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[1.8] [SOLVED] Rendering a bounding box


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What is the right way to render a bounding box for a selection of points on screen (with the blocks in the bounding box highlighted in some fashion (like transluscent red) ?


There appear to be some functions way down in the source code for handling bounding boxes and was wondering how to maybe use those to achieve the effect (e.g. area selected by the player is highlighted).....

I don't keep an open mind lest someone try to fill it with garbage - Mark Twain

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I'd suggest

1) Subscribe to the RenderGameOverlayEvent.Pre event

2) Use the Tessellator in GL11.GL_LINE_STRIP to draw the edges of your box


I've posted some similar code from one of my mods which might help you with the key bits, there are a couple of aspects that are hard to figure out from scratch.




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Thanks ! I was on the right track and looking at looking at some nifty code from: Irtimaled:






Got to reading about the tessalotor thing on the minecraft.net page and figured it was the way to go... j


ust couldn't figure where (which event) to fire it (still rudamentary knowledge of all the proper events at this point)....


I don't keep an open mind lest someone try to fill it with garbage - Mark Twain

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