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[Solved] EGit Help


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Ok, does anyone know anything about using EGit? I've looked at the documentation and it's hopelessly outdated. I've looked at third-party tutorials and they also seem hopelessly outdated. It's also the only Eclipse plugin that actually lets you use Git right from Eclipse , and seems to be endorsed by both GitHub and Eclipse. I know that in Intellij it comes sort of standard, but *grumble* Forge endorsing Eclipse *grumble*. So does anyone actually know how to use the updated version with the project structure of a mod project? I figured I'd ask here because I doubt many people on a forum such as Stack Overflow would know how Forge modding works, despite probably knowing EGit. Thanks in advance, although I don't anticipate many replies.

Who are you? Why have you brought me here? And why are there so many PewDiePie fanboys surrounding meeeeeeeee....... *falls into pit and dies*.


Also this. Check it out.

width=700 height=200http://i.imgur.com/J4rrGt6.png[/img]

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Thanks, I guess I'll just use SourceTree in conjunction with Eclipse. I don't really want to have to switch over to Intellij now, although that does have built-in VCS. I know Intellij is the better IDE, and I did try to use it initially, but it turned out I had to alter the build.gradle file just to use my assets, and even when I did that it did not work. So far, SourceTree looks pretty good, and I think I'll just go with that. I'll probably look over the tutorial for a later mod that's not so far into development, but thanks anyway!

Who are you? Why have you brought me here? And why are there so many PewDiePie fanboys surrounding meeeeeeeee....... *falls into pit and dies*.


Also this. Check it out.

width=700 height=200http://i.imgur.com/J4rrGt6.png[/img]

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