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[Solved] Registering a slab


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Hi, I cant register a slab, I have a problem with the registerBlock() method, I got a NoSuchMethodException

I know the arguments classes have to matches, it doesn't works anyway.


The slab block class :


class BlockStoneSlab extends BlockSlab {
public void register() {
	if (isDouble())
		GameRegistry.registerBlock(this, itemClass, name, getOther(this), this);
		GameRegistry.registerBlock(this, itemClass, name, this, getOther(this));


getOther() return the half slab if the instance is the double and vice versa


The itemclass :


final class ItemSlab extends ItemSlab {
	public ItemSlab(Block block, BrickSlabHalf half, BrickSlabDouble full) {
			super(block, half, full);


The error :


Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: BrickSlab$ItemClass.<init>(Block, BrickSlabHalf, BrickSlabDouble)

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