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This is like really simple math, but it's still bothering me (and I need some sleep).


Is it just me or setting items max durability to X given you X+1 uses?

I mean - looking at sword - for iron it has 250 "uses" written in material enum.


Items start with 0. Each hit gives +1 till it reaches 250. Items DON'T break at >= but on >, so basically after 250 uses there is still one to go.

On in-game display 0 is 250/250, while 250 is 0/250.


Now - I am not dumb, but the logic here seems awfully annoying. It's like someone couldn't decide if to go with > and +1 or >= and just wrote something.

maxUses = 250 is actually 251.


Should this be considered as bug (bad design?)?



1.7.10 is no longer supported by forge, you are on your own.


This is correct. When you use a mod that shows the durability of a weapon, you will see that there is a '0' use. It's always been this way.


If you want a tool to have 9000 uses, give it 8999 uses.


Me: Let's give my item 100 uses with nice 100/100 (percentage-like display). What do you say Vanilla?

Vanilla: Ye, sure bro, why not!




This is the kind of shit I have to go through. Why?! xD

1.7.10 is no longer supported by forge, you are on your own.

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