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I have a techne block for my TESR with some transparent pixels on the texture, so you can look inside it, kind of like that:


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But when you look inside the block, the textures are not visible anymore, so basically they are rendered on 1 side only

Can i change it so they are still renderd?


I'm assuming from your drawing you just have a box and you left out part of the skin for it to make the hole.


You need to make each wall 3D instead of 2D.  Well, that is misleading.  You could have the wall depth be zero still, but you need to actually have to sides to it.  Instead of making a box with a skin, make 4 separate walls, separate top, separate bottom.  For your wall with the hole in it, you will need 4 parts to the wall to have a whole in the middle of it.



If you want to fix this from the TECHNE side do this instead.




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Hope that makes sense to you.

Long time Bukkit & Forge Programmer

Happy to try and help

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