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[1.8] Identify which mob a player is looking at


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If you only want to display some information (i.e. client side), the easiest way is to use Minecraft.getMinecraft().objectMouseOver, then check if the entityHit is not null and there you go.


Server side is a bit more complicated - ray trace only works for blocks, so you have to do some math using the player's look vector; you can pretty much copy the code from EntityRenderer#getMouseOver.

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I'm doing this for what basically amounts to a helmet of anti-zombie laser vision, so I need to be able to do it from the armor tick method. Any suggestions?

If you only want to display some information (i.e. client side), the easiest way is to use Minecraft.getMinecraft().objectMouseOver, then check if the entityHit is not null and there you go.


Server side is a bit more complicated - ray trace only works for blocks, so you have to do some math using the player's look vector; you can pretty much copy the code from EntityRenderer#getMouseOver.

Are those ^^^ not suggestions?

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Here's the portion of the code in question as it currently stands (this is located inside a helmet's onArmorTick method):


MovingObjectPosition loc=Minecraft.getMinecraft().objectMouseOver;
Entity b=loc==null?null:loc.entityHit;
if(b==null||!(b instanceof EntityLivingBase))return;
EntityLivingBase c=(EntityLivingBase)b;
}catch(Exception e){

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