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[1.7.10] All players in game coordinates


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I have a problem, I'm making some modifications on a code a friend sent me and I need to update/change the way he gives a certain items to the players connected on game.


The actual code is like:


			try {
			for (Iterator iterator = new ArrayList(world.playerEntities).iterator(); iterator.hasNext()

				((EntityPlayer) iterator.next()).inventory.addItemStackToInventory(new ItemStack(ItemManager.medal));

		catch (Exception ex) {
			Log.logError("Failed to distribute medal!");



The problem is that, that method will only work, if the player actually has an empty slot on his inventory.


What I want to do is to spawn the item at the player position, but I can't figure out how to get them. I have tried:


double positionX = ((EntityPlayer) iterator.next()).posX;



And also:


EntityPlayer thePlayer = ((EntityPlayer) iterator.next());


But it also crashes.


What am I doing wrong here?

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You don't need to make it so complicated - just use the improved for loop to iterate over the actual list:

for (EntityPlayer player : world.playerEntities) {
  BlockPos pos = new BlockPos(player);
  // or if you want to use coordinates directly:
  double x = player.posX;
  double y = player.posY;
  double z = player.posZ;
  // now spawn in the item entity

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