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[1.8] Custom Potion


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Trying to follow previous tutorials on Potions and I think I have it working, but I can't figure out how to add my potion to a creative tab.


I've got a custom creative tab working and all that, but how do I refer to my custom potion?  \


I tried 'new ItemStack(Items.potionitem, 1, Potion_Manager.waterwalk.getId())'


But that humorously provided "A Bungling Potion".  haha


waterwalk extended Potion per the tutorials.



Long time Bukkit & Forge Programmer

Happy to try and help

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First, potion items don't use potion ids, but strange data values system:

Bits 0-3 (1, 2, 4 and 8) determine the potion effect. The highest legitimately available is currently 14 decimal = 1110 binary.

Bits 0-5 (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32) determine the potion's name.

If bit 5 (32) is true, the potion is a level II potion (or, in some cases, a reverted potion).

If bit 6 (64) is true, the potion is an extended potion (or, in some cases, a reverted potion).

Potions with bits 5 and 6 set to true cannot be brewed.

Bits 13 and 14 (8192 and 16384) determines whether the potion is a drinkable potion or a splash potion. If bit 13 is true, it's drinkable. If 14 is true, it's a splash potion.

Bits 7-12 and 15 are ignored, so many potions with distinct data values will have the same properties.

Also, this gave you "A Bungling Potion", because... http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Potion#Unused_potions

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Thanks, that explains that.


I'm not the best with bit calcs. 


How do I specify my new custom potion for a new Itemstack?

Actually, me neither... But you can take a look at PotionHelper class, it must have a method convert effect in to meta, because it has method to convert it back...


EDIT: Also, you can add effects by wrting those in to compounds in to tag list called CustomPotionEffects in stack's tag compound...

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I just found the NBT thing before your edit.  I got a potion that delivers my effect.  Name is wrong and color is wrong, but I'm sure I could fix that.


All that being said, surely there is a built in way to do it??  Anyone got experience with this?

Long time Bukkit & Forge Programmer

Happy to try and help

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I just found the NBT thing before your edit.  I got a potion that delivers my effect.  Name is wrong and color is wrong, but I'm sure I could fix that.


All that being said, surely there is a built in way to do it??  Anyone got experience with this?

The way to fix the color is to use metadata. That's all...

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