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I'm having some issues with IntelliJ 14.1.4 and Forge 1.7.10- When I run minecraft via IntelliJ it takes 3 - 5 minutes to load, I've even tried doing a completely fresh instance of forge with the default build script and no mod code so only FML, MCP and Forge load but still have the same result. Any help would be greatly appreciated also let me know if I missed any information since it's my first time posting here.


I don't think it would be my specs since they are pretty decent and untouched forge of the same version through the vanilla mc launcher only takes around 15 seconds to fully load


CPU: Intell i5-2500 @ 3.3GHz

Memory: 16Gb



I have also set the run folder to be excluded in IntelliJ and it doesn't seem to make a difference. If it's any extra help it seems to freeze up on these lines:

[FML]: The binary patch set is missing. Either you are in a development environment, or things are not going to work!

[FML]: FML appears to be missing any signature data. This is not a good thing

and anything to do with the sound handler


I had the exact same problem. (with eclipse)


what I was doing is refering to an external project which didnt contain an Class with the @Mod annotation. In this project I was doing some rendering (I experianced this twice, both after adding the rendering codes). I was realy strugling in what I did wrong in my codes, and I noticed that when I pause the runtime (debug mode), it had only one active/unpaused/not waiting Thread which was simply loading in Vanilla Classes! So my first thought was that the forge Classloader has some kind of a bug. Though after some research, and backwards engeneering I found out that this would likly not be the case. So at last I tried to add the @Mod annotation in a last attempt, and that solved all the problems!!?!


A few days later I was discussing this wierd behavior with another programmer, and we both thought that this had to be some kind of bug. But when I tried to replicate it (e.g. remove the @Mod annotation) it was still working! So I (we) have no clue what have happend, or what might have caused this.



- N2ConfigAPI

- Meachanical Crafting Table



- CollectionUtils



- InGameConfigManager


The thing that I find the most odd is that in my fresh instance I don't even have any of my own code being loaded in so I could only assume it's something with IntelliJ or Forge. I was using Eclipse before moving over and didn't really have these issues so perhaps I some how managed to do something wrong within IntelliJ?


Hmm assuming I'm doing this properly it appears to be sitting on a method called "canonicalize0" in the WinTNFileSystem class when ever I pause the program and go to the execution point. All this method contains is "throws IOException"


Any ideas on why my hard drive would be having issues with this when I don't have issues in anything else not even heavily modded minecraft. Could it be because all my development folders are directly off my C drive root where as most other things are under Users?


Hmm, yea this looks like the first steps I saw when pausing the program. Mc eventually gets to the main menu and other stacktraces might be vissible, though its very laggy, and not playable at all.


Unfortunatly I cant help you any further with this besides confirming that this is the same problem I was experiancing. And that in my opinion this still might be caused by a faulty classLoading system. Although I havent found any flaws myself when reverse engeneering the ClassLoading system



- N2ConfigAPI

- Meachanical Crafting Table



- CollectionUtils



- InGameConfigManager


Once the game finally loads it's perfectly playable and I can use the rebuild function to test new things without restarting it's just the launch time that is slow also just in case, here is the same thing after the game loads to menu.




It appears that the issue has been resolved. I did a few things so I'm not sure what one fixed it but I uninstalled all java versions since I had a jdk and jre for java 1.7 and 1.8 and just installed the most recent 1.8 jdk, I added my development directory to my anti virus' whitelist and rebooted my PC. Hopefully if anyone else has this issue it will help.

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