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[SOLVED] [1.7.10] MC init crash help


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anyone know why when i load Minecraft in my development enviroment with my mods it crashes at "Completeing Minecraft Init"

any help would be much appreciated




War-Utility | https://github.com/WARDOGSK93/War-Utility

war-Craft  | https://github.com/WARDOGSK93/War-Craft


log file | https://gist.github.com/WARDOGSK93/86a2dd7bff512ffb028e


*EDIT* i know its my mods cause if i remove them from my dev enviroment MC launches perfectly fine

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So it doesn't actually crash with an error, it just freezes up?


What happens if you pause it in your debugger?  What is the code doing?



do you mean using breakpoints cause i have never used them and dont know how to use them i have just seen them being used sorry


*EDIT* sorry for the late reply

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So it doesn't actually crash with an error, it just freezes up?


What happens if you pause it in your debugger?  What is the code doing?




nevermind i fixed my error it was apparently a continue state being to fast or something, i just removed it and now minecraft loads perfectly fine


this is where my error was


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Just to point out - in your ticking classes there is so much pointless stuff. Please consider using real, forge-provided ticking events. You only waste resources doing it your way.


public void onPlayerTick(TickEvent.PlayerTickEvent event)
// do stuff for every player.

1.7.10 is no longer supported by forge, you are on your own.

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Just to point out - in your ticking classes there is so much pointless stuff. Please consider using real, forge-provided ticking events. You only waste resources doing it your way.


public void onPlayerTick(TickEvent.PlayerTickEvent event)
// do stuff for every player.


yeah im gonna change that now, might have just been whar i was coding before my mc mod but it felt right at the time

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