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[1.8] Register Mod Entity vs Register Entity


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This is a general question to see if anyone has had this experience before I do some more digging tonight.


I'm almost done converting to 1.7.2 to 1.8.  One of the things I did with my entities was move over to registering them as mod entities.  I've noticed a few oddities.

- The entities seem to pause a lot in movement while moving to attack

- The entities don't face the direction they should be moving all that well

- When multiple of a custom entity are in the world, they seem to show up (render) when different distances away.  For example if two raptors are next to each other, I can see one from 40 blocks away, but the other doesn't show up until I'm 8 blocks away.


Tonight, I'm going to create two versions of the same entity and register one fully and the other as a modentity and see if I can notice any difference.    I'll also post code then if I don't see any differences (don't have access to the code from work). 


I'm 99.9% sure I've got it all setup right.  Compared with various tutorials, examples, and previous work.  All I really changed was swapping them over to modEntities from minecraft entity register.    Also, this happens with very customized entities and ones where I just extended a vanilla for a different skin or something trivial (creeper for example).



Anyone noticed this as a general issue?  That is what I'm really looking for.  If not, it must be something I messed up.  Just don't want to dig further without checking.

Long time Bukkit & Forge Programmer

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That is odd. registerModEntity() should be the correct method to use. Maybe you have the tracking parameters not set up properly (there is tracking speed and tracking distance I think as parameters)? I use something like this successfully:


            EntityRegistry.registerModEntity(parEntityClass, parEntityName, ++modEntityID, MyModClass.instance, 80, 3, false);




Check out my tutorials here: http://jabelarminecraft.blogspot.com/

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I'm headed home here in just a bit and I'll look and confirm.  Maybe I have the two values flipped? 


That would explain the pauses, but not the different rendering distance for the same mob.

Long time Bukkit & Forge Programmer

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Here is what i'm using.  Should be fine.  I'll try your variation just to make sure.


EntityRegistry.registerModEntity(entityClass, name, entityID, mod, view_distance, 1, true);



EDIT : Tried it, no difference.  As I look closely now though, it seems like vanilla mobs are doing the same stutter.  The server and client ticks are not backing up, watching to make sure.


I'm at a loss as to why this is happening.

Long time Bukkit & Forge Programmer

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As I'm watching the timing of the ticks, I think I would see it.  I've got an advanced lag script setup to report on request any issues and it doesn't see anything.


That being said, I can't be sure.  I'll run with different mods off and see if anything changes.

Long time Bukkit & Forge Programmer

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Tested it with all mods off except for a simple command one (no tick events or code other than commands running).  There was no difference. 


The pause in entity movement seems to be fairly regular.  It looks like it is happening between 1 and 2 seconds.


Running it on 'Forge 1.8-' if that makes a difference to anyone.


EDIT : One other observation that may be totally unrelated.  My entities seem to sink down into the ground slightly at start and then after agro'n it never happens again.  when they first spawn, it is fine.  they sink after a few seconds.

Long time Bukkit & Forge Programmer

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Did you actually try using '3' instead of '1' for the update frequency? No vanilla mobs use 1, and you shouldn't either. It can actually have very real effects on how your mobs operate, for example I tried making a custom arrow class that extended EntityArrow and used 10 (like throwables) instead of 20 (like arrows) and it had problems correctly impacting blocks and entities, often bouncing off. Using the same value as vanilla arrows fixed it.


You should also update your Forge version to at least the latest recommended version, though I don't think that has anything to do with your issue.


Falling into the ground is a vanilla issue, but it shouldn't happen as frequently as you seem to be experiencing.

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That is the latest recommended version, according to the download page.


Going to try 3 now and see what that does. 



EDIT : No difference.  I had tried it early, but wanted to confirm to make sure.  It is the same. 


The fact that the vanilla entities are doing it to and that when i got rid of all the mods with custom entities, and it was still happening makes me think it is something else. 


I don't know what though.  I was basically running forge in the dev environment at that point with a couple of commands to put me in and out of creative mode.


Long time Bukkit & Forge Programmer

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According to what download page? Latest recommended version has been for quite some time now.


As for your issue, if your mobs are doing something (buggy) that vanilla mobs are also doing, then the problem is very likely something in vanilla code that you won't be able to fix; if they are doing something that vanilla mobs are NOT doing, then it is very likely a problem in YOUR code.


I haven't noticed any of my nor vanilla mobs acting the way you describe in 1.8, aside from occasionally falling into the ground, but even that is pretty rare.

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files.minecraftforge.net/minecraftforge/      Just search normally for Minecraft Forge Download.


My work computer blocks the address so can't got directly right now and get a screenshot.


But I just looked on my phone and right next to 1-8 Recommended it sasy


Next to 1.8-Latest it says


I don't even see 1450 anywhere. 


EDIT:  Just tried the 'files' choice on this page and it is a different list than the other method.  It has your info.  Is that the modder version and the other is the general user?



As you reasoned out, I also think it is something not related to my entities now.  Especially when i ran it without any of the mods (basically just forge) and it still did it.


Anything in eclipse or such that could be messed up?  have mine setup like Lex suggested via youtube.


I'm thinking there is another place to get the download for modders instead of the main forge page?  What is the webpage you are using?



Long time Bukkit & Forge Programmer

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I'm thinking there is another place to get the download for modders instead of the main forge page?  What is the webpage you are using?


Yeah, not sure what is up with their download pages, but I use: http://files.minecraftforge.net/


If you use http://files.minecraftforge.net/minecraftforge/ it seems to be out of date.

Check out my tutorials here: http://jabelarminecraft.blogspot.com/

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Upgraded to last night.  No change.  Grrrr..



Going to try running it on a different PC and actually 'building' it and running it on my server for comparison.

Long time Bukkit & Forge Programmer

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It can't be the power of my PC.  If it is, nobody could run minecraft.



Did a search and only found some kid talking about turning off mob spawning to fix movement issues.

Long time Bukkit & Forge Programmer

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Plot Twist.


Once I compiled the mods and ran them outside of the dev environment, zero stutter.  Works perfect.


I set up the dev environment on another pc and it does the same stutter. 


I have no clue what is going on, but since it doesn't impact the final product, I guess I can live with it.

Long time Bukkit & Forge Programmer

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If that's the case, perhaps your computer doesn't have enough juice to handle both the dev environment and running Minecraft at the same time? Or are you using a Mac?


I'm not sure what type of computer Jabelar has, but neither he nor I have this issue. I have a gaming laptop running Windows 7 and my mod entities act the same whether in dev or compiled.

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icore 7, 16gigs ram, duel video cars SLI, Solid state raid 0 main drives, ect ect. Windows 7.


If it is the computer, then there should be a lot of people with issues.


The 2nd computer I tested it on has similar specs but running windows 8.

Long time Bukkit & Forge Programmer

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To rule out coding as the cause, have you tried downloading someone else's mod repository and seeing if it behaves the same?


The only other thing I can think of is maybe your Java version or the JVM arguments are causing trouble.


I run forge on both good and crappy computers (like my 5-year old work laptop) and have never noticed this.

Check out my tutorials here: http://jabelarminecraft.blogspot.com/

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