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Anytime I try to use one of my blocks as the icon for a custom creative tab, minecraft will crash when I open the creative inventory.


I suspect this has to do with order.  I need to have the new creative tab exists before i generate my blocks so I can specify it, but ....  then the block isn't registered by then so it probably puts in a null.


Anyone found a way around this?

Long time Bukkit & Forge Programmer

Happy to try and help


Your CreativeTabs class has to override getTabIconItem anyways. In there just return the Item...


Honestly I forget, don't you have to return the block's default state as well if your item is a block? Or make a new item stack with a block


I didn't want to say this till I got home and looked, but I had already done what diesinben07 told me.



The error for anyone that might run into this, this was the error.


Referring the item as instance.Block_Manager.creespsidion crashes


Referring the item as Block_Manager.creespsidion works fine.

Long time Bukkit & Forge Programmer

Happy to try and help

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