderdragon model, it has something like this in it's model class


        this.setTextureOffset("head.upperlip", 176, 44);
        this.setTextureOffset("jaw.jaw", 176, 65);
        this.setTextureOffset("frontleg.main", 112, 104);
        this.setTextureOffset("wingtip.bone", 112, 136);
        this.setTextureOffset("frontfoot.main", 144, 104);
        this.setTextureOffset("neck.box", 192, 104);
        this.setTextureOffset("frontlegtip.main", 226, 138);
        this.setTextureOffset("body.scale", 220, 53);
        this.setTextureOffset("head.scale", 0, 0);
        this.setTextureOffset("neck.scale", 48, 0);
        this.setTextureOffset("head.nostril", 112, 0);
        float f1 = -16.0F;
        this.head = new ModelRenderer(this, "head");
        this.head.addBox("upperlip", -6.0F, -1.0F, -8.0F + f1, 12, 5, 16);
        this.head.addBox("upperhead", -8.0F, -8.0F, 6.0F + f1, 16, 16, 16);
        this.head.mirror = true;
        this.head.addBox("scale", -5.0F, -12.0F, 12.0F + f1, 2, 4, 6);
        this.head.addBox("nostril", -5.0F, -3.0F, -6.0F + f1, 2, 2, 4);
        this.head.mirror = false;
        this.head.addBox("scale", 3.0F, -12.0F, 12.0F + f1, 2, 4, 6);
        this.head.addBox("nostril", 3.0F, -3.0F, -6.0F + f1, 2, 2, 4);

Main Developer and Owner of Zero Quest

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Also, I'm trying to scale my textures to be smaller so I can HD texture my custom model. Is that possible?

Main Developer and Owner of Zero Quest

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Yep thats possible. Just use the same method I mentioned before and add it to the render code inside your custom EntityRender.Class.


And about grouping, in techne there is an option to put modelParts inside a map. It will automaticly group the modelPart in the generated code. Keep in mind thoug, that it wont result in less Lines of code. It will only be a bit more readable.



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create a 'Piece' :D. There are 3(actualy 4) objects that are currently supported by minecraft (since there is an other types of model you can create with Techne)

first the 'Cube' (obviously) and the 'TMT-Cube' which is kind of the same except you can rotate it. than there is the folder(which doesn't do anything activly in the generated javaCodes). And last but not least the 'Piece'.


Now I know its a bit glitchy, but when you select/add the Piece, notice that you can't set any dimension. thats because its nothing but a 'folder' for the modelParts. To actualy add a modelPart to this Piece you have to select the Piece and than hit the createNewCube button. The second option is by 'dragging' modelParts in the folder, though I found out that sometimes the changes doesn't get saved (only by adding afterwards!, creating on first instance is oke)



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Oh, how do I acutally do the pieces? do I put two modelPart in the same or make one piece, add one block and make another piece inside that piece and make a block in that piece? (Piece1: Block1, Piece2: Block2)

Main Developer and Owner of Zero Quest

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you don't have to create a single Piece for every ModelPart. the Piece is like a folder, so multiple ModelParts go in one Piece.

Note that all these parts will share the offset and rotation set by the the Piece itself. all the rotations and offsets you set in a modelPart are relative to the Piece's offset and rotation.

So if you're adding existing ModelParts to a Piece, its recommended to set all the values of the Piece at 0.



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Oh, so all you do is just move the positions of the modelPart, not the pieces itself?

Main Developer and Owner of Zero Quest

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I hope I didnt confuse you, by ModelPart I mean the Cube, and with the Piece I mean the object in techne which is called Piece.

since you created your model without the Piece object, you should be fine with the dimensions etc. if you keep the Piece's values on default. Thats all I wanted to point out :D.


Again sorry if I confused you



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And I just noticed a bug, I add multiple parts in the piece, one piece got registered but the other pieces don't get grouped in the same piece

Main Developer and Owner of Zero Quest

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Question, is there a limit to what Minecraft can handle? Like, the model I'm making is almost exactly like Zinogre from Monster Hunter.. which will have it alot of blocks in the model to make it look realistic

Main Developer and Owner of Zero Quest

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"limit" is rather something the GPU will decide about.

As to your model - consider creating REAL model in Blender and export it to B3D.

MUCH less z-fighting in boxes and much more possibilities, also - better looks.


No, there is no logical 'limit' to number of boxes, I've personally seen models that I'd consider to be made by madman.

1.7.10 is no longer supported by forge, you are on your own.

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